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I totally understand some people don't like cats , I feel I am a responsible owner in the sense I only let them outside in the morning after they used their tray and I also have a cat litter tray in my garden. I can't say that they don't use other gardens to do their business but do you think it's fair to hose pipe a cat when it's in your garden. He is still small cat only 1, he is very friendly as he was hand reared as a stray had a litter in garden and left them. Funny thing is the cat is still a kitten he likes the hose pipe, (he plays with ours )and I think he goes back for more. I'm planning to knock on the door and talk to the neighbours, just a bit too angry still. I think she has a bird table which is why he likes it in her garden . I don't want to make him a indoor cat ,he's only out from 8 til 4. Any advice gratefully received
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When you say "your garden" do you mean it's still in your garden or its in your neighbours garden? I wouldn't say it's fair if it's in your garden. If it was in mine I'd likely give it a scoosh of water. Especially if it was bothering birds. Seen too many killed. Last one was a beautiful dove. Taken and killed by a cat. I just caught the tail end of the battle.

If someone uses a hose to scare an animal intruder out of their garden (squirrel, fox, stray cat) I think that's pretty fair. I have had cats take fish from my (shallow) pond (when I still had any) and certainly lurk under bird feeders. I don't keep cats of my own and I don't much want to keep other people's either.

Actually, I'm not sure a water spray really works, except immediately (i.e. I don't think it delivers a long-term deterrent). But it's better than anything which is more likely to damage the animal (60 years ago I lived next door to someone who used a catapult charged with ball bearings to rid his garden of cats - I wouldn't recommend that).

You want a garden (yours) with cats in it - other people don't share your predilection. I have lost almost all the small birds I use to have in my garden (I used to have lots) over the last year, which may be linked to the two cats who took up regular residence around my patio then.

And if you think that you may have turned your neighbour's garden into a big cat litter tray - well you have only yourself to blame. We all go on about dog poo on these pages - but people without dogs are spared the poo in their back gardens. Not so people without cats.

I'm a cat lover with 2 of my own, and this sounds fair enough to me as long as it is just a squirt and not one of those water cannon things which can hurt. I still have 2 water pistols that I bought to use on a neighbouring cat who was bullying my old boy when he was alive. In fact it was the owner of that cat who suggested it! My 2 are young and very curious, and can imagine them being a pain to any neighbours who aren't that keen - a discouraging squirt of water would be fine by me.
Thanks for advice , seems like I'm over sensitive, I'm not going to have go at neighbour just talk about it I don't want my cat causing disturbances to any one , maybe it will just have to stay indoors , shame as there are many other cats around . I don't want to be upset no more than I want my neighbour to be .

Sorry, I also think it's fair enough, as long as it's in their garden. And I speak as a cat lover who has one myself. In fact I'm often to be seen charging outside hissing and flapping my arms at the other neighbourhood cats who hang out in our garden bullying my own very timid cat. A squirt of water is harmless and it'll make your cat think twice about going over there, which seems reasonable.

Only if it's in your neighbour's garden, though - I'd take a bit of a dim view about them turning the hose on my cat in my own garden!

Cross-posted with yours, OP. Don't know why you need to keep the cat indoors - there must be plenty of other places he/she could go?

Hi we had a similar problem when ours were first venturing out, with our neighbours not liking cats. Our ssolution for the sake of neighbourly relations was to have our cat flap in the front which we could because of the area outside our front door. Meant the cats naturally didn't go round the back though to be honest I think they lost interest in it anyway after they had had a good sniff! Don't know if that would be an option for you though

I think a squirt is ok is full blast could hurt them though and that seems excessive

This is sad if your neighbour just sprays a bit fair enough but not anymore​ than that cats bury there poo only if a female is around will a Tom not so I doubt your kitty is pooing just have a chat and tell neighbour to shew him off if he sees him nothing more you can do I never understand why it bothers people but that's life

Good luck and do not worry


I have a cat and I think it's ok for your neighbour to use the hose, it does no long term damage to the cat. I have used water myself to deter the cat that was bullying mine. I also use water to deter mine from walking on the work surfaces when she was kitten, I don't even have to spray her anymore the sight of the blue spray bottle when she's thinking of jumping up there/scratching the furniture makes her stop and come to me for strokes ( as if to say I know I was being naughty but I do love you :-))

Be thankful the neighbour is only using water, some people use more excessive and fatal means, my cousin's cat was killed by being poisoned with anti-freeze.

It bothers me as I have cultivated wild birds coming into my garden over the last 2 years. Lots of types of birds...then I see a cat in my garden hiding, stalking around the bird feeders. Too many times I've seen dead birds and the last struggle of a dove at the claws of a cat. Any cats in my garden get chased...

Can you understand now why it bothers some people?

Gaynor Hill Wrote:


> This is sad if your neighbour just sprays a bit

> fair enough but not anymore​ than that cats

> bury there poo only if a female is around will a

> Tom not so I doubt your kitty is pooing just have

> a chat and tell neighbour to shew him off if he

> sees him nothing more you can do I never

> understand why it bothers people but that's life

> Good luck and do not worry

> Gaynor

I have said repeatly I totally understand , I love all birds I also love my cat , nature cruel in some ways , I have asked for advice and taking it all on board , I am being sensitive , have a lot of things going on , so hence asking advice , son going abroad for 3 years with army etc , wish my cat was deterred by water but she loves it , plays with hose when I'm watering my plants , I understand being chased or frightened but a direct hose , soaking cat although she doesn't seems to mind , bothers me , but obviously I'm over sensitive at mo .
Twinhunters my last post wasn't aimed at you, yes I see you understand.It was to try and help Gaynor Hill understand why cats in the garden bother some people. She said in her post she didn't understand it. Weird I know, but I just don't understand some people at times..

uncleglen Wrote:


> Yes life is tough- unnecessary death is

> tougher....

Because apart from cats everything else in nature is just lovely to everything else, isn't it? We know you don't like cats, do you like the rats that would proliferate and predate on the bird population and spread disease if they weren't being kept down by the feline population?

I am interested in how one might differentiate. Is it the hordes? I think partly. So I am against polio viruses, feral pigeons, rats and even mice if they become multitudes. Cats just don't: they expel rivals and control space, rather like humans. Even feral cats when they multiply are contained by foxes. And they play. These are arbitrary virtues, but they are the ones with which many of us have affinity. For this reason, a single domesticated rat is a fine thing (many of my friends had them when I was a child).

My old cat used to use the bathroom window over the bath as her personal entrance. Even if I was in the shower, spraying the head directly out of the window to stop her coming in. She couldn't care less - soaking or no, she ignored the spray and came and went as she pleased.

They can be resilient, bloody minded little so and sos. Don't worry about yours getting a dousing.

There is a difference between spraying and soaking though...

My feline chum is recently often coming home looking like he's been dunked in a bucket of water. As much of a nuisance he can be to the local area I think a drenching is a tad OTT when comparing to a little sprinkle/spray.

I understand about the birds I love all wild life and nature is cruel there is nothing​ nicer than listening to the birds and seeing them on feeders but I would not throw water over anything we are all part of the planet so please do not assume I put one thing above another as some have


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