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What supernatural/seemingly supernatural things have you witnessed ?

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Ok so I'll start by saying I don't believe is ghosts. I have never seen one, never spoken to anyone plausible who has seen one, I am a "sceince knows it all" child and that's that.

Anyhoo. A few weeks ago my boyfriend woke up in the middle of the night. He swears that a small child was in bed between us, and as he woke up, she got out of our bed and walked, with her back to us, across the room. He wasn't frightened, she wasn't malevolent in any way that he could make out, but he swears he wasn't dreaming and she was definitely there.

Last week a friend of mine who is very "in tune" with ghostly type things asked me out of the blue whether there had been any remotely supernatural happenings in the house, because she could really sense a presence there.

Last night I was alone in the house with my kids. I turned all the lights out except my bedside light, read for a while and turned my bedside light off about midnight. About 15 minutes later I went from fast asleep to awake and sitting bolt upright in bed, having heard, very clearly, the light switch outside my bedroom door being flicked on. Sure enough the light on the landing was on. And I know, for an absolutely certain fact, that the light was not on before. Both kids were fast asleep. Not freaked out or scary or anything, but a bit weird.

So there you go. No doubt there's a perfectly good and scientific explanation for all of that.

legalbeagle Wrote:


> About 15 minutes later I

> went from fast asleep to awake and sitting bolt

> upright in bed, having heard, very clearly, the

> light switch outside my bedroom door being flicked

> on. Sure enough the light on the landing was on.

> And I know, for an absolutely certain fact, that

> the light was not on before.

I can't help with the ghost-child, but perhaps with the light, the switch was resting half way on the rocker before you went to bed, and just sprung the rest of the way later on.

One time in a hotel, we woke up in the middle of the night because the hair-dryer in the bathroom had switched itself on. Unlike you, I totally shit myself - thinking that there must be someone in the room - but there wasn't. The most likely explanation would be that it just hadn't been turned off properly.

legalbeagle Wrote:


> No doubt there's a perfectly good and scientific explanation for all of that.

Indeed there is: to collapse the wavefunction of a little ghostino one must sleep with a plausible witness - simples!

legalbeagle Wrote:


> So there you go. No doubt there's a perfectly good

> and scientific explanation for all of that.


You'll probably find that the usual suspects will pick out the bits of your story where they can find some alternative "scientific" explanation, however unlikely, and conveniently ignore the other bits.

Hopefully you won't be subjected to the mocking and name-calling as well.


  • 2 weeks later...

I did creep myself out once,I made myself a cup of tea before attending an interview.

Putting my jacket on I turned round and my tea wasnt there.

I was stunned for the moment,then scanned the place, and worried if I had a problem, I went to make myself another one

and there in the fridge was my cup of tea.

Mystery over.

Went hiking that weekend to clear the cobwebs .

Sue Wrote:


> xxxxxxx


> You'll probably find that the usual suspects will

> pick out the bits of your story where they can

> find some alternative "scientific" explanation,

> however unlikely, and conveniently ignore the

> other bits.


> Hopefully you won't be subjected to the mocking

> and name-calling as well.


> :-S

Well no one has said anything mean so far......though I sort of shouldn't say that cos it's inviting an insult or two for sure! I take completely the suggestion that the light wasn't turned off properly in the first place. But I've spent quite a long time trying to get either of the switches that work that light to repeat the performance, to no avail. No further signs of the wee girl though.........

About 8 years ago (when i was a teen) a friend and I were alone in my house. We were in my bedroom, playing music really loudly and singing along. We were recording ourselves singing on her mobile phone, and listening back to it after every song (we though it was hilarious)

Anyhoo, after about an hour of this, we played back our latest tune and it was completely silent....you could hear a slight crackling where it had obviously recorded, but no music what so ever. We were slighly baffled that it hadn't worked like it had a million times before.

When it got right to the end of the recording, we heard a male voice shout "shut up". It was a scary voice, clearly annoyed at the noise we had been making. The house was detached, on a very quiet road, so it wouldn't have been anyone outside or anything like that.

My friend burst into tears and refused to stay any longer, and left as soon as my mum got home. It was terrifying - it was a really scary, male voice (bearing in my mind dad didn't live with us/no brothers or anything)so no-one playing tricks.

I had other experiences in that house too, waking up in the night and hearing someone walking across my carpet, but not seeing anything. Often felt someone kiss my cheek to. Never since - only ever in that house!

My dad grew up in Africa, and one day went to a derelict church with some school friends (they were only about 9) to do a ouja board. They sat down and began asking if anybody was there etc. Two friends of his (girls) were sitting opposite him. Suddenly, one turned to the other and began screaming at her in a deep, male voice. The other girl was crying, saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry". The male voice was shouting that it was all her fault, that there were too many children to look after. Dad said it was clearly a husband and wife arguing. They absolutely freaked out and never spoke about it again. I think the girls were left rather traumatised by it...

My mum grew up on a large, old farm in Essex, and would often wake up in the middle of the night, and see an old lady sitting in the rocking chair in her room. She had a big old bedroom, and would hear it creaking as she ducked under the covers in terror. When she built up the courage to mention it to her dad (she was only about 5) he just said "Don't worry, she wont hurt you - that's just the ghost of Canterbury's, (the name of the farm) she was here long before us". After that it was almost normal for her to see this old woman around the old house.

One thing I would never touch is a ouija board - the thought of it just terrifies me. My mum always made me promise to never do one - I got the impression she'd done one and not had a good experience, but she never told us anything about it. Probably didn't want to scare us!

Great thread by the way, keep 'em coming people (tu)

My dad (who was also a fireman) came home with a ouiji board that he found after a fire, the box browned and charred. One evening my big sister, her friend and I played on it whilst both parents were out. We 'contacted' an old lady who said she had died in an armchair in the room we were sitting in. We were all blaming each other for moving the cup, but we all swore we hadn't. Then at that moment we heard a loud knocking sound going all the way along the wall between the room and our kitchen. We were all petrified because the only other person in the house was my little sister asleep upstairs. The ouiji board was never played with again!

I've had two experiences,one mostly funny and one which I am trying not to think too much about as it freaks me out.

My husband and his nmates went on a haunted house night where a group of people and some mediums stay up all night in a deserted house trying to experience paranormal activity. One of the group was a friend who was gay, but had not yet come out (although me any my oter friend were pretty sure). Anyhoo, one of the activities involved this guy and apparently the medium kapt saying to him that the phrase Isle of Man kepy coming to mind and that it was obviously importnant to this guy. Well, my husband and his mates just thought this was all nonsense, until I pointed out that perhaps it wasn't Isle of Man but I love man! This could easily be explained away - either the medium was a complete nonsense or perhaps, the medium also suspected that this guy was gay.

The other morning my daughter was playing with my iphone and when she handed it back to me the screen was blank (ie in sleep mode) but I could see the image of a small pair of hands on the screen. They were very clear, I hadn't been drinking, wasn't tired etc etc. I thought at first that my daughter had taken a photo of her hands but there was no photo on there and the hands were small enough to all fit on the screen. My daughter is only 2 and not developed enoug to be able to take a pic of her hands from a distance. I then thought that maybe it was an app or in-bult functionality of the phone but can't find anything relating to this. Help!!

I've never seen a ghost, nor would I want to. But I'm not ashamed to admit that if I found myself in your situation, confronted by a glowing old woman perched at the end of my bed, I would quite literally shit myself into next week.

I did once have Mick Hucknall come to me in a dream and warn me about thermal cracking in the front right-hand brake disc in the Fiat Tipo I was driving in the late '90s. It turned-out there was nothing wrong with the brake disc, but I thought it was a pretty decent thing for him to do, all the same.

Just remembered something that happened in the seventies.

I had a cat, Woolly, who developed a rodent ulcer (a type of cancer) in his mouth.

I can't remember all the details now, but it was spreading so that he had difficulty eating/swallowing, and the vet said that it was not treatable (maybe because of where it was situated) and basically there was nothing he could do.

I had some health food magazine or something which I had picked up at the local health food shop, and among the small ads in the back was one for a couple who did absent healing on animals, and because there was nothing to lose, I wrote to them (no email in those days!).

I had a nice letter back saying they were "praying for Woolly". They didn't ask for any money. Then the ulcer started to get smaller, and eventually disappeared.

The vet couldn't explain it. Nor could I. Nor could my very sceptical ex-husband.

A few days ago I posted in About this Forum about single Last Post times on the forum top contents page occasionally not corresponding to actuality or to any particular post.

Yesterday evening I noticed another instance. The Last Post time for the About this Forum section was being shown as 07:03pm, despite there being no post in that section at that time, or even for some time earlier.

Now, the Last Post time for the About this Forum section is again/still showing as 07:03 pm. But this time, it does match reality, the current time of the last post in the section, which is in the Ask Admin thread. A bit spooky. Do we have a forum server with the power of precognition? But that still wouldn't explain the other apparently spurious references which were to earlier posting times.

ianr - those temporal discontinuities confirm that this forum?s members hail from a broad spectrum of alternative realities.

However, I have to acknowledge that that may only be true in my particular reality. YMMV, as they say.

When i was a child i was laying asleep in my bed and my feet were sticking out of the covers and i woke up and i could feel this hand with long nail holing onto my foot, i yanked it back under the covers and looked under my bed and there wasn't anything there.....i still can't to this day sleep with my feet out of the bed....i'm now 41 !

I was once present at an undersea, unexplained mass sponge migration..

.. no wait, that wasn't me.. that was Ray Stantz.. I've just seen that movie so many times I thought it was me ;)

just seen the usual strange things.. like Chick posted above.. I have seen the strangest of things .. a Scotsman opening his wallet!

(and I'm Scottish.. I'm allowed to take the mickey!)

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