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Great! see you all then! bringing blankets, food and drink sounds like a good plan Claudine.

If everyone else is bringing their boys then I might try and drag mine along too.

Audrey I feel like I've been pregnant a gazillion years too and I've got another 14 weeks to go!! also I've got really achey ribs at the moment - anyone else? I'm finding it hard to sit still, and even harder to work... especially as I look out of the window at the beautiful weather! 11 weeks to go before I go on mat leave...

Nadia x

I feel like I've been pregnant for a while, it's true, but am quite happy to stay that way for the moment. I'm more concerned about the bit that comes afterwards (you know, giving birth, then the rest of your life, being solely responsible for a child, etc.).

I won't be bringing my partner, due to aforementioned reasons (mardy sociopath liable to alienate the entire group within minutes of arriving), but I don't mind if others want to bring theirs, who presumably do not fit this description. Looking forward to it!


I'm due in July. Not sure if I can make the 8th, but if I can make it i'll swing by for food / chat. I already practise a lot of Yoga so will pass on the Pilates but think it's a great idea to prepare the body physically.

It's nice to hear that everyone else feels like they've been preggers for an eternity! I'm sooo over this bump malarkey, hoping the remainder of the time will fly by.


Hello! I have finally joined the EDForum so I can now join in on the threads. I met some of you at the Recreation Ground the other week. It was great to meet so many other pregnant ladies around the same area.

Claudine - I can make the 8th, but I am due on the 9th, so depending on what the bump wants to do I will either be there or not... My hubby would like to come along too if that's ok as it will potentially be our last weekend as just the two of us.

Sorry for gate-crashing the summer babies, I know more of you having summer babies than spring babies through ante-natal and yoga classes!

Looking forward to meeting you all again on the 8th.

Peggy xx

I'll be there on the 8th and can't wait! My man might come along for a wee while, eat some cake and then b*gger off to find someone to play football with, knowing him. Not sure he'll know where to look with all those preggy bellies!

Wish we could all bring wine. Is anyone else missing it dreadfully? I seem to want it more now I'm pregnant than I ever did! Likewise with gooey cheese, prawns, pints of lager, raw fish - basically anything I'm not allowed, I WANT! Don't understand all those people who say they've gone off these things as their body's way of protecting itself during pregnancy...

Peggy - best of luck to you over the coming weeks. Can't believe you're nearly there! So exciting. You will let us know when Mini-Peggy arrives, won't you?

Kimberley (aka Billy - long story, don't ask!)

Thank you Billy. I can't quite believe I am nearly there either! It does go quite quickly when you keep busy, so make the most of it if you're still able to move! I will definitely let you know when Mini-Peggy arrives.

Someone told me the other day that pregnant ladies aren't allowed Mr Whippy ice creams as they are soft and not frozen, is this true? However, I did have one at the weekend as I couldn't resist!

Hope to see you on the 8th.



Peggy good to see you have joined the forum :) and glad you can make it on 8th (pending having your baby!!) im sure all the rock and roll antics we will get up to will get baby so excited will arrive the next day ;0

Queen Mab you do make me laugh i told my other half about your post and previous comments on unsocialble behavior and he loves the sound of him!!

Audrey im fed up too feels like yonks and bored of my brain being a total failure too this week i have got 2 parking tickets becuase i cant' remember to top up money on my car!!

nadia - achey ribs i had that but was more of a pain in ribs front and back and ended up goign to oestapath who said my ribs were prised togeher so had to have a few session to relieve went to Lizzie at Dulwich therapy rooms very nice and good

see you all on the 8th



I have a 15 month old girl and am expecting no 2 on the 16th June ( another little girl). I have just stopped work so am free most days.

I live in dulwich and would love to meetup and meet our little ones could meet if you are interested,


I have to say, I feel like I've been pregnant for about fifteen minutes! Cannot believe I'll be term in 9 weeks. However, with my first, it felt like I was pregnant for several decades and by week 20 was in tears because it never felt like pregnancy would end!

Maybe having an older babby toddling around, eating pot pourri and shouting "bugger!" at passers by makes it all fly by! Happy to lend my Cheeky Seb out to anyone interested! Any takers? Xx

Miss the wine especially days like today when a chilled white would have definitely taken the headache away. I feel like I have never, not been pregnant, today is worse, as all of a sudden the baby is really heavy (feels like a sack of potatoes tied to my front) and its painful when the little bugger moves.

I probably can make the 8th with my little girl in tow. Don't know about hubby, he'll probably grumble but come anyway.

I see no reason not to bring some wine along if you fancy some! I will bring my bicycle too and we can strive to look like the latest contenders for a BBC3 documentary about errant mothers-to-be. (Oooh, don't get me started on that programme!)

I don't really miss drinking, oddly, considering I'm a raging beer monster when not pregnant. Possibly my body is glad of the rest. I have tried drinking since I've been pregnant but have failed to do so to excess as there's no real buzz in it when you're pregnant somehow, so I don't usually bother.

I am definitely free on 8th May, sorry for silence on all things picnic and Pilates-related, it's been a crazy week so far, photo shoot for my book for the last two days (luckily in Peckham, bonus!) and generally trying to make sure I am on top of work so that I don't have to finish it all up as I am en route to Kings to give birth...!

Would be great to chat pregnancies and see whether we can start a Pilates gathering.

Hope everyone is feeling well and sprightly as the weather is so beautiful!


QM: You may be interested in this http://www.copenhagencyclechic.com/2008/05/with-child.html

I'm still cycling fixed speed (mainly just single speed although I do flip the wheel around for my fixed speed 'fix' about once a week) at almost 30wks pregnant. The looks I get are hilarious- I like to think my multiple tattoos and 'love/hate' cycle gloves add to the overall effect...

Ha ha Ruth, I think I love you!

I have spotted that site before, it's marvellous isn't it? Lots of good blog posts about cycling and pregnancy in the Guardian too: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/green-living-blog/2010/may/21/pregnant-cyclists (where else? :) )

I'm still cycling at 30 weeks, thought I might have stopped by now but actually it's much more comfy than walking for longer distances. On a day like this it's just do much nicer than other forms of transport and I think much less stressful than my train commute to work otherwise. I do get some funny looks though...

We should start a preggers cycling club!


Hi Mums and bumps,

Great news about the 8th as I can do that date! Such a shame but my partner is working that day, but I'm sure I can drag him along if the men folk are invited next time!

Is everyone else now feeling like they've been pregnant forever and a day? All the aches and pains are starting to kick in and I'm having to get my boyfriend to paint my toenails, he's getting quite good now! I've got five weeks to go and am really, really hoping that my little bundle doesn't decide to be late. Does anyone know when you're allowed to start taking raspberry leaf tea or is just an old wives tale that it encourages labour?!

Anya your pilates gathering sounds like a great idea - and actually the name Anya is at the top of my list of potential girls names!

See you all on the 8th xx

Well our NCT teacher claims that you can drink raspberry leaf tea right throughout your pregnancy without any adverse effects, and says that there is no medical evidence to the contrary. Which is somewhat controversial, as I believe that the usual advice is to start around 32 weeks and drink 1 cup a day, building up to 3 cups a day towards week 40.

Either way you should be fine to start now with one cup a day, increasing the number of cups per day as you go on towards your final week. And yes, there seems to be some evidence that it can help strengthen your uterine muscles. I reckon we need all the help we can get, so it's got to be worth a go!

I drank RLT like it was going out of fashion in the third trimester. I felt very 'healthy' and smug (I thought it tasted minging) but it didn't do too much for me, I have to say.

No, no, you're much better off with a hot curry (Safa in SE5 do amazing aubergine ones, mmmm. Best curries ever) and the dreaded sex. Tried and tested, and all that.

Do come and join the fray, Florence!

I laugh every time I think about raspberry leaf tea. I used to work with quite a dim but lovely girl, and when the subject of raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy came up in a discussion, she raved about how good she thought it was, and how easy her birth was, no pain, etc...until I remembered "Hang on, didn't you have an elective epidural?"..."Oh well yes I did have that as well."

Ahh Rachel that's nice to hear, Anya has always served me well as a name, I would definitely recommend it!

I'm starting to feel quite achey and occasionally slightly pregnancy weary coming up to 31 weeks, but I think my recent insomnia doesn't help. Always doing so much Pilates I've probably taken for granted having strong abdominals and now they are failing me as my bump gets bigger and it's causing me to groan every time I get out of bed/off the sofa, which is giving my husband a lot of amusement!

Let's hope the lovely weather returns for 8th May


Hi ladies and bumps,

Just found this thread and wish I had done sooner!

I'm expecting my first baby July 22nd. Definitely up for all things coffee, cake and conversation in the area, especially as I'm in countdown to maternity leave, starting June 16th.

I'm booked onto NCT June 6th so look forward to meeting others there, if not before.

Have been loving the JAGS legs bums and tums Monday night class but manageed to miss yoga every week as it's on the Tuesday night and despite best intentions, I just haven't got it together!

Happy to be joining the thread and hope to mee other mums-to be/mums and bumps soon.

H x

Hi everybody

It looks like rain for sunday which is just great!!!

I'm thinking tommorrow i will try and reserve and area in The Rye Pub (http://www.fancyapint.com/pubs/pub2357.php) and/or the Herne (http://www.theherne.net) in case it's miserable.

I guess we should wait and see what it's like sunday morning before deciding i think but worth a back up plan

Claud x

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