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Hi all,

I'm expecting my second on the 13th July so I guess I fit in here! I did NCT classes before my first and didn't find them tooooo natural-birth 'heavy'. Our course teacher shed an honest light all all the options, which I found useful. Didn't even think about doing any antenatal this time round but having read the above am thinking I might try out the nhs ones - I'll see if I can fit them in!

Also really interested in any pregnancy aerobics / pilates / other fitness going on in area. Let me know if you hear of any!


  • 3 weeks later...

Hello to all,

I am due on 16th June. I currently live in the city but am hoping to move to ED in the next few months. I am registered on an NCT class in ED which starts at the end of April so need to be in by then.

I am currently doing PG yoga near my current address, so would love to continue that when I move if possible, as I am really enjoying it.

Also, I am booked to do a hybnobirthing course in Blackheath in March which I am very excited about as it comes highly recommended by friends, although the promises of "zero pain" are yet to be fully believed!

Does anyone have any GP recommendations? I will obviously need to register promptly when I move, so any advice is much appreciated!

Good luck to all!


Hi everyone

I'm joining in with my July 25th due date. Congratulations to you all. This is my first baby and, like others, I'm only really just starting to enjoy it now that the first scary three months have passed. On the contrary to some of you, I am now obsessed with watching every little detail on One Born Every Minute and making my poor husband watch it with me too!

My latest fun baby things to do have been:

1. Apply for the RNfL free ?40 cloth nappy voucher.

2. Shopping around for cute fluffy cloth nappies.

3. Trying to work out what furniture we need in Baby's room.

4. Researching (without much luck) pushchairs.

Even though its my first baby, I seem to look really pregnant already. In fact, someone asked me if I was 20 weeks the other day and I was only 14!

I'm swimming at Dulwich Leisure Centre and am about to embark on my first aqua aerobics class this week!

I haven't got around to sorting out yoga or pilates yet though.... does anyone know the cheapest option?

Oh, and in case anyone's interested, I'm opting for an epidural. I KNOW I won't handle the pain so there's no point trying to prove anything!

Nice to get to know you all - maybe we'll meet up for real one day?


Hello to both of you! Lakey, my doctor is wonderful, but is in Herne Hill, which is where I used to live. My (also pregnant) friend goes to an amazing practice in East Dulwich which has some kind of crack team of midwives who are assigned to you when you sign up and who look after you throughout pregnancy and birth. I'll find out which it is, as I'm assured (even by my own midwife) that what they provide is considered the 'gold standard' in maternity care.

Hypnobirthing sounds great. My friend is 4 weeks into a 5 week course and it sounds marvellous. I know I will never get my partner to agree to attend as he will write it off as hippy nonsense before we've even got through the door, but I am seriously considering it, although on top of the cost of my NCT classes it is going to be very expensive.

ksh, I'm not surprised you've decided that an epidural is the most logical option if you've been watching One Born Every Minute! I can't stand the idea of watching it (for that very reason!). Also of course, TV producers are only interested in selecting the most extreme experiences to portray on TV, and what you get to see is probably in no way representative of what generally happens.

A Summer Baby meeting would be a great idea.

ksh - I have been going to the pregnancy yoga at JAGS for the past couple of weeks, which is ?8.50 for an hour. It's a very relaxing session (although the squash court next door detracts from the calm occasionally!) but is more strenuos if fewer heavily pregnant women are in the class - this week there were only 3 of us and we were all under 25 weeks so we got to do an adapted version of the sun salutation, which heavily pregnant women can't do apparently.

OK, Lakey, I have found out that my friend is at the Forest Hill Road surgery. I'll cut and paste the very helpful information she gave me earlier on in my pregnancy, as it's really helpful. I hope that you find something that suits you!

"There are several options for Midwifery care ... [note, some have waiting lists, so get in there as soon as you possibly can]

1. Book at Kings College Hospital for shared care and hospital delivery. A midwife from Kings College hospital East team will see you at the surgery for appointments. This is usually Stella. Once in labour you attend Kings College hospital for your delivery by the midwives on labour ward. Postnatal care will be from the East team.

2. As above but aiming for a home birth with a midwife from the East team. Once in labour you call the East team. A midwife from this team will attend you at home.

3. Book at St Thomas hospital for shared care and a hospital delivery. You will see a St Thomas midwife at one of their community bases in Kennington, Vauxhall, Streatham or at St Thomas hospital. The hospital has a midwife led unit for uncomplicated pregnancies. The St Thomas midwives cannot attend home births in our area. Postnatal care is provided by Kings midwives at home as we are out of St Thomas area. Occasionally referrals from this area are refused if they are already fully booked with woman who live closer to St Thomas.

4. Oakwood midwives based at Forest Hill Road surgery. This is a ?caseload? service provided by six midwives. Appointments are at Forest Hill Road surgery except the booking and 36 week appointment which are at home. You will normally see one of 3 midwives from the team each visit, one of whom will assess you at home in early labour. The midwives will attend you at home or accompany you to hospital depending on your choice. The midwives provide your postnatal care at home. Priority is given to Forest Hill Road patients and those wanting a home birth. Tel 0208 299 5696 to go on the waiting list

5. The Lanes midwives based at Dulwich Medical centre. This is a ?caseload? service provided by 6 midwives. Appointments are usually with your named midwife who will see you at home and attend you during your birth. Births can be at home or in hospital depending on your choice. Priority is given to patients of Dulwich Medical Centre and longstanding patients have priority over recently registered patients. There is often a waiting list even for DMC patients. Tel 07966 435 945 to go on the waiting list.

6. Briarley Midwives. This is a ?caseload? service provided by midwives based at Dulwich hospital. The service provides antenatal care, care in labour and postnatal care for woman who would like a home birth. They also provide specialist care for woman with a history of mental illness for both home and hospital births. They do not provide routine care for woman wanting hospital births however if a home birth turns into a hospital birth because of problems during labour the midwives will accompany you to hospital and provide care there. Tel 0207 346 6163 to register for the team."

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi QueenMab.

Thanks so much for this post QM, I bet I am not the only one thats found it useful too.

I have tried to get on waiting lists at the widwife practices but think i will be too late (I think I was as 4th reserve at Oakwood!). I won't be moving to ED until around 34 weeks so I will just have to go to Kings I guess. I am going to have a tour of the hospital in a few weeks. Has anyone else done this tour yet?

Also, is anyone else booked in for the NCT class starting on 27th April? The one on Therapia Road?

Lakey x



Due 10th August. Booked NCT classes for july doing the intensive course (Only way I could ensure that Mr. R attends), don't want a replica of last time of him reading his notes trying to catch up on pain relief position while I am in full swing labour,or an enactment of him with a book trying to instruct me on breast feeding positions just a few hours after the birth while I am struggling to breast feed.

I am with lanes and I find them laid back and fantastic, I am booked and fully intending on a hospital birth unless i cant make it there on time.

Can anyone give me information on the yoga classes. What time are the Jag ones and what time are the kings ones.


Is the NCT intensive course you talk about the refresher course? I'm probably way to late to sign up for it now but have decided it would probably be a good idea especially as I had a precipitous labour last time so am going for a homebirth this time.

I haven't signed up for any yoga this time but I went to Jo Harrison's http://www.sitaram.org/ class up at King's on a Saturday morning last time. Whilst it wasn't particularly energetic, the meditation and relaxation sessions were great and I met a good group of girls there.


Reneet/Princess - yes, let me know if that NCT intensive course is a refresher or not. I am due 11 August, with toddler of 15 months. I enjoyed the NCT classes last time, mainly because of the lovely group we met. I had an instant group of new and different buddies for the maternity leave. I'd like that again! My last birth was so drawn out at Kings, so perhaps it would be useful to do it again, but I think if I was with a group of first time mummies - to - be, without sounding patronising, I wouldn't want to ruin their fun and expectations with my words of doom about a long and painful birth! Hence why I wonder if it is a refresher or not.
Livebait, I'm interested in the refresher for the same reasons really. My son is currently 14 months and my NCT group and other mummy friends I met along the way have all gone back to work now. I would love to have a similar network around me this time maybe we could arrange a summer babies meet if people fancy?
Princess/Livebait - Its technically not a refresher but 'old' (don't want to say 2nd time and currently have placenta memory) mums are welcome as well. Its I think over 3 days from 10am to 4pm somewhere in East Dulwich. I am yet to get the details (or maybe i have got the details but due to placenta memory, i forgot). Should be a mixed group. Could not find an appropriate refresher that fit my needs and after all I have forgotten everything, 3.5 years is a long time.

Hi all,

I'm pregnant with my first one and due on 28th July. We're booked on NCT classes starting 6th June on Trossachs Road.

I'm at the Dulwich Medical Centre but was put on the waiting list for the Lanes midwives as they already had a full caseload. So my midwife is a King's midwife and although she will be following me through my pregnancy, she won't be there for the birth I think. I'm still not sure I fully understand the system... I think she said that if a place became available I would be switched to a Lanes midwife, but not sure if it's a good idea to switch halfway through my pregnancy?? I'd like to go on a tour of the King's labour ward but haven't got round to doing it yet. Anyone else done it yet?

I attended one pregnancy yoga class at King's a few weeks ago but haven't been since - It was good but not as dynamic as I'd hoped; understandable though as most of the women there were 28 wk+. I've heard the yoga classes at JAGS are good, and am also interested in their 'legs, bums & pregnant tums' classes, but I'm not a member - does anybody know if you can attend classes on a drop in basis? I've emailed them so will hopefully find out soon.

Hope to get to meet some of you around ED!

  • 2 weeks later...

I am also pregnant with our first child due the 9th August 2011. I am from New Zealand and have lived in London for the past six years (only 1 year in ED).

I attend the dulwich therapy rooms yoga class on Monday night, it is a good class with a lovely teacher. It starts off with a 15-20min chat where people can talk about problems/give advice.

Looking forward to meeting more "mums to be" in ED.


I realise this thread has been quiet for a while, but hope all local mums-to-be are doing well!

I am 27 weeks, so knocking on Trimester Three, and getting very excited. I've wrangled with whether I want to do NCT, and because there isn't a local Camberwell branch, its really expensive, and all I wanted to get out of it were the social benefits, I've decided to can it and try and meet local people to share the summer of the bewilderment that will be first (or second) time parenting through this, SE5 Forum and yoga.

Yoga is going great, I'm up at Kings Weds or Thurs nights. MY EDD is 11 June.

So how is everyone getting on? Counting down to last day at work (AGES away) but looking forward to the many short weeks ahead.

Let me know if there is anything going on I can get involved in, or more than happy to start organising something if there is any interest out there? I will also post on SE5 Forum when I get my registration through for local Camberwellians. I've just moved in since November and LOVING it.

Hi Audrey,

Were you at yesterday's yoga class at King's? if so, I was too! I'm 21 weeks, due date is 28th July, and definitely up for organising get togethers!

We ended up booking NCT classes (going in June), but now I'm wondering if it wasn't a waste of money... so expensive! and as you said, easy to meet other mums to be through yoga, the forum, etc.

I'm in ED, but just at the bottom of dog kennel hill so probably not far from you!

Audrey; didn't realise there was an SE5 forum, too! I'm also from Camberwell. I'm 23wks, due between the 12th-15th July (no one can seem to agree on my actual EDD!) with Baby 2, who is a girl!

It would be lovely to organise something! I was going to suggest day-time meetups for the second/third time Mums but since Cheeky S was ill from October-pretty recently, I held back. If anyone is around in the day-time, would anyone be interested in day-time meetups? My little boy is 15mo.

Evenings also good now that my Husband isn't working every night like a mentalist. Any suggestions for places to possibly meet in the near future?

I'm at week 25 now (due date 27 June). Yes I also signed up for NCT classes, which I'm hoping will somehow prepare me for the forthcoming gynaecologial holocaust. My partner has had to be practically press-ganged into NCT classes, which he has already written off as "middle class nonsense", so I'm not expecting him to be trying to make any friends there! However, my housemate is also coming with me as a second birth partner, which will hopefully be a little more helpful. (This is because my partner is actually quite ill at the moment, so I'm not sure how he will stand up to the traumas of childbirth and all that goes with it.)

I went to Brockwell Park pregnancy yoga on Sunday and it was excellent. I am hoping to keep going to that class, and maybe check out a few others in the area.

I think some kind of Summer Baby meetup would be great, Audrey. The more support there is for us all, the better. I'm certainly quite isolated here. I'm a freelancer who works from home, my clients are all abroad, and I've not lived in ED long. All my friends are scattered all over London, with very few people I could just meet up with casually for daytime/evening contact, and even fewer with actual children (they're like salmon, seem to come here to spawn, then vanish into the shires to actually raise their young). Perhaps we can arrange a yoga/swim/lunch type meet somewhere?


Mirabelle - I was (back row on the right) - didnt "get" the chanting tho! All well meaning I know. But yes you are close.

Ruth - it doesnt seem as well frequented as ED Forum. I registered last night and haven't had access bestowed on me yet, but I fear there may not be too much exposure. I'll give it a go anyway, and I was also thinking maybe a poster in the leisure centre now that its open? (I haven't been in yet bit am SO dissapointed they are serving Starbucks coffee which I hate with a passion).

QueenMab - (a spin on Queen Meabh? If so happy St Patricks day!)My friends are scattered too, and not many have children. I'm impressd you work from home. I would spend the day with my face in the fridge if I didn't have colleagues to maintain some kind of dicorum around! I like the salmon analogy. I'm never leaving Zone 2.

I'm really excited theres a gaggle of us! I am still at work so a Saturday lunch in a few weeks would be good for me. Maybe a couple of weeks so we can gather more troops. I'll be at yoga next week (prob Weds Mirabelle, although I think I prefer Thursady's classes) and will spread the word!

Audrey- I take my 15mo old swimming there and it is LOOOOVVVERRLLLY. All new and clean and warm. Nice! Excellent family changing room facilities if you wanted to take your baby there, when s/he arrives. Didn't know the served Starbucks though. I hate it to. Ahem. *runs off to get a latte*. I'd definitely put up a poster, also maybe worth putting something up in House (cafe/gallery, am assuming you know it) as I've seen lots of Mum and babies and bumps (I have one of each. Smug) there. They'd be happy to let you put one up, if you wanted, they do love a good bump/baby in there.

Saturdays also good for me, I'll coax Mr B to look after Cheeky S, unless anyone wanted to bring their partners in which case he could chat to them about what it's like 'good' and what not to do (come in from work to a 3wk old and say 'whats for dinner?' whilst observing that his wife has not yet got dressed yet. He learnt fast...)

Oooh just popping over from the Spring Babies board to say hello again Mirabelle and Audrey - I was at yoga last night too. I was the one with the dodgy hips in the front row also trying not to laugh at the chanting...

I'm another Camberwellian and VERY keen to get things happening in SE5. I love it here and have quite a few friends with kids who are 2 / 3 years old, but none who will be having little ones this year. I've volunteered along with another SE5-ite to be the NCT tea host - as I understand it, we host tea at each others' houses for new mums in particular. One of the particular benefits is that you don't necessarily need to be an NCT member to join up! PM me with your email address if you'd like to be added to the mailing list.

I'm doing NCT over at Herne Hill and although the girls are a fab group, we are quite spread out geographically. I've met quite a few people through this forum though, and, as mirabelle says, ED is literally just over the hill. But if you wouldn't mind a slightly larger bump gatecrashing any SE5 meet up you organise I'd love to tag along!

Yak, I was in a tea-group...er...group, and it's how I met most of my baby friends. So definitely a good thing you're aiming to do it! I'd like to join in, but I'm not sure how well recieved my toddler would be if everyone just has well behaved newborns :S

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