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Hip hooray, it's summer babies time - therefore giving us hope that the weather will in fact turn warm and life will no longer be lived huddling round the radiators (or is that just me?).

Warm congratulations to those of you expecting little bundles of summer joy.

Feel free to use this thread for all things relating to summer babies - arrange meet ups, discuss the highs and lows of pregnancy, compare pram research...

Here's to a happy and healthy 6 months or so ahead!


Thank the lord/FRM for this thread.

I'm pregnant with Baby 2, due 15th July, we think it's a girl but we'll find out for sure in March. Baby 1 is 13 months old, so I must be barmy. Here we go again, etc.

Any second time Mums out there

? (Apart from the secret pregnant ladies I know keeping quiet for the time being ;) )

Hello! I'm due at the end of June/beginning July. Any solidarity with other women in same position will no doubt be helpful. I am currently floundering looking at antenatal classes, which apparently you have to practically book at conception to get onto. Also I'm a bit confused about the NHS vs NCT classes issue. Also, hypnobirthing! Water births! Frankly, I've only just got my head around being pregnant at all, and now I have to start thinking about giving birth. Has anyone else booked their classes yet?

Hi QueenMab,

I booked my NCT classes early (and a little edgily as I have become horribly superstitious all of a sudden!). This I did under the advice of a friend who had her baby 18 months ago and found it tricky to get on the classes that were suitable for her pregnancy. I only got asked to book on 24 December though so there may be spaces available, my class is on Saturdays in June (11 & 18), which may be too late for you...

My friend also suggested that both NHS & NCT classes are worth attending as they both offer useful advice, plus give you the opportunity to develop your 'mummy network'. I have also heard that the NHS classes held at Dulwich hospital are geared towards the 'King's experience' so if you're booked there they should be pretty handy.

I can't help with the different birthing options I'm afraid. As this is my first and I'm a wimp, I am going for a hospital birth with as much support/expertise/drugs on hand if at all needed - sorry!

I too am just coming round to the idea of being pregnant, even though it is totally planned and wanted. I have found it a real shock to the system and very difficult to get my head round. I have refused to read any pregnancy books as each time I try, I feel sick at the prospect of things to come. I have found a change in my feelings over the last week or so, since my first scan and now my hormones seem to be settling, but have found the whole idea possibly the scariest and most unsettling experience of my life!

Sorry to have rambled a bit, I hope some of it helps in some way...


I agree with LR on this point "My friend also suggested that both NHS & NCT classes are worth attending as they both offer useful advice, plus give you the opportunity to develop your 'mummy network'. I have also heard that the NHS classes held at Dulwich hospital are geared towards the 'King's experience' so if you're booked there they should be pretty handy."

I didn't do NCT last time round, but am this time round, but my NHS classes were really good, actually, lovely midwife who said 'go natural or go for an epidural, whatever you want' (the RIGHT thing to say!)

No idea why I'm even looking at this thread, as NOT pregnant and not planning to be. But just thought I'd add not to worry if you don't get your NCT classes - I ended up on an "intensive" course that was over a couple of days and not local so didn't make any lasting friends through it, but then met lots of great ladies through tea groups etc after I'd had the baby.

I've heard good things about the NHS ones, many of my friends did those rather than fork out for NCT and enjoyed them. I was booked on one, but ended up in hospital having the baby the day I was due to attend!

Good luck all.

P x

Blimey Pickle, you gave me a funny turn posting on this thread...thought you'd been keeping a little secret ..... ;-)

Oh, just to say my first was born on 4th July 04 and it is a lovely time of year to have a baby - and very handy for future birthday parties as we mostly have ours in the park with lots of room to run around without causing chaos! Congratulations ladies!

Well I booked into the NHS classes today, and left a message for the NCT lady to get back to me. At least that means I'll get one set of classes. My partner was dubious about the benefits of attending 2 sets of classes, but he's completely antisocial, so doesn't really get the benefit of "meeting other people"!

Don't worry LadyRuskin, what you said made perfect sense to me, not rambling at all. I too have been avoiding looking at the practicalities of actual birth for fear of...well I'm not sure quite what. And prior to my 12 week scan (which was barely 3 weeks ago) I felt anything like that would have been jumping the gun somewhat. I just don't feel I'm quite ready for that sort of information yet. As it is, I'm not really even looking pregnant (just looking a bit fat!) It was only yesterday that I actually looked at my NHS pregnancy book and dared read as far as the giving birth bit. That One Born Every Minute programme came on TV yesterday (the reality TV programme in a maternity unit) and I demanded the TV be switched off instantly!

Luckily I have a friend who is a few weeks ahead of me, and she assures me you do naturally start to focus on certain things at certain points so don't need to worry about rushing things.

Next: pregnancy yoga and pilates!

I have banned anything birth-related from the telly. The first episode of the new Peep Show series sent me more than a little crazy and I haven't dared to watch the rest of the series yet!

I too am looking into pregnancy yoga classes so if you find a good one (have you seen the posts re the sessions held at King's?) please let me know!

I laughed my head off at that Peep Show episode 'remember to get a sieve, for the poo and stuff'. I'm surprised she remebered/cared, I was way past caring during my first labour.

P.S. As a 'seasoned' second time Mum, it's not as scary as you think. When you're in labour, it's very unique and different. Even though mine didn't go according to plan, at no point was I scared- I was excited and apprehensive, but never fearful. I hope this doesn't sound patronising.

It can be really overwhelming thinking about labour/birth options, classes etc, but the way I did it was to have fortnightly/monthly plans "By the end of this month, I will have sorted...". Doing the organising in bitesized chunks helped lots, even more so now I have a 13 month old cheeky baby to organise/restrain this time too!

Gosh you didn't waste any time with your second, Ruth! And you are not patronising at all, it's very reassuring to hear. Thanks!

So far I've identified some likely classes at Brockwell Lido, (where I'm a member, but open to non-members too). Some pilates and yoga classes at the Therapy Rooms in ED. And there are some pregnancy yoga classes at JAGS too which are open for non members to attend. According to my friend, the pregnancy yoga at JAGS is not at all strenuous but is very relaxing. Once I've had a crack at a few classes I'll report back!

I got my antenatal classes sorted too, which is good. My partner is not convinced we need to go to 2 different types, but I said I shall go anyway and he can please himself which he'd like to come to.

Oh I'm gatecrashing too as I'm due for a spring baby but just to say I do the Jags Yoga classes, (they also have legs bums and pregnancy tums) and they are not at all strenuous, very nice after a hard day at work, and the relaxing bit at the end / snooze if you are anything like me is great!!!

Also gatecrashing from Spring babies to say I tried out the Sitaram yoga classes at Kings. (I sternly told myself before going in that I would not snore, fart, fall over or giggle but failed on all counts apart from the snoring). Price wise I think it's ?88 for 8 sessions. It was quite relaxing with about 8 ladies there. The teacher tailored the class according to how many weeks pg we were, and also whether we had any niggles or aches and pains.

Mrs F/anyone else - have you tried the legs bums and pregnancy tums?

I aslo very much identify with a lot of the feelings expressed above about not feeling ready very "into" being pregnant during the early months, despite having tried for years for this baby. I think it really is a learning curve and now I'm more than 6 months in I am coming round to reading more than just the odd snippet of a pregnancy book and starting to look out for baby clothes. I really struggled to get very excited early on - but it does seem that you adjust as you go through pregnancy, I promise!

Hi Yak, yep I got to prego legs bums & tums at jags too, haven't been for ages but it is good to actually move! I actually joined as I thought it would be cheaper than going to classes elsewhere, the prego ones are always quiet & the pool is lovely.

And yes, as time passes it feels more real and you get more into being pregnant especially when you actually start to feel a bit better in the 2nd trimester!

Enjoy it!

Hi ladies. Would like to join you all with a 7 July due date.

Haven't done anything about antenatal classes! Eek! Not even sure where to look in all the booklets/leaflets I've been handed for the NHS and NCT details. Must get head round all this.

Hello Lenster! For the NHS classes, you should have got a form to fill in from the midwife when you had your first appointment, mine was in with all the medical notes.

You can look up NCT classes via their website: http://www.nationalchildbirthtrust.com/in-your-area/course-finder

(Scroll to the bottom of the page for the course finder).

If you can't find your NHS notes, just ring your midwife unit and ask them for information about classes local to you.

Apparently at Dulwich hospital, the classes, which are geared for those giving birth at King's, are held:













Congratulations on all your pregnancies - what an exciting year!

If love to invite you to a free 1hr intro talk to find out about HypnoBirthing and how the techniques can help you have a wonderful, positive birth. These free sessions are in Herne Hill, ususally on Monday evenings, so just let me know if you're interested.

I run group and private HypnoBirthing classes in Herne Hill, Clapham or at clients homes and also have a website with downloads to make your pregnancy and birth easier and very positive. If you can't come to the free talk then please do call for a chat on the phone, I'm always happy to answer questions.

I hope you don't mind me posting on your thread but wanted to make sure you know about HypnoBirthing and the various options of preparing for a positive birth.

Kristin :)

Kristin Hayward

HypnoTherapy . HypnoFertility . HypnoBirthing


07963 046 456


I wonder if any of you might be able to help me?

I am a researcher on a new documentary for the BBC exploring Multiple Births. We are looking for expectant mums, who are expecting triplets or more within the next few weeks? Or parents of triplets/quads over the age of 5.

Through the documentary we are hoping to chart the pregnancy and birth story of young parents-to-be expecting more than two babies, then showcase the ear-splitting first few weeks that follow when their babies are brought home. We also follow parents already with multiples ? and the impact it has on them.

The couples we meet will be united by the fact that they are all in the throes of preparing and coping with the chaos that is multiple family life but their stories will diverge with the different challenges they face. From making ends meet to establishing a workable daily routine; handling harrowing health problems to dealing with sleep deprivation ? we?ll be assessing the decisions they make and asking whether the seeds they sow with their clan today will be reaped ? or rued ? tomorrow?

To deliver the answers ? along with a few cautionary tales ? we?ll springboard into the lives of other multiple families further along in their parental and developmental journeys, to see exactly how the rubber meets the road. Through these unique case studies we?ll gain some privileged insights into how the survival tactics deployed by our rookie parents might come to bear one, five, even twenty-five years down the line.

If you know of any mothers due to have triplets or quads soon, or have any suggestions on anyone that might be able to help me? (We are already in touch with TAMBA and the Multiple Birth Foundation.) Any help whatsoever would be so greatly appreciated.

I can be contacted at [email protected] or on 0117 974 6851

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards


Hi everybody

I'm really glad to have found this thread as I too am struggling to decide about ante natal yoga as there seems to be such a lot of choice, it seems that Jags looks the best from all your experiences so thanks for advice, has anyone done the yoga at Ed Therapy Rooms? There is a lady called Barbara Mella whose website i have just checked out, she looks great and she offers classes for groups of people at their homes and wondering also if anyone has been to one of these or interested in setting up a group?

I'm due mid june so should hurry up and sort my Yoga as alrady finding boobs now hit stomach and stomach hits thighs and it's an effort to move and only 5 months.

I am also cacking it about birth i have decided the only hope in hell i have of not worrying constantly is to do Hypnobirthing im wondering if anyone has done a course yet or have found someone they like look of? has anyone also had any pregnancy massage either in East Dulwich or at their homes?

I have booked ante natal classes with Sophie Jacobs who i found on this forum for March and it looks great so if anyone can't get on to NHS or NCT she still has places left.


A friend of mine is doing hypnobirthing. She seemed to feel that some of the information was useful, but there was also a lot of airy-fairy twaddle presented as fact, which led her to question the validity of all the other stuff they were being told. I guess a lot may depend on your teacher.

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