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ChavWivaLawDegree Wrote:


> For addicts to get needles they have to exchange

> their old ones for new ones, so unless you think

> the pharmacy will be fly tipping needles into the

> nursey garden, or junkies will be jacking up on

> the pavement, I don't know how this is going to

> impact on the nursery.


> Drug addcits have as much right to expect decent

> services in their area as anyone else, and this

> kind of nimbyism only serves to alienate an

> already vulnerable group of our neighbours

> further.


> Why don't you fight for more residential rehab

> places instead of trying to sweep East Dulwich's

> drug problems under someone elses carpet.

Stands up and gives CWLD a standing ovation

I'd agree with many of those. Vote for those who represent your views and, like in this case, when consultation is opened (assuming it is done correctly as is not the case it appears here) add your voice and views.

See? Everyone happy now.

I have read this thread with interest.I am exposed to patients with drug addiction on an almost daily basis through my line of work. These people are ill and desperate and do need these services. However,I think it is ridiculous to put a needle exchange on crystal palace road. This is a residential street essentially quite far from a station or lordship lane. It means that patients will have to walk through residential areas to reach the pharmacy. And if they are looking for a fix and need money they will steal.


I think there is a need for needle exchanges but a busier area would be better rather than a reasonably quiet residential street.

As for the Dulwich medical practice - they are doing this for money. As no practice enjoys this type of patient illness as they are hard work.Not to mention - Hold on to your handbags in the waiting room.

I have read what I,ve written and it sounds harsh..... yet addicts will agree nothing matters if they are desperate for a fix and they will steal from anyone to feed there habit.

It's just that most people in the Medical Fraternity have a duty of care to Human Beings. When you suggest moving it to a busier area is that so they have more opportunities to rob people's handbags? Last time I went out my front door it seemed that London was connected by a series of residential areas, not sure where you live? Is your local pharmacy connected by rolling hills and wheat fields?

As for desperate I think that you will find that most addicts in that much pain would put using first before thinking of their health and getting free clean needles. After all we are talking about a facility where injecting drug users can obtain free sterile injecting equipment without too many awkward questions being asked.

Slam dunked by a chav. My just desserts.

I think most folks out there see my way. I want addicts to get help in communities where they live. But they've made some bad choices and the road to recovery won't be easy.

I don't understand why those who made better choices and children have to lay down like doormats so they can have a second, third or fourth chance. But chav puts their rights before all others and yes, I suppose that's a left wing slam dunk.

I'm feeling guilty....

ahhh, the certainty of..... well, something. But wait there's more where that came from

Not only is this lacking in compassion but it brings guild into the equation - "look I would help them but don't hurt my ickle kiddy"

Drug addicts have kids too - and not just the feckless ones. Life isn't all about choices, and even if it were, not all those choices are as informed as people would like. Many of us with fine jobs, family and friends are happy to give support to others. Not at the expense of other friends or the perfect ones who have chose wisely... but just FOR ITS OWN SAKE

if you spend you time cowering indoors at the feral menace of zombie drug-addicts groaning up and down CPT then go for it - but don't tar us all with the same brush

Maurice - This is not a personal battle, and I am glad you and your family are safe and well. But do you really believe it's about choice? I did not choose to have an alcoholic, abusive mother. I grew up thinking depression was a normal part of adulthood despite being great at sports, intelligent, quite good looking and a natural optimist. What it takes most people a few years to learn, takes survivors of abuse a lot longer to learn, because our emotional development and self-esteem are retarded.

I know the feeling well CWALD ;-)

I've been busy but well written stuff - cheers

(it kind of - and not sure why - reminds me of the time you first came on here and were all combatative and then we gave you a big cuddle and look at you now ;-) )

what's to say?

You tell your story powerfully and persuasively and its clear that you've fought hard to be where you are now - alive, passionate and articulate.

You're right, there's an overwhelming need for compassionate care that's easy to access. I wholeheartedly agree with that.

I'm not convinced the proposed services at DMC will fill that gap and I don't think that's their motivation (I mean I don't think this proposal is the result of a carefully thought through plan for delivering those kinds of services).

I think its unfair to assume that anyone who doesn't quite agree with you in this particular instance has their head-in-the-sand and is hard-hearted. If that's not what you are implying, then I apologise, it just seems that you draw the "them" and "us" divisions very boldly.

This is an emotive subject and I don't think its possible to hang all the issues around addiction and society's understanding (or not) of the problem and the people involved on this particular case. Does it follow that someone who thinks DMC is the wrong place for such services therefore hates all drug addicts or thinks they shouldn't get proper treatment and proper treatment in ED? I don't see how it does.

I've written before that I feel ambivalent about it and am pretty open to persuasion but I'd like to know more about it - an estimation of the need, really if there are any likely risks and if so, how can they be mitigated, what do service users need and is this the best place to provide it.

I was really responding to some of the more negative posts condemning junkies, and blaming them for their addictions, but this is an area I feel strongly about for obvious reasons.

Hope I didn't put you off your Pimms.

Yes emotive indeed. I think you'll find I never had negative posts re: junkies.

What I think you'll find is that you never had any positive posts about families with children who simply want more information and proper consultation.

All deserve a fair hearing. No one has suggested otherwise and no one has advocated anything that wouldn't have been compassionate to your personal circumstances in the right measure.

There was a petition in the CPT when I was there last night. Made me chuckle as some of the blokes took it round basically telling people to sign cos We don't want no druggies raand ere (unless it's them doing a few lines in the loo). I noticed that someone had signed it, then signed it on his wife's behalf, so as far as I'm concerned it's void. I said I wasn't ready to sign anything yet.

I'm not sure why we need a petition asking the PCT and local authority to simply follow their accepted procedures for proper consultation.

I'm not sure why people who want a fair hearing are Nazi's. My recollection is the Nazi's weren't for a fair hearing and instead believed a small group should make decisions for the masses sans any consultation.

"Can I call these petition people Nazis"

Personally, I think you are backing the wrong liberal horse if you prefer to let the Dulwich Medical Center make important decisions which affect the whole community.

You seem to mistakenly believe that their motivation for wanting this facility in an inappropriate residential street is to help the poor junkies - it's not, it's so they can make loads of money out of a pharmacy. If it's needed, it should be on the busy, well-lit, well-policed Lordship Lane, a five minute walk away.

I have opinions on the DMC that oddly enough seem in line with your own - but we have to be careful what we say on this MB - THEY are listening!

The greed/not greed aspect of the DMC aside - I dont see the the problem - the overwhelming majority of needle useres are normal everyday people and not the cartoons you see in films and ITV dramas - they dont usually throw their works into playgrounds and over fences.

petitions and demonisation of groups does not go any way to tackling the problem

the motivation of the DMC is arguable, but there is a need for this facility in the area.

"but there is a need for this facility in the area."

I'll take your word for it, but why put it on a quiet residential street next to a nursery instead of on a well-lit well-policed main road?

The answer is simple - the DMC wants this facility on Crystal Palace Rd so they can rake in loads of money - this is not how important decisions should be taken.

I don't agree with demonizing anyone either - but why would you let profiteering fat cats decide the location of such services? These are the last people who should be allowed near this decision-making process.

Actually the Nazis were a large, almost country size group of people, who became so entrenched in their beliefs that their way was the right way, and everyone else was of a lesser class it led to ....

Of course when the bubble burst, they were left, by dint of history, looking pretty evil.

Lets hope one day, standing in Lordship Lane, organic plastic wellies on your feet, British latecinno' in one hand petition in the other you do not hear the sounds of the distance wall that you have built up around yourself come crashing down. Only history and time will tell.

I don't think you strictly speaking invoked godwin by calling people nazis, but having unwittingly deflected this discussion over to nazi germany and it's bursting bubbles (by which I assume you meant entire cities reduced to rubble, mass rape of it's population, 8 million dead etc.) then Godwin may have come into play.

I suggest maybe some culling of posts to keep it on track or a visit to the lounge.

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