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Roadworks/bus diversion Rye Lane


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i loathe the tarmac ramps as well, but I dont actually think it was shopkeepers who were responsible for those ones outside the station. I noticed when they were doing up the pavements that they lined up with the diverted walkway instead of their being the normal plastic ramps that are installed in such circumstances.
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I think some of the trmac ramps were for the pavement works but if they stay beyond the works then definitely one to raise. They are easy to remove and as Rye Lane has CCTV watching traffic (to hand out parking fines) it should also be able to pinpoint illegal tarmac offenders too.

The metal dug up were the old horse tram lines from the 1870's.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tarmac ramps still there btw, despite that section of the road being finished. Looks like delivery ramp for the furniture shop and another nearby shop. You'd think if there were plans to remove them, they would have been removed before all the road works equipment was moved away.
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Minkey, I very much doubt there are any "plans" by the Council to remove the ramps. They will likely be reactive to the whole issue. I think they will only take action if they think there will be consequences for them if they don't.

So, if people do injure themselves on them then they should take legal action against the Council (they are, as I understand it, under an obligation to maintain the highway). I think you'll find they may do something after that...

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Again, I will believe that when I see it.

The Council's dealing with the whole of the ongoing (and going and going) saga that is Rye lane has been quite frankly, tardy.

I, along with every commuter (and shop owner) who has to use either Peckham Rye station or any of the stops on Rye Lane now have been inconvenienced for so long now, it has gone far past the stage of being a joke.

Oh, and if they further direction as to where these ramps currently are:

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Well the road was in poor repair before the work....so there was little point in ongoing maintenance esp. as planning for the major works began more than two years ago. The works have pretty much gone according to schedule. The only delaying factor has been Thames Water who are outside of the council's control.

This was always going to be major works with major disruption.....everyone was moaning for it to happen beforehand and now you all moan because it's getting done. The world has not stopped turning and it'll soon all be finished.

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Bit of a generalisation there. I wasnt moaning before the works started, and I sure as hell wont miss the trek to and from the station when it is over.

It has been a poorly coordinated project from start to finish, and should have by no means taken this long to complete (which it still hasnt been)

I sincerely hope it will soon be finished, but if not, I am sure they will post another tiny sign telling us when the next delay will run onto, and then some on this forum can continue to defend what has been and is a complete shambles.

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i cant wait for it to be over. Seems like it shouldnt be long now. I noticed that Thames Water have filled in the hole at the bottom of Rye lane, and it is now open to traffic in the northbound direction (although busses are still diverting. I reckon it shouldnt be longer than a week now...hooray! no more running from copeand road to Peckham rye when train leaves in 5 mins!
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this monring I noticed that there is only one not so large hole that need working and filling at the bottom of Rye Lane and the rest of the street have been resurfaced; still the Tames water sign says end of works 18th of May...another month just for that last bit??
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I was hoping for a higher water pressure in co-op house.

not yet :)

meadow408 Wrote:


> this monring I noticed that there is only one not

> so large hole that need working and filling at the

> bottom of Rye Lane and the rest of the street have

> been resurfaced; still the Tames water sign says

> end of works 18th of May...another month just for

> that last bit??

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intexasatthe moment Wrote:


> Can't help feeling that a faster resoloution would

> have been achieved if we were talking SE21 ....

I dont think Thames Water discriminate.. they generally seem to be incompetant in all areas.

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Just in case we'd forgotten (I'm sure we haven't) Thames Water first embarked upon this project at the end of August. 8 months to replace some pipe! I for one can not wait for this to be over.

It does seem that the hole which exists at the bottom of Rye Lane has been there fore a while now without anyone actually doing any work on it (unless they start late in the day as it was past 9am when I went by this morning).

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What works exactly have they been doing along Rye Lane? I thought the Thames Water replacement happened last year and it was removal of tram lines plus resurfacing that was taking place this year.

Then again, Borough High St appears to be again subject to Thames Water roadworks, southbound buses on diversion via Southwark St. Has it even been 12 months since it was last reopened for business?

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Thames Water were replacing pipes along the length of Rye Lane. According to Thames Water's original timetable, this was meant to take 3 month (ending in November) then the council would resurface.

Thames Water fell miles behind, also holding up the council as there was no sense in resurfacing prior to the water works finishing.

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I reckon they've just naffed off to another job - nothing seems to be happening with the one remaining hole at the southern end of Rye Lane.

What a farce it's been.

Still, new road surface plus no buses makes for happy cycling! So selfishly I'm hoping the hole stays there, but when I don my needing to get to P Rye station by bus hat, I'm not!

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No, from my window I can see they are manually digging the hole deeper

The guys doing it look knackered.

Medley Wrote:


> I reckon they've just naffed off to another job -

> nothing seems to be happening with the one

> remaining hole at the southern end of Rye Lane.


> What a farce it's been.


> Still, new road surface plus no buses makes for

> happy cycling! So selfishly I'm hoping the hole

> stays there, but when I don my needing to get to P

> Rye station by bus hat, I'm not!

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