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Royal Mail delivering?


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So I was driving down to the SE15 Sorting Office today on Highshore Road and I saw Steve our postie delivering up the OPeckham Rye SE15 side. I welcomed him back. He said it was chaos down the sorting office; they had four days' worth of mail down there. And that he could only carry two days' worth today. I said, so is it worth me going down and collecting my other two days' worth, and he said yes, why not.

So I did. Miserable counter staff from hell (female, 30s, and not the stocky white guy with all the tattoos - he's okay) - she told me she would have a go at Steve for telling me to come down. I said why? I am collecting my mail which I need for work, cheques, etc that he may not be able to deliver. I told her I was coming anyway and not to have a go at the poor s0d who is out in the cold delivering to us all. She looked and was able to give me some mail anyway! She said what would happen if everyone came down here to get their mail it would be chaos. I said, "Good!" because with her attitude she was rightly pissing me off.

Anyway, so everyone go down the sorting office at Highshore Road if not all of your expected mail arrives today. And if I am still in When Steve delivers the mail I shall warn him of his telling off. She refused to give me her name.

Why do we have such BAD service in this country yet individuals like Steve and others are working their damn socks off!

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I'm still awaiting a parcel that was sent on 12 November, been told to wait until the backlog has cleared. Annoying as if it goes missing I've lost money..

And this couldn't even have been the snow, so I'm not taking that as an excuse when I speak to them again tomorrow.

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The Post is now arriving again that includes seven Charities that requests for a donation.

The combined basic sum asked for exceeds my whole weekly Pension, take into consideration that I am offered the option of making these a permanent Monthly Direct Debit should I make the donations I would have no money at all.

I am not against Charities, but I am one of those who ask how much did it cost to send a request?

There is the cost of the stamp / paper / envelope, forty self adhesive printed with your addressed label?s, a Biro pen, a letter that has the actual request and payment details, once all the typing has been done the placing of these items in the envelope and sealing them taking to the post has used some man hours.

My own conclusion is that they have already far too much money to waste, to ask near Christmas will find that many will not even consider donating.

So mine go in the bin.

The eleven catalogues for clothing, Saga household aids, holidays abroad, Garden Plants, Insurance, letter from the Doctors Surgery telling me I had not called yet for the Flu Injection, ( no mention that I had not in fact been to the surgery for eleven years).

A Christmas card to my cat from the vet, he will probably add that cost to my next Bill.

A Christmas card from the milkman that acts to remind me to leave a two pound coin out for him with his card.

Six Christmas cards from my ex army pals these I look forward to, but must remember those who have now lost their wives and not add their names on the cards I design myself and make and send this year.

Just bought fifty second class Stamps Sixteen pounds, afraid that will be all I can send this year.

All I need now is for the snow chains to come off my zimmer to be back to normal.

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I spoke to my postie this morning from the Silvester Rd SO, he said that a truckload of parcels and packets was sent to SE1 for storage last Monday and he had no idea when they would be back out for delivery. Can't actually get through to SO to ask them about it as the phone is constantly engaged.

I'm waiting for 3 parcels of items bought and paid for online and they are most likely now in storage until who knows when!

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Silvester Road is apparently dealing with 5,000 parcels at the minute. These date back to December 1st and any parcels due for delivery in early-mid November should be assumed lost (as I was told by SO). I have already had 2 parcels returned to sender and 2 parcels lost. It is a joke. Apparently they have managers and higher staff out delivering parcels. Of course recorded and tracked parcels get priority so will be the only packets being delivered. Anything else comes after, they are hoping to be back to normal within a week.
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I had no post for 10 days and almost missed my daughter's school exam because of it - getting 1 days notice instead of a week! I put it down to the snow too but even after everything cleared up, still no post. Got an extra large helping yesterday though so might be back to normal. Any opportunity, right?
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Has anyone had any difficulty with post that you have sent from East Dulwich? I sent an assignment that I needed to complete for a work course on the 29th November recorded delivery from the post office on L/L. I checked the tracker today, assuming that it would have arrived days ago but it still says it is being "progressed through our network for delivery". It only had to go to Gloucester, but on the day I was in there, loads of people were sending their parcels and christmas cards off to other parts of the world, so maybe these are also still stuck somewhere. I'm wondering if they are going to be able to deal with this backlog before Christmas now....it feels like they've had loads of time to get over the snow disruption.
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Anyone getting any backlog deliveries from Silvester Rd yet ? Or have any news ?

I've got three small packages all posted to me between 29/11 and 1/12 still outstanding.

The snow was so long ago that I've forgotten what it looked like but Royal Mail still seem unable to get things done.

Maybe everything has been "lost".

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Anyone else waiting for parcels ordered through Amazon? I'm looking out for the postie like a hawk at the moment for orders dating back well over a week (I have the Amazon Prime account so should get them next day). No tracking information available on the Amazon website, though every one of my orders says 'dispatched' and they are all past their estimated delivery time. Also I seem to have less normal post (letters, cards, bills) than usual...
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Bronte - this is exactly my experience. I too am waiting for several Amazon parcels, ordered well over a week ago in most cases. And yes, our normal post seems very light at the moment, especially as we would expect to be getting more with Christmas cards - either that or we're less popular this year than normal!

I'm starting to get a bit worried that there are going to be some disappointing 'IOU' slips on Christmas day rather than actual parcels...

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Mr Twirly is in the same boat with regards to Amazon, and is having to go into town on Saturday to Christmas shop for me, poor thing. We are getting other post though. And something I ordered through Amazon, from another supplier, after the snow had melted in London, arrived within a couple of days. The most delayed things seem to be those ordered whilst the weather itself was bad.

I sent a package up to Scotland, to an area badly hit by the snow, via Parcelforce, 48 hour delivery, on 4th December - it arrived on the 15th. So things are getting through. I sent something special delivery from London to Stranraer yesterday, so it'll be interesting to see if that arrives on time.

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Don't get me started on Amazon... I ordered some books from them next day delivery on Monday, and they are still 'in transit' (Friday). Ridiculously, I ordered something from them on Tuesday standard delivery, and that arrived today.

We're still missing about 5 packages from the absolutely cataclysmic, once-in-a-generation, never-before-seen and not-likely-to-again snow of last week. I blame Royal Mail; any excuse to take a few days off. Snow is snow; they'd best get used to it, as 'global warming' actually means a less salty Atlantic, slower Gulf Stream and colder winters in the UK. I've bought my snow shovel and grit :)

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Ha. Amazon had my parcel returned to them when the snow blocked it getting to its destination and wont refund till its back in their possession, its a joke! Its been 4 weeks now, so take it no refund?! If you go to Silvester SO 90% of parcels are amazon.co.uk they are sent 2nd class delivery (when you select FREE - super saver delivery) so are the lowest priority.

Royal mail need some snow tires (or something) on their vans, then they wouldn't have such a backlog and be having to pay extra staff to deliver it. Oh everybody is losing!

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And now we've got the snow back so more Royal Mail delays.Things are looking grim for some Xmas parcel deliveries.

My one outstanding package dating back to Dec 5th is Amazon as is a more recent one that hasn't arrived.

Neither of the two I received the other day were Amazon. Suspicious ?

In normal circumstances during the year I find Amazon pretty good at getting their stuff out, so now with the snow and Xmas looming, is it some kind of discrimination against them by Royal Mail ? Do they just chuck all distinctive Amazon packaging into a heap for delivery whenever ?

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