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I THINK the point H is trying to make is not gender specific, and I think he is getting an unfairly hard time

Despite IV?s attempts to make it a ?serious? issue about women?s needs, I think DJKQ has the right of it with her comment about the thread just being a bit of fun

But it?s pretty childish fun to be talking about it on a local forum IMO ? just as it would be if a thread started (and please, don?t, anyone) where men spoke about what gets them off, and how explosive the end-results are. It would almost certainly draw some complaint. At which point would the likes of H start talking about people being anti-men for that reason? I don?t think so ?

I get the giggly fun bit, and I'm no prude in conversation or real life ? but in written word, on an local internet forum it loses something and just comes across as overly silly

*Sigh* H.....

I respect your view Sean. It's horses for courses I guess. We all have differing views what we find silly or childish and they are always subjective.

For me the question is 'where's the harm in it?' and even though a couple of posts have made even me blush...they have also made me howl with laughter so I don't believe there has been any harm or offence caused. But that's just my opinion.

Sean I see your point, but c'mon H is using the thread as a platform to attack individual members and stereotype a whole gender!

I think DJKQ's cross because she believes that my disapproval of threads about masturbation aids is somehow a criticism of women.

Or perhaps it's just because of his criticism of women, who he describes as rejecting social decorum and sexually insecure. His words, verbatim.

The irony is that I only took the mickey out of attention seeking behaviour.

Is this statement meant to be ironic as well? H has written some of the most attention seeking posts on this thread!

She's been incredibly insulting and sexist, and in response she's merely been chastised for preening.

'Chastise', seriously? Well I'm glad the forum Head Master came along to keep that silly little girl in check! And 'sexist' - irony again?

"Huguenot gets exactly the response he was aiming for"


Really? What on earth was he aiming for? It seems that for the most part he's written inflammatory posts to wind particular users up. As a relatively new user, I don't play forum politics so it's lost on me and probably most people who will read the thread. To us, H just looks like a misogynistic halfwit. If that's what he were aiming for, well done him!

"Hugo - is your wife one of the ones who fake it?"

I think pathetic childish moron just about covers it. Well done.

Whether she fakes it or not, H, that is no way to talk about your wife!*

*This is a joke. And here's the smiley to prove it :))

And the stats that IV posted may not back up the particular point she was making, but they do make another - that men seem to be getting more enjoyment out of sex, and more often, whilst the women are left to fake it! Perhaps that's why they're on their local forum talking about the best adult toys lol.

Or maybe it's because some women choose partners badly?

reading the thread again, I think Huguenot's initial postings were all valid and didn't personally attack anyone - it was DJKQ who nuked the thread with her dismissal of men and the crimes they commit - that made it a more gender based conflict

I'm pretty sure that if men started a thread along these lines, huguenot would have posted the same few posts at the beginning expressing his disapproval

it was DJKQ who nuked the thread with her dismissal of men and the crimes they commit - that made it a more gender based conflict

I totally reject this...and I posted earlier as to the intent of that post which was in response to H's claim that women are insecure....so please be fair. H has brought all of this on himself. In fact his final sulky comment shows that, as I have though all along, his intent is only to have a pop at me personally....I'm on his hit list (lucky me)...and THAT is what I call childish.

"On the whole, it isn't women that commit rape, sexually abuse children, use prostitutes and have a disporportionate fear of homosexuality."

The fact that DJKQ went nuclear with a completely disproportionate attack on men suggests that the motive behind the thread was never apparent until that point.

I contacted DJKQ when she first started the thread questioning its appropriateness and was firmly rebuffed. It started with sex toys, escalated through vaginal squirting to end up with electrocuting genitalia. Entirely predictable.

This wasn't an exercise in self-expression, it was gonzo porn with the participants squealing in delighted self-regard.

The attack on my wife was quite frankly f*cking outrageous, can you imgaine how hurt she would be?

I don't know how this is considered even halfway acceptable. IV and binary-star should be ashamed of themselves. I hope they have the guts and the self-respect to go back and delete the comments. I don't think they will, because they're stupid little children.

Yes to what Sean said, and I acknowledge my own culpability in lowering the tone. In my defence my dander was up at what I perceived to be a facile, and woman-unfriendly comment. However, it's no excuse. I'm sure this isn't the place, and there are lots of places where this stuff can be discussed freely without causing offence.

I was going to defend Huguenot - I don't think he was being remotely misogynist at any point - but with this little beauty:

I'm guessing this thread is here because of a social weakness - an insecurity with sexuality that means women need to keep stating it to complete strangers... "I have a vagina"

he was fairly spectacularly patronising. And he doesn't need me to anyway. But I don't think he's anti-women in any way.

Long and short of it is, women love talking about sex. It's interesting for us often to find out what other women do, and get their recommendations on things. We never got our education from Razzle as teenagers. But yes, it generally does turn raucous, and perhaps among your close friends is the best place, rather than on a forum of thousands of very diverse strangers.

H, I am sorry if I have offended your wife, it was not meant as a serious accusation, I thought it was quite obviously a joke, and I'm sorry you've taken it to heart and it has caused outrage in your household. My moral compass clearly swings in a different direction to yours, and for that I'm thankful. I'm going to leave the joke where it is, and I'm sure admin will delete it if they don't find it acceptable upon your reporting of the post.

I've no idea why DJ made the comments about men that she did and whilst they might be disproportionate to the current discussion, I'm sure she can back up those comments with stats - if she can't, I can. I think your attack on women was also disproportionate and whilst you started your argument with "there is every evidence" you have yet to provide any.

Yes, this thread has gone way off course, but I for one have learnt something new. If you care to know what it was I'd Google 'fleshlight'. For those thinking it's 'flashlight' with a typo, you'll be erm 'enlightened' is probably not the word, but it seems appropriate in any case.

EDIT: Another apology to H, I think mysoginistic was a bit harsh. Sexist and patronising definitely came through.

Word to Sean on this one. I'm not a prude either, but from the start, this thread has been a bit teenaged. It wasn't helped by a couple of male posters seemingly finding it all rather titillating, which I think added fuel to the fire. Particularly lines like "you need a real man, heh heh heh", which frankly make me embarrased to be the same gender!

DJKQ seems confused as to whether it is just a bit of fun, or if a serious debate is required. The whole sexual abuse stuff came out of nowhere, and is a total fecking nonsense.

And binary_star, insulting Huguenots wife, who has absolutely nothing to do with this, is just out of order. IV and Hugo are both grown ups, she made a jibe at him, he responded, but there was no reason for you to get involved like that.

Total BS H....

If you really must know the thread was started after a day spent with friends chatting for fun about the merits of certain designs of toys...NOTHING DEEPER THAN THAT....so get a grip.

And of course you are now attacking binary because she has posted clever replies to your posts (and you can't handle that from any woman)....

And how you get away with belittling people so often in the forum is a mystery to me...you are incapable of ever just disagreeing - you have to embelish with digs and insults......

Common sense? I think you've totally lost it DJKQ. It's verging on hysterical - and all because I don't think the forum is an appropriate place for this thread.

You're even shouting, calling me spiteful names.... I mean, WTF?

You've actually invented things about me to hate. Homophobe, woman hater and so on. Each time you invent something about me you fuel this murderous rage you've got yourself into. It's demented.

I genuinely don't hate you.

b_s is fully aware that I was cross with her repeating nasty things about my wife, a gentler and more pleasant person than you could find.

Thanks DJKQ. I was aware even when I first posted on this thread that it might get out of hand (and anyone who's ever been down the pub with Impetuous knows it's likely to take a filthily funny turn), but I hadn't anticipated this turn of events.

If I can say so DJ, I think you have jumped the shark with your last post. I really really don't think Huguenot's remotely guilty of what he's being accused of. And I think the tosser comment comes across as a bit spiteful - it's not very sportsmanlike to reference whatever those conversations were. There are lots of people who think lots of things about lots of other people on here, but I'm not sure it helps to voice the opinion (or rather, to voice other people's opinions for them).

DJKQ, I think the real problem here, is that yourself and Huguenot share similar traits. You can both be guilty of putting words in to people's mouths. I've said that to Huguenot before, and he accepted it. I'm now saying it to you. Case in point;

And of course you are now attacking binary because she has posted clever replies to your posts (and you can't handle that from any woman)....

Where, prey tell, is that from? You're trying to paint H as a big nasty sexist, and I think you're completely misrepresenting what he is actually saying.

I also hate people saying things like

have you any idea how many people on the forum think you are a tosser H?

Which is just a nasty form of bullying (not that I think H will lose even a seconds sleep over it).

Firstly, you do not speak for the forum and it's members.

Secondly, no one on this forum knows what everyone thinks of them, and I am sure that pretty much every poster on here has their supporters, as well as people who think they are really really f**king annoying!

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