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Well, SMG, I feel it only proved my point.

I don't think this thread is anything about sexuality at all.

I think it's about a few people seeing how far they can push it before someone 'says' something.

When they get the reaction, they launch into a man-hating rant. First IV with some scarcely concealed misandry about climaxing, and then DJKQ tossing subtelty out of the window.

The goal wasn't self-expression, it was conflict. It's only fun, like the 'lesbian' thread, when it's being tested for *shock* value. As soon as it becomes humdrum the attention seekers will drop it like an old rag.

Whatever H....give it a break eh? You are like a broken record...and just no damn fun.

You are right the thread isn't about sexuality...it's about a 'rampant rabbit'. You are the only one turning it into yet another tiresome attempt to have a go at me. Typical arrogance from H...thinks he is the all knowing authority on why people post what they post, or start the threads they do.

I think DJKQ's cross because she believes that my disapproval of threads about masturbation aids is somehow a criticism of women or lesbians.

There's nothing I can say to change that.

The irony is that I only took the mickey out of attention seeking behaviour. On the other hand she started attacking men for being paedos and rapists.

She's been incredibly insulting and sexist, and in response she's merely been chastised for preening.

That pure fantasy on your part H......and now you are insulting me with your typical arrogance.

I really think you have a real issue with women having any kind of fun don't you H. Anyway hopefully someone H doesn't see fit to insult will return this thread back to the fun banter it was before Mr Misery stepped in.


Watch this one...

Me: "I think DJKQ's cross because she believes that my disapproval of threads about masturbation aids is somehow a criticism of women"

DJKQ: "That pure fantasy on your part H......I really think you have a real issue with women"

Badaam, tish.

I kind of think my sexuality is my own buiness, thank you for your assumptions, but I have no intention of resolving them one way or the other in public.

I don't think sexuality is something that's undeserving of discussion, but I think it's such an intense private issue that it's best kept to more secluded environments. After all, I don't come on here talking about my favourite poo do I?

I don't actually think that vaginas are intrinsically funny - the only way they could be fun is through the giggly *shock* of breaking a social taboo.

Breaking that taboo doesn't have long time hilarity value, it's funny the first time, and then you have to find something to shock more. This conversation started with accessories, and then stooped to a rather uninspired reference to discharges. That kind of escalation is typical of *shock* tactics.

Oh please, this is a thread about an adult toy. That is all. Some posts may have been borderline what one would normally expect on a local community forum, and others outside some people's comfort zone (including myself), but what's with all the faux social commentary?

Whatever the historical precedent for patriarchy, there's every evidence that in the modern era women are overcompensating with a complete rejection of social decorum.

Let's assume for argument's sake that women are completely rejecting 'social decorum', where is the evidence that they are doing so to overcompensate? And overcompensate for what? Living in a patriarchal society? Well thanks Freud, but you're probably better off leaving your armchair psychology at home, no one is that envious of your pen.

I'm guessing this thread is here because of a social weakness.

I'm guessing you're here because of a social weakness. See where guessing gets us, H?

an insecurity with sexuality that means women need to keep stating it to complete strangers... "I have a vagina"

Oh there's that armchair psychology again. Tell us again why women do things, go on H, it's not partonising at all and you're doing incredibly well so far.

*normally places winky icon here, but other people's vehemence seem to have deprived me of the pleasure*

If you're referring to my earlier post, I'm not depriving you of anything. I simply reiterated an observation made by other forum members, namely that placing a winking or smiling icon at the end of an inflammatory/nasty comment does not make it seem any less so. If anything, it just makes the poster look smug. But in future don't let me or anyone else stop you. After all, you've nothing to lose. And don't you think that saying you would have posted the icon versus actually posting the icon amounts to the same thing anyway?

I think some women can be much ruder then men! Dirty mares some of you can be!

can make a builder blush!.

I think this is a great thread talking about a adult toy for ladies fun.

Would there be the same negative comments if a guy was asking about what type of

fleshlight to use?...google it!

stop slagging off djkiller queen its all fun!.

Captain Scarlet Wrote:


> I think some women can be much ruder then men!

> Dirty mares some of yoy can be!

> can make a builder blush!.

Haha, don't pretend to be coy CS, I've read your posts in the 'a joke' thread.

binary_star Wrote:


> Captain Scarlet Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I think some women can be much ruder then men!

> > Dirty mares some of yoy can be!

> > can make a builder blush!.


> Haha, don't pretend to be coy CS, I've read your

> posts in the 'a joke' thread.

I am not pretending to be coy at all..in fact I am a dirty barstard myself I freely admit it

what I cannot stand is people who are up their own arse pretending that they have never heard a rude

joke in their life acting all shocked and offended!.

given that people on here are saying they're so confident about their this/that, some reactions suggest the opposite.

example - if you're confident about your religion you don't get shirty about it when people question or poke fun at it.

There will always be disrespecters.

There's been a few amateurish comments on here from, presumably, men (given the banality of the comments) - i think some men are genuinely threatened by the fact that women also have sexual needs (no way !!!), often exceeding yer average man's, and are ready to sort themselves out, in spite of/as well as having a partner already. sort of like it trash's the man's idea of being the all-vanquishing supercock (though never 'quite' achieving it). get real and grow up.

But really, who cares.

Basically 'people toss', big feckin deal.

is the 'rampant rabbit' oriented part of the thread truly over ? If so why not start another thread maybe called 'sexuality points to prove' because this one is surely off topic now.

Captain Scarlet Wrote:


> I am not pretending to be coy at all..in fact I am

> a dirty barstard myself I freely admit it

Sorry, I'd assumed you were said builder!

I haven't been offended by anything on this thread. I will admit to being a bit shocked though. Not at the content, but at the context more than anything else.

a thread about female masturbation and masturbation tools was always going to attract controversy.

If I started a thread about my wonderful squidgy mega-vag that comes in a can and is heated up in warm water and about how I have squirty orgasms (every time no less) I think there might be some pretty vocal opposition from both sexes.

I have enjoyed this thread though and haven't been offended at all.


It was always intended to be nothing more than a bit of cheeky fun and I think most people have had fun with it.

But sadly for me, I have so many recommendations to choose from now that I am no closer to answering the question in my original post! :))

The individual sexuality of a person is indeed a private things should they want it to be (with obvious exceptions involving public life hypocrisy etc) but the sexuality of a entire gender is up for debate. One of the things I have noted about when women get together and discuss sex, is the level of confirmation and questioning involved, if layered with humour and sometime vulgarity. Women have to continously ask themselves am I normal because of the stereotypes that we are spoonfed on a daily basis and which is getting worse. Porn is much more mainstream now and hell that is a lot to live up to. Female nudity of a very specific type is everywhere - again its a lot to live up to. Women talk to normal women to reconfirm that their desires, their needs, their bodies are normal because film, magazines and some, not all men have a really skewed view.

felt-tip Wrote:


> a thread about female masturbation and

> masturbation tools was always going to attract

> controversy.

Yeah! When do we get the 'Men - How do you like to masturbate" thread? Will it be considered too close to the bone? And how long before the admin pulls it?

Fnarr. :))

I don't like cricket. Don't see the point of it. Dull dull dull. So, here's the thing; I don't go on the cricket thread. Never ever. Why would I?

In that vein, I suggest that anyone who finds anything offensive about this thread doesn't come here. Sex toys for women, female orgasm; out of some people's comfort zones. So if you find it all very shocking best stick to what you like.

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