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Nunhead post - removed.


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One of the most common complaints levelled at site admins/mods is that rules are applied inconsistently.

This generally IS the case because a voluntary activity squeezed into precious spare moments in the day mean that teams that run sites dont have them time to vet all posts and threads.

Good sites depend on the community to help with the running.

Cate, rather than being flippant perhaps you could report those posts advertising property outside of ED, I'm sure admin would appreciate it, I know you do it elsewhere.

Hadenuff, yes your posts were removed and others werent, im sure admin will try harder in future and yeah I get it, you're angry, I suggest a herbal tea and bed rest.

Plus there's always the nunhead forum, or indeed an estate agent.

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Hi there,

I think that person has a point. I live in Sylvester Road & our Landlord has just put our rent up. Apart from the fact that the house is falling apart. I've been lookin for alternative housing only to find that I have no choice but to move away from east dulwich. nunhead is one of the places that is close by & a bit safer than peckham or camberwell. I looked on the nunhead forum & they don not have a rental site. The only other way is with expensive estate agent & so I'm now having to look at moving back home to kent.


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mockney piers Wrote:


> One of the most common complaints levelled at site

> admins/mods is that rules are applied

> inconsistently.

> This generally IS the case because a voluntary

> activity squeezed into precious spare moments in

> the day mean that teams that run sites dont have

> them time to vet all posts and threads.


> Good sites depend on the community to help with

> the running.


> Cate, rather than being flippant perhaps you could

> report those posts advertising property outside of

> ED, I'm sure admin would appreciate it, I know you

> do it elsewhere.


> Hadenuff, yes your posts were removed and others

> werent, im sure admin will try harder in future

> and yeah I get it, you're angry, I suggest a

> herbal tea and bed rest.


> Plus there's always the nunhead forum, or indeed

> an estate agent.

Where was I being flippant? I genuinely did not understand why the post(s) had been removed. If it is the case that Nunhead property can't be advertised then perhaps it should say so in the blurb on the thread. That could save Admin the problem of deleting them.

I did flag up the other posts as it seemed odd they were there and the other wasn't.

Perhaps those wishing to advertise their properties out of the immediate area could offer a contribution to the running of the Forum in return for them being allowed to place an advert.

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I'm really stuck now. My flatmate was in contact with the hadenuff lady, but now it seems that admin have removed them from the forum or they seem to have vanished off the forum & i was meant to go for a viewing with my dad because my flatmate has gone overseas. The lady was going to contact me with her address in nunhead. Does anyone have hadenuff lady's contact details, because my dad has driven all the way from Birmingham & taken tomorrow off work. please help.
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thankyou cate. i'm new to this & my flatmate who was talking with hadenuff has had to go to new york at short notice.

i hope she gets my message. i still do not know what hadenuff has done wrong? seems petty to me. does it mean that if we move to nunhaed we can't be on the forum. my flatmate is on it all the time. thanks again.


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Gary / dulwichflower / hadenuff - you may not realise it but computers have what's called an 'IP address' which identifies the machine.

If your posts are coming from the same IP address in a very short space of time then 90%+ chance they're coming from the same machine, and 99%+ they're coming from the same home router.

It isn't always the case, but you demonstrate few signals you're an internet whiz, and many more that you're a slightly niggly sock puppeteer on the edge of a rather narcissistic persecution complex.

Admin isn't one person, and isn't full time. This is a free local resource that has neither the infrastructure nor capacity to provide a regional service. The line gets drawn somewhere about what stays in and what stays out, and people do their best to cooperate.

Unless they're you. In that case they whine and whinge to try and get their own way. Not a very flattering style from an adult.

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When you say Gaaawd... you mean God a.k.a The Administrator, the mighty one who you all kneel before, right?

"ooh look what I've written Gaaawd, oooh can I be your bestest buddy Gaaawd? can I? can I oh mighty Adminman?".

What a sorry bunch of stick together sycophants you are.

Are you all the Administrator's little gang of terminators?

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nope - just the exclamation. It's in common use - I'm surprised you haven't heard of it

You seem more obsessed by Admin than anyone I've come across before tho'. And sheep

Clearly a night's sleep hasn't done you any good. But you are very articulate aren't you. I'm sure you are winning an army of fans as we talk

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I won't be able to get as big an army of fans as you Sean. I see that all the familiar names that keep popping up are all in some way linked, pals, chums, back slappers of the world united, all sitting around listening to the Pogues no doubt".

"Hey Sean, Keeeeeeef, Huguenot, Kel... quick theres an interloper in our midst, lets all have him, the dirty rotter has been having a go at our beloved Gaaawd almighty, our administrator".

Well here I am, an army of one. The Nunhead One.

Keep in the herd.

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And paranoid to boot.

I just read this thread, and truth be known, I was actually sympathetic to your cause initially, I agree that it would be useful for surrounding areas to be put on the ED forum.

But then you just went a bit mental.

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