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intexasatthe moment Wrote:


> And is Trumps filing to run again in 2020 have any

> particular significance ?

Does anyone know if that is standard practice (i.e. did Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, etc do it) or is this something newly cooked up?

I haven't seen reports for back in the day, certainly Obama didn't file to run for his second term until April 2011 for the 2012 election.

ETA Just looked, Trump at 47 months off the election is the earliest filer in recent memory by a long chalk - Obama at 19 months off next, Reagan and Bush snr latest filers at 12 months out. I guess a president has to get his application in in good time so he can do fundraising, but it looks very much as though Trump's team have spotted a loophole in their favour.

It's being described as unusual


" According to campaign filings with the Federal Election Commission, Trump?s filing as a candidate comes more than two years earlier in his term than any incumbent presidential candidate in at least 38 years."

47 months- Donald Trump filed on Jan. 20, 2017 for the 2020 election.

19 months- Barack Obama filed on April 4, 2011 for his 2012 re-election bid.

18 months- George W. Bush filed on May 16, 2003 to run for re-election in 2004.

19 months- Bill Clinton filed on April 14, 1995 for his 1996 re-election campaign.

12 months- George H.W. Bush cut it even closer, not filing until Oct. 11, 1991 for the 1992 election.

12 months- Reagan had similarly close timing, filing on October 17, 1983 to run in 1984.

Australia PM is just being polite I reckon - although they do say "abruptly ended" rather than "hung up".

"The call ended courteously, that's all I want to say about that,"

"Australia Sky News sources reported that the President "yelled" at Malcolm Turnbull "

"Mr Trump reportedly criticized the Prime Minister .. and boasted about his electoral college win."

"Mr Trump hung up after 25 minutes and said "This was the worst call by far"

"He also reportedly said to Mr Turnbull he was "going to get killed" ..... politically" :)


Sick of him. Like it or not he was democratically elected (although his next election I fear may be less then democratic). Unless he carks it of natural causes we are in for a shit storm, but leaving the EU means we will suck up to him as much as we possibly can, probably by necessity, so probably best to develop a thick skin early and just hope that he has a degree of sanity and does not start a war!

If someone kills him it will be a shitstorm of biblical proportions!

To my shame I'd never heard of Neil Postman. But this is an interesting article about the book he wrote in the 80s which to some extent predicted our current political landscape. More Aldous Huxley than George Orwell.


Jenny1 Wrote:


> I hope this link will work


> https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/

> 03/how-to-build-an-autocracy/513872/


> to a long and interesting piece in The Atlantic

> Monthly

Great post Jenny, and thanks. That is terrifying reading.

Jenny1 Wrote:


> I hope this link will work


> https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/

> 03/how-to-build-an-autocracy/513872/


> to a long and interesting piece in The Atlantic

> Monthly

Good read

It is easy, with so much craziness, to almost become immune to it. Just a reminder of the last week of Trump TrumpWatch: The Week's 5 Flashpoints From President Trump

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/trump-watch_uk_58945e8de4b0505b1f588d30 this guy is dangerous.

I e found it particularly galling to see how quickly politicians have fallen in behind Trump (especially those on the right). Often politicians that generally I respect, or would have expected to speak out more. This article puts it well https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/05/donald-trump-lies-belief-totalitarianism?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

rahrahrah Wrote:


> It is easy, with so much craziness, to almost

> become immune to it.

That is exactly right, and why we should keep posting and (where appropriate) re-threading. This from Trump for me is key:

"I say it's better to get along with Russia than not. And if Russia helps us in the fight against Isis [so-called Islamic State], which is a major fight, and Islamic terrorism all over the world - that's a good thing. Will I get along with him? I have no idea. (square brackets inserted by the rather overly-squeamish BBC news editor).

He knows very well (given the half-recognised fact that he is a simulation of himself) that he must identify an overwhelmingly self-evident foe to anchor his presidency in 'reality' (the judicial fight back against his immigration orders, though absolutely right, will reinforce his support).

Meanwhile, Ukraine is greatly destabilised and he is promising to "get along" with Putin to fight the greater foe of Isis. Now I wonder what opportunity that presents to Russia?

The UK govt meanwhile is frightened out of its wits. It knows that it is moving us out of the natural security of the EU and feels it must now depend on a "special" relationship with Trump. At some point Parliament will wake up: but I doubt it will be in time.

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