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Can someone set up a petition banning self entitled urban guardianistas from setting up petitions?

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cacaolat Wrote:


> Louisa Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Because I think it's about time we all signed

> > another petition because they achieve so much,

> and

> > put the awful world to rights. Petition, yada

> > yada, petition. Tremendous. It's gonna be

> great.

> > Yawn.

> >

> > Louisa.

> It is a basic democratic right of free thinking

> people, who you would call Guardianistas, to fight

> the fascist ideology of brexiteers and do

> something against it.

> After all Brexit was brought to us by lies and

> deception.

> Can someone ban Brexiteers from trying to stop the

> democtratic right of setting up petitions.

Typical tripe I would expect from a quintessential social democrat. Rather than put forward a constructive argument, just blame the majority for voting the way they did and ban them from having a voice. You've made my point for me, thanks!


FJDGoose Wrote:


> What difference does it make at which point I

> joined this thread?

It matters because you didn't come here to add anything to the thread did you? You came here to have a pot shot at me for having an opinion about something. Like you always do. Boring. Next.


Louisa Wrote:


> FJDGoose Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > What difference does it make at which point I

> > joined this thread?


> It matters because you didn't come here to add

> anything to the thread did you? You came here to

> have a pot shot at me for having an opinion about

> something. Like you always do. Boring. Next.


> Louisa.

Fully agree with Louisa

Louisa Wrote:


> Rather than put forward a

> constructive argument, just blame the majority for

> voting the way they did and ban them from having a

> voice.

Errrr, have you read the title of your thread?

I see 'social democrat' is your latest sneer, scraping the barrel there...

red devil Wrote:


> Louisa Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Rather than put forward a

> > constructive argument, just blame the majority

> for

> > voting the way they did and ban them from having

> a

> > voice.


> Errrr, have you read the title of your thread?

> I see 'social democrat' is your latest sneer,

> scraping the barrel there...

RD it isn't a sneer, it's a representation of the minority in ED who find this sort of forum takeover from champagne socialists and students offensive! Thread after thread talking about the same topic. Why is my one thread about the subject so offensive, and yet the other half dozen about the same person aren't? Serious question.


cacaolat Wrote:


> >

to fight

> the fascist ideology of brexiteers and do

> something against it.

Fook me some people need to get a grip.

"if you call everyone Hitler, eventually there is no Hitler"

Louisa Wrote:


> RD it isn't a sneer, it's a representation of the

> minority in ED who find this sort of forum

> takeover from champagne socialists and students

> offensive! Thread after thread talking about the

> same topic. Why is my one thread about the subject

> so offensive, and yet the other half dozen about

> the same person aren't? Serious question.

Probably because you've used sneery words/terms in your title, whereas the Trump threads haven't. I don't find it offensive, tiresome yes, plus they undermine any good points you might make. You tend to pick up on these sneers and use them ad infinitum. It's like having a demented Jack Russell yapping away. You can't help yourself, you've just thrown in a couple more, it's your MO, it's what you do, you're deliberately trying to get a reaction. Fine, carry on if you get a kick out of it, but remember you picked up a ban for similar behaviour on all the gentrification threads...

One of the things that has occurred to me as a champagne-swilling (well once a year perhaps) self-appointed guardianista (actually rarely read it) - or, as one Christmas card generically described me "a snivelling cosmopolitan elitist remoaner" (well that's one less stamp next year) - is that I'm too polite. So I just cancel my xmas card, or turn away from the offensive personalised stupid post. The Christian solution for sure: but then what? They just keep on slapping the other cheek in their self-righteous derision of my virtue-signalling, fascism, stupidity, privilege, or whatever.

There is, in the end, nothing to be said. One can act in 'polite' ways: I will vote lib-dem again having sworn I never would after the Melbourne Grove fiasco. I will be lured into thinking that the federal stay of Trump's latest edict is a victory (it won't be). The 'democratic' vote (founded in ressentiment - see Nietzsche) will sweep me away, and I will think: well they had grounds for feeling that way (and, of course, they did). This is what civil war must have felt like, and it is so very sad ("all of the various envies, all of them sad" Auden).

response to ????

I did not mention Hitler at all. In fact Italy had fascism already 11 years earlier and some countries had it much longer. Brexit and Trump it are just the english speaking version of fascism.

Louisa Wrote:


> cacaolat Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Louisa Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > Because I think it's about time we all signed

> > > another petition because they achieve so

> much,

> > and

> > > put the awful world to rights. Petition, yada

> > > yada, petition. Tremendous. It's gonna be

> > great.

> > > Yawn.

> > >

> > > Louisa.

> > It is a basic democratic right of free thinking

> > people, who you would call Guardianistas, to

> fight

> > the fascist ideology of brexiteers and do

> > something against it.

> > After all Brexit was brought to us by lies and

> > deception.

> > Can someone ban Brexiteers from trying to stop

> the

> > democtratic right of setting up petitions.


> Typical tripe I would expect from a quintessential

> social democrat. Rather than put forward a

> constructive argument, just blame the majority for

> voting the way they did and ban them from having a

> voice. You've made my point for me, thanks!


> Louisa.

Social Democrat ? of course you can't help, you must put everyone into a category.

Cacaolat said: "Social Democrat ? of course you can't help, you must put everyone into a category."

Well, we probably find-ourselves entrammelled to. With apologies to B Russell: you have put her in a category of those who must put everyone into a category.

Suggest read Hegel.

Goose Green Roundabout - brilliant idea, how many tents would fit on it?

Sorry, I don't agree with horse racing or like betting. Horse racing can be a bit cruel. They have nurse mare farms - not a lot of people are aware of, where lots of old nags are made pregnant so their foals can be shot so the mothers are available to suckle the pedigree horses, and the pedigree mums can then save their energies for the next foal. Then they are sent off to race and fail (and then get shot) at TWO years old when their bones haven't developed well enough. Like putting your little tot in a marathon. On that light note, congratulations on your win!!

I am not a bobble-hatted veggie or peta member either, just interested in animal welfare.

red devil Wrote:


> Louisa Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > RD it isn't a sneer, it's a representation of

> the

> > minority in ED who find this sort of forum

> > takeover from champagne socialists and students

> > offensive! Thread after thread talking about

> the

> > same topic. Why is my one thread about the

> subject

> > so offensive, and yet the other half dozen

> about

> > the same person aren't? Serious question.


> Probably because you've used sneery words/terms in

> your title, whereas the Trump threads haven't. I

> don't find it offensive, tiresome yes, plus they

> undermine any good points you might make. You tend

> to pick up on these sneers and use them ad

> infinitum. It's like having a demented Jack

> Russell yapping away. You can't help yourself,

> you've just thrown in a couple more, it's your MO,

> it's what you do, you're deliberately trying to

> get a reaction. Fine, carry on if you get a kick

> out of it, but remember you picked up a ban for

> similar behaviour on all the gentrification

> threads...

Firstly, I picked up a ban for deliberate and provocative language aimed at an individual. Not done that here, and certainly haven't mentioned the 'G' word in relation. Plenty of sneers and inflammatory stuff used In the Trump threads, and not a single mention of their negavitivlity from you or anyone else. Once again the biased powers that be pick out someone who doesn't agree with their point. Predictable.

If it's 'reactions' you want to talk about here, how about we pick up on FJDGoose and their deliberately provocative attempt to make me rise to their bait? Or did you conveniently not notice that, and just respond to my response to them (arguably over the top, but from my point of view, for good reason). The number of double standards we see on here are shocking, oh and it's finished off with the threat of another ban. Why do I even bother with this forum!


cacaolat Wrote:


> response to ????


> I did not mention Hitler at all. In fact Italy had

> fascism already 11 years earlier and some

> countries had it much longer. Brexit and Trump it

> are just the english speaking version of fascism.

Brexit is nothing of the sort - hysterical (in both senses of the word) claptrap...people need to get some perspective about democratic decisions that don't go 'their way'

cacaolat Wrote:


> response to ????


> I did not mention Hitler at all. In fact Italy had

> fascism already 11 years earlier and some

> countries had it much longer. Brexit and Trump it

> are just the english speaking version of fascism.

When you say "fascist", do you really mean "person who is a bit right wing"? Ot's just that I'm not sure you understand what fascism is.

jaywalker Wrote:


I will vote lib-dem again

> having sworn I never would after the Melbourne

> Grove fiasco.

I think what that particular incident reinforced for me was that often it's a good idea to vote differently on national and local levels.

Louisa Wrote:


> Firstly, I picked up a ban for deliberate and

> provocative language aimed at an individual. Not

> done that here, and certainly haven't mentioned

> the 'G' word in relation.

I remember why you were banned well. It was after a newbie posted that they were new to the area, first-time poster etc, to which you replied along the lines of ''Oh great, that's all we need, another bl0w-in''. Admin then promptly banned you and posted their reasons why, something along the lines of that they were fed up with your sneery comments in general on several threads over many months, but this had crossed a line in that you were now being nasty to newcomers and giving an unwelcoming impression of the Forum to outsiders.

I'm not suggesting you have targeted an individual, or brought up gentrification. I gave that as an example of where you have been generally sneery in the past, which is what you are doing again.

> Plenty of sneers and inflammatory stuff used In the Trump threads,

> and not a single mention of their negavitivlity from

> you or anyone else. Once again the biased powers

> that be pick out someone who doesn't agree with

> their point. Predictable.

The only thing that is predictable is you playing the victim card.

Perhaps you'd like to give examples of these 'sneers and inflammatory stuff'?

I don't have any powers, but yes I will sometimes comment on something that's been said that I don't agree with, or I think is ridiculous in some way. It's how the forum works, people post their opinions. However, I don't comment on everything I don't agree with, for instance several people may have already made a point I agree with, in that situation I tend not to comment as it can come across as a bit 'pitch fork'.

> If it's 'reactions' you want to talk about here,

> how about we pick up on FJDGoose and their

> deliberately provocative attempt to make me rise

> to their bait? Or did you conveniently not notice

> that, and just respond to my response to them

> (arguably over the top, but from my point of view,

> for good reason).

I saw nothing wrong with FJD's post, you do need to give it a rest. I agreed with his sentiment and didn't feel the need to add to it.

The point I made was a completely separate issue, to do with your hypocrisy on banning. Had you not said it I wouldn't have commented.

> The number of double standards we see on here are shocking, oh and it's finished

> off with the threat of another ban. Why do I even

> bother with this forum!

There you go again, playing the victim card. No one has threatened to ban you...

Otta Wrote:


> When you say "fascist", do you really mean "person

> who is a bit right wing"? Ot's just that I'm not

> sure you understand what fascism is.

It's all a bit 'Rik from the Young Ones', fascist has become a lazy put down to be filed with urban Guardinistas et al, and as Quids suggested diminishes the true nature of what fascism really is...

Can we get a list of Fascists please.

That way we can pick a different one for each occasion, spreading the load as it were.

I'm nominating Mosley, seeing as we're pro home produced goods.

I love a top ten. Cue the top of the pops theme tune :

At one this week : Moseley

Just nudged off the top spot to a number 2: Mussolini

At three, looking smart in a well ironed number 3: the hitler youth

???? Wrote:


> Oh as you asked


> All Tories

> Anyone who voted Brexit

> Anyone who criticises Corbyn

> All the press - well the MSM bits

> etc

In my apparent, according to you, mission to "follow you round like a rash" (how does a rash follow someone around, scary!) may I point out that when jaywalker said s/he didn't want to engage in dialogue with Trump or his supporters you accused him/her of being a fascist? "You're a fascist of sorts too you know, like many who seem to think they have

enlightened opinions." The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

With whom is it productive to attempt to open up de-stabilising dialogue (i.e. one that might change either side, most especially ones own)?

Not my cat (his self-reference is solipsistic). His world has much to teach me, but we cannot cross the language barrier.

Not a child - their self-reference is solipsistic until aged 7 or 8 as a rule at least if one believes Piaget.

Not often with politicians (they tend to see their self-reference as purified to faith in party. A group solipsism.)

Not with essentialists (they already know how the world is - forensic solipsism.) Philosophers often fall into this.

Not with a psycho (they are trapped in a world you do not want to share).

Not those with (justified) ressentiment about their inheritance (this was Marx's fundamental mistake).

Perhaps only (in later life I have come to think) with those who have shared life-events that already de-stabilised their certainty so much that they were forced open to the other.

The latter too few to count: the human is always therefore in self-destruct mode even in its certainty of achieved solidarity.

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