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Dulwich Park Cafe


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Can someone please send these people some copies of Jamies Kitchen Dinners. It's just ridiculous, same menu for 7 years. Does anyone in Dulwich/East Dulwich/Peckham actually understand food - Jacks may have sporadic opening hours but at least they know how to put together a menu.

I am praying for Peckham Rye Park cafe - will someone finally hand a lease to someone who really understands food.

We could do a Simon Cowell/Gordon Ramsay crossover - they would have a field day in the area.

"no honestly you can't cook, I don't care if you get your fish from Moxtons or your meat from William Rose, your not going through" cue tears & looks of disbelief.

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"Do you remember what we had there before this? OHMYGOD!!!"

I do remember what was there before, and I would never have been enticed to eat anything from there; It's one of the reasons I don't go to Dulwich Park. I'm also not surprised that there appears to have been little improvement with their successor at the cafe though. Seven years ago Dulwich Park cafe as probably not as exciting a prospect as it could be now as a catering venue, and I guess that things may not have been helped by the likely lack of culinary tstes, expertise and aspiration on the part of the people at Southwark Council who drew up the specification for the cafe contract, and those in the council's Leisure Department who made the choice of this catering operator for the venue.

The thing to do is to find out from the council when the current lease is out for renewal, and to make it clear to them, possibly through local councillors, that things have changed and a new and more appropriate caterer needs to be selected for the next period of any contract. Start a campaign, and you can request the information regarding the end of the current lease by writing under the Freedom of Information Act, by writing to the council [ email:[email protected] ] and stating that you are making an FOI enquiry. The end date of a lease or contract is not commercially sensitive information, if they try to argue that it is.

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Is it the type of food served or the standard that is the problem at this place? For what it is ( a cafe pavilion in the middle of a park) my experience has been fine.. not amazing but fine..

If it's the type of food then I don't think it would change much - a park cafe catering for the majority of punters (ie families with children from a wide demographic)

But food menus generally in the area is another subject - I feel a thread coming on

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I can quite happily go to a park without visiting a cafe there. To say that is a reason for not going to the park is a bit overreacting is it not? Anyway it's not that bad in there. What do you expect, as Sean so rightly says, it's a cafe in the park not Fifteen.
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With the previous operator it was both.

It may well be that the demographic of park users has changed over the last seven years. Plus people's expectation of food, and their idea what is desirable and healthy, may have changed, particularly for children.

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I agree. it is a Cafe in the park for 'all'. Some families might be a bit stretched to order hand kneaded garlic bread with sundried tomatoes (I think it's called a bruschetta ;-))

It is what it is. I take my little one there sometimes if he's hungry but am under no illusions. More often than not we eat in the usual places with the 'same menu' with th same prices, but that's what we likes.

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"I can quite happily go to a park without visiting a cafe there. To say that is a reason for not going to the park is a bit overreacting is it not? Anyway it's not that bad in there. What do you expect, as Sean so rightly says, it's a cafe in the park not Fifteen."

Like you, I'm entitled to my view and to express it, and to engage in discussion, without openly criticising someone else's. You have no idea of my circumstances, or why I choose to go to parks which have decent cafes and facilities, and not everyone is the same. Plus, I'm perfectly entitled to go to whichever park I like, for whatever reason I have.

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OK fair enough but you did say the reason you don't go to the park is because the cafe is rubbish. My point is that's not the only reason to go to a park. You can go to any park you want Frisco, for whatever reason you want. It does seem a bit of a shame to deny yourself the pleasure of going to a lovely park just because you can't get a good scran there.
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Indeed, I have exposed my two babies to sun dried everythings/Sunday morning at Borough Market, and they refuse to eat all of it. They like bread and butter, occasional chips and sometimes toast with honey when we eat out! Why must everywhere be bloomin organic, free range and tweezed to perfection to meet general approval. The cafe in the park is not MacDonalds - there are no free toys/goodie bags to take home or colouring books or gimicks but the children eat the food and it child friendly and it is fine.

This is food for the majority. It is in the park, it is fine. My children are overloaded with bloomin vegan birthday cake, raisins and rice cakes from everywhere else. Why must everywhere turn into a gastro location?

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I don't think park cafes have "leases" - in the usual legal meaning of the term "lease" - because the licencee (unlike a lessee) only has access to the premises when the park is open and not 24/7. Licences are often of only three years duration rather than the usual commerical leae term of 12-15 years and usually just go the highets bidder - who in turn is only going to maximise profit if the customers get what they want....

Anyway with the gallery cafe and the two excellent places around the corner from each other in the Village I think it would be commercial suicide to pitch the place at that level.

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_what are we missing out on?_

I don't know what you're missing out on now, and I rarely find anywhere near Dulwich Park to be tempted to use it, but the facilities there would have a bearing on my decision. Plus it's not particularly accessible for me, without having to faff round dealing with the council.

As far as the previous incarnation of the cafe was concerned, my view was that it was dirty and the very limited menu was unappealing and unappetising. Another correspondent my be running away with the impression that I've suggesting changing it to some kind of foodie venue, but I'm not. I like to occasionally eat in one of the two reasonable worker cafes on LL, and I also don't consider garlic bruschetta to be particularly healthy.

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Oh no, please I am not having a go at Frisco. It is just that I am more aware than most (no genuinely here - it is my job - no really stop laughing...) that what little children should eat to be healthy, and yet my children are not willing to engage with any of it. Some children just want plain food. They like boiled eggs and soldiers. My pair will not eat anything remotely to do with olive oil (drat) or even ever so slightly garnished with rocket (the frustration is mind bending)... But fair play to them - bread and butter, an apple or a few chips - and we have no problem.

Don't tell anyone. I shall be frozen out at the school gates ...

I am happy to go to Dulwich Park and know that we can have our tea, and they will not die of scurvey, bread and butter followed by an apple and everyone is happy! They are only children afterall, I have had enough of making them little fashion victims. They don't like vegan/sugar free birthday cake - but really, neither would you.

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Demographic! Oh my god we are in trouble. It's about having great facilities a very modern building and a menu that is way off the mark. Its 2007 not 83". It's got nothing to do with Fifteen it's just about basic simple food made with care. They would only need to educate themselves on the food front and hey presto.

Maybe they should start with some interesting salad selections and decent bread ( just 3 huge bowls on the counter) Trial it at the weekend and just watch it fly. Obviously they could then see if works finacially.

Visit somewhere first that does it, learn then apply if they are not sure. At least it would provide a balance/alternative to fried eggs & bacon sandwiches.

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DM - Yes please.

Sean - Don't be, there's another pleasantries to go round.

Allfornun - the place crawls with children everywhere, under tables, on the walls, from the drains.. it's disgusting!! I think the food is probably aimed squarely at that market and judging by bums on seats today - it seems to be working.

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Kids huh?

Confession time - between the ages of 6 and 16 I would eat nothing but cereal. And I mean pretty much nothing. Even after that period it was food of the most processed order. I genuinely had no concept of what went in and what came out

It all changed about 20 years ago when I arrived in this country - and even then slowly. And EVEN THEN I still have issues (seafood for example.. I dunno why)

So don't give up DM - they may be fussy now but they will grow out of it

Dang it - off topic. Someone... quick.. get it back on

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