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Just saw midwife today (my last appointment as I am due this friday). She did usual checks and said baby was head down though not engaged - this was the case with my daughter four years ago. She did not descend until my waters were broken prior to pushing.

The midwife is sending me to have an ultrasound scan this week to check presentation and size. She said it was just for peace of mind as I mentioned I could feel baby moving a lot and was concerned with position. But I think it's a bit weird - if I get this scan within next five days it will practically be on my due date and if I go past due date would likely be given a scan at post dates clinic. Am I being paranoid? Has anyone else been sent for such late scan?

Also I seem to have nitrites present in urine which could signify UTI although I haven't had obvious symptoms - again by the time they do a culture I could be in labour. Should I be going to Seldoc/ED hospital today to get the ball rolling on this?

I'm 39 weeks today with my first and I'm being sent for a growth scan next Thursday (when I'll be 39+5!) as midwife on Thursday didn't think bubs has grown much since I saw her two weeks ago. I'm not too worried as heart beat and movements are fine. I figure it can't be too concerning otherwise surely I'd be seen sooner. She thinks it's probably just because I'm small (and Dad is no giant either). As for the UTI, I used to get these sooo often and started taking cranberry tablets from Holland and Barrets; thankfully I haven't had any during pregnancy. If you're worried, maybe start taking one a day in case it does turn out to be a UTI. All the best.

My midwife send me for the scan on my due date and that morning my contractions started, we went for the scan by bus and walked a lot that day and scan lady said my contraction were strong and i will see my baby today :) But he didt come until 8.30 next morning. BTW scan showed baby 3600gm and my son was born 2700gm. Sa. Tomases open at 9.

Good luck D.

I am due in two weeks, and have had nitrates in my urine for the past two months or so. Midwife had sent the first positive test out and it came back as nothing so since then has just said it is normal for me. I have been prone to UTI's in the past and was worried but havent had any other signs of infection at all. Not sure if this helps you but it could possibly be nothing. I am not a medical professional though.
Could nitrites in urine also just be due to high protein turnover in pregnancy, and not nec infection? In any even, I second cranberry. I had UTI so bad I was bleeding. I used concentrated cranberry from a tin instead of tablets, and it worked very well.

Went to Kings this morning at 9am. Eventually had scan at MAU after midwife there grumbled (a lot!) about there being no reason at all for me to be scanned according to my notes. But when she scanned me she said baby was head down but lying to the side so there was concern for chord prolapse - and so she send me for an urgent proper ultrasound in Suite 9. I waited at least an hour and a half getting more anxious by the minute (was on my own). Finally when I was practically in tears at reception they called me in. Had scan and according to their findings baby is head down and all is ok. Phew! Nearly fainted on scanning bed from stress and lack of food.

By the way, I got a lot of conflicting info at Kings. People at scanning room said no need to book postdates appointment - lady at MAU said "of course you need to book!". So if your midwife has not booked a postdates appointment for you (and mine did not) take the initiative and book one - usually at 40+5 wks

phew, glad is all ok.

midwife is away on half-term hols so not seeing her this week. she booked me in to see her at 40+1 next tuesday.

hoping I won't need it though! wonder if the curry theory really works and if it'll be worth the heartburn?!

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