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The symptoms you describe sound exactly like how my little boy was from birth to about 2 months, when we started using Colief, which absolutely saved my life.

It is a bit faffy with breastfeeding, as the instructions are pretty rigid about how you give it, in that you are supposed to express and feed them a little bit of the milk (as mentioned above) before the feed every time you feed which is hardly practical. I got round this by expressing a load of milk the night before which gave me enough to make up little bottles of about 1oz mixed with the Colief to give before each feed throughout the next day.

Good luck, colic is a horrible time.

Hello, my little one has really hard time bringing up wind too. I feel so sad watching her in pain after about 10 mins on the breast. Went to dulwich breastfeeding cafe today and they just advised to spend a long time winding and continue with infacol which doesnt seem to be doing much after a week. Am going to the therapy rooms cranial osteopath tomorrow on lordship labe with some hope that things will get better as baby was forcep delivered... my baby is 3 weeks old and i spend so much time worrying about whether she is getting enough food even though she is putting on weight.... its good to read people suggestions though, am hoping maybe gripe water may work once she is a month old.
hello helen, it was okay lasted an hour. the osteopath looked like she was doing gentle holding of the head and tummy and legs, she didnt explain what she was doing very well though just said baby felt tense and the movements are aimed to release pressure from the nervous system which may have been caused by forcep delivery and truama.... baby seems the same though since! feeding and then in discomfort from tummy... Osteopath said she wants to see baby for a few more sessions and hopefully this will improve her digestive system - who knows am willing to try anything though! hope it goes well tomorrow, let me know what you think. are you going to the therapy rooms on lordship lane?

just to add my tuppence to this question - my daughter has a milk allergy and had terrible wind and no-one could help me at all - I only found out she had an allergy at 4 months old when in desperation I tried formula and she had a huge reaction. I cut out all dairy but she was still really uncomfortable (it can take 2 weeks to get out of your system) so in the end just gave up BF and gave her the special prescription forumula - total turnaround. I recommend trying some forumula if you haven't already - it wasn;t the first time she reacted though - on about bottle no 4 or so when we switched to Hipp Organic (must have more milk in it) - hives, sick, diarrohea. Ten percent of babies have this allergy so it;s a possibility and you really want to find out sooner rather than later.



Our 4 week?s old little tyrant seems to be having the same symptoms.

The only thing I can add is a remedy called Gaviscon that my wife was prescribed by our GP. It is a powder that dissolves in water and meant to treat gastric reflux. We find it helpful, as quickly as 5 minutes after he takes it. Clearly it treats the problem, but doesn?t solve it.. but we happily settle for that at the moment. Those fits of crying for hours are unbearable.

We also "gave in" and tried a dummy for the first time this week. It certainly helps in keeping the little prince calmer.

Just wanted to say a big big thank you to all of you who commented, I got a Word file full of tips on where to take it from here.

Good Luck Helen and thank you for starting this helpful thread.


hi helen,

our little 4 wks old is suffering much like your baby, with what seems to be trapped wind, reflux, colic symptoms. He cries sometimes for up to 5 hrs nonestop, refuses to lie down by himself, will only ever sleep in the baby bjorn or on the chest of one of us.

I have been recommended to try the amby baby hammock, and just wanted to ask you whether it worked for you??

hope to hear from you soon as we are getting desperate to finding a good sleeping position for him...

all the best!

  • 3 months later...

when she was about three months old I took her to see a cranial osteopath and from then on things were much improved, could have been a combination of things though as at around that age their digestive systems start to be mature enough to cope with wind.

She still gets windy (is nearly 6 months now) but can bring it up quite easily. Infacol seemed to work sometimes but not others, same for gripe water and windy pops(a herbal remedy), though there are other options that have been mentioned above so may be worth trying?

If you haven't been to an osteo I would highly recommend it. My first child also suffered from wind but not to the same extent and I wonder if it was because we took him at 2 weeks old rather than waiting so long (just slipped my mind, not a conscious decision)..

Also, do you put him on his tummy? that helped a bit, also cycling her legs and pushing her legs towards her stomach.

I ended up wearing her in the baby bjorn a lot of the day, she was upright so didn't suffer so much, burped more easily, and could eat and sleep at will while I chased around after her big brother and got on with dinner etc.

Hope it gets better very soon, it's tough!

Gripe water does help. But, the best thing I was shown (by my wonderful French midwife) was to cradle baby, stomach down, head in hand, body along forearm; rock in figure of eight and gently rub stomach in circle with free hand. Worked every time for my baby.
  • 4 months later...

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