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Labour have shifted much of the emphasis to Grove Vale and a colleague cycnically suggested this is because it borders South Camberwell ward which is Labour held.

This is bs James. You can't help yourself can you sometimes?

There are also three projects planned for around peckham Rye too, taking into consideration accident hotspots at the junction of East Dulwich Road and Peckham Rye for example. I will be attending a Transport sub committee meeting on Nov 4th -I'm sure that committee would take a dim view of the above comment by your colleague.

You know as well as I do that transport/ road improvements projects are decided upon after looking at data (including accident data) to identify the areas most in need...as annual funding from both TFL and local authorities is not a bottomless pit.

For everyone else, I would be happy to request some figures on accidents along Barry Road at that meeting for information. The maps I berifly looked at a few weeks ago at a CC meeting didn't highlight the above mentioned junctions of Barry Road as being high in levels of incidents compared to other junctions in the area. But I am happy to request some detailed information.

trentk69 Wrote:


> Hi James Barber - are you saying that the report

> says that there has only been 5 collisons at the

> Barry Road - Underhill road in the past 3 years?


> If this is the case, then this is very wrong. I

> would say there has been at least 5 collisons

> there this year alone - probably more.


> I hear and see them all the time from my house.

> Earlier this year the crashes there were coming

> thick and fast - approximately one a week for the

> space of about a month...


> Cheers

The accidents you have seen are damage only and these accidents are not recorded. There have been 5 collisions in the last 3 years that resulted in an injury (slight, serious or fatal) to someone.

Road safety money is allocated to reduce injury and rightly so, not to reduce the number of broken headlights and dented egos.

>I will be attending a Transport sub committee meeting on Nov 4th.

I can't see any meeting of the Environment, Transport, Communities and Citizenship Scrutiny Sub-Committee on that day. http://moderngov.southwarksites.com/mgCommitteeDetails.aspx?ID=304 Is it the one you mean? If so, does that mean you're a member of it - I hadn't thought committee meetings generally entertained questions from public attenders?

Or was it maybe one of the Community Council meetings listed for that day? http://moderngov.southwarksites.com/mgCalendarMonthView.aspx?XXR=0&M=11&DD=2010&ACT=Go&

[Get those links - Not just gov now, folks, it's new, improved, moderngov]

My 2pc worth.

I have a real problems with the built out sections for bus stops.

It encourages people waiting for a bus to stand very close to the

curb at the very point where vehicles squeeze to pass each other.

My fear is one day a vehicle will be forced to mount the curb to

avoid an on-coming truck bus etc :(

It is a Peckham Rye CC transport sub committee meeting to be chaired by Gavin Edwards. James should have details of sub committee meetings for ED specifically which any resident can attend if they sign up for it in advance.

DJKJ:>It is a Peckham Rye CC transport sub committee meeting [on 4 Nov]

Ah, thanks DJKQ. The only link to that sub-group http://moderngov.southwarksites.com/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=324&MId=3689 seems to be the one on the global meetings Calendar page I referred to. If you look just at the Nunhead and Peckham Rye CC page http://moderngov.southwarksites.com/mgCommitteeDetails.aspx?ID=177 and its child pages (meetings, agendas, calendar, etc) , you get no idea of the existence of any such sub-group. (*) I'll send a link to this post in the Feedback area of that page. Or are these sub-groups transient or evanescent things that don't merit more than a per-meeting page?

(*) And if you look for any mention of them in the CC minutes or 'report packs', you seem to find nothing but minutes of planning meetings. I think I'm going outside to scream. I may be some time.


The police are in attendance for the majority of the accidents that happen at this junction. Surely this must "register" as an accident on some council database somewhere?

If not, then where do I register the accidents when they happen, or because no one was hurt does that mean that they dont matter?


Hi ianr,

Peckham & Nunhead community Council have a transport sub committee with members from the public.

I've attached collissions maps before. Afraid I cna;t find it quickly.

On that collission map you could see that relatively few recorded collisions on Barry Road. More on Grove Vale and MANY more on Lordship Lane especially with junction of Northcross Road.

Hi DJKilla,

I've gone through my paperwork and I have over egged it a bit. Sorry. The original Lib Dem plans were for Lorship Lane but now proposed to spread this across both roads. The proposed Labour wording for the project was "Improved pedestrian crossing provision on Lordship Lane, speed reduction measures on Grove Vale and improved public realm and access to East Dulwich station" and my accpeted amended wording is "Improved pedestrian crossing provision, speed reduction and public realm to Lordship Lane and Grove Vale".

I've seen the initial officer proposals and given lots of feedback and have yet to see the new officer proposals.

i had my car written off in june on barry road because people drive like complete idiots. it was at 9am in the morning and luckily no-one was hurt. i have seen so many accidents near underhill/barry road juction and its lucky nobody has been seriously hurt.
I was involved in this accident. The BMW was travelling at excessive speed down Barry Rd and almost took me out crossing Barry Rd from Underhill. 1 second earlier and I would have been toast. This is the 4th accident I know of this year at this junction and something must be done to stop people using Barry Rd as a race track. I will be writing to our MP and want to campaign for traffic calming measures. I know they don't always work but i have 2 babies and feel extremely nervous now about crossing that junction.
Technically though you drove out in front of an approaching car? Isn't that why it swerved and ended up in the railings? How far away from you was the BMW when you drove out? How do you know it was breaking the speed limit. I once had a car pull out in front of me (I was doing 27mph) and the driver claimed I was speeding to avoid insurance responsibility. He lost of course.

I was driving up Barry road this morning when someone edged out way over their mark into Barry road, by say 2/3ft.

Didn't have enough time to stop and solid traffic the other way

Only choice to swerve round dangerously into the oncoming traffic

It happens way too often.

Net effect of that of course, in worse case scenario is the traffic i forced over ends up exactly where the BMW did.....:(

Hi, Im a local driving instructor and Im sure there has been at least five incidents in a year. I've seen at least three in the last six months. I don't think that Barry road is any worse than a lot of roads of its kind, but how many roads are nearly a mile long dead straight. It all boils down to a recipe for a disaster. Excessive speeds, dangerous overtaking,and above all bad driving particulary near the junctions. Something urgent needs to be done to slow these idiots down before there is a fatal incident (or has there been one in the past?). I hope there were no pedestrians near the railings.

This isn't a accident blackspot!!!!!!!

The speeds that people drive down Barry Road at are mind boggling. The morons seem to think that a long road means you can drive at any speed and overtake whoever gets in your way.

If I sit in my living room during the day I'm guaranteed to get a regular blast of car horns and skidding tyres coming from that junction and I'm starting to get a little too used to hearing the unmistakable sound of crashing cars. I heard the latest accident the other day and quite calmly looked out the window and called 999. Third time this year!

Something HAS to be done about this junction because one day it will be a fatal. Southwark council you have been warned!

Hi there,

I am certainly not going to be interrogated by anyone on this site as to whether I was in the right or wrong. That is for the police to do. The driver of the BMW had just threatened a bus driver at the top of Barry road with a bottle before tearing down the road!I don't usually use this forum as I don't have alot of time with 2 babies and work but felt compelled to let people know that i feel so strongly about something being done to slow down the drivers that DO come tearing down that road. Thank you Nicholas for checking that I was OK. I am determined to do something via the council and our local MP and would appreciate it if anyone who feels strongly about this would let me know. As UnderhillOliver said it is only a matter of time before someone is killed!

As a cyclist I hate cycling down Barry Road past that junction because cars always push way out onto Barry Road forcing me to either swerve out into the traffic, stop my bike altogether or risk a collision with the car.

I don't know if the visibility is obstructed for cars coming out of Underhill onto Barry Road, but it's really dangerous.

In my opinon if a driver/rider is traveling at excessive speed in most occasions its there fault and should pay the consequences,trouble is trying to prove it and often or not they get away with it and thats wrong.The way its going I can see traffic calming humps cameras etc on most roads. Although im not a lover of humps,if it stops idiots like this then its worth it.Money is the problem big cut backs so don't hold your breath.Its just sheer luck that there hasn't been a fatel.

The driver threatened a bus driver with a bottle? No traffic calming would've slowed this nutter.

BTW, if you're the owner of a blue Seat Ibiza, parked in the cross hatchings on Barry Road, by the junction with Underhill, you're causing cars to edge out because they can't see what's coming.

If you would have noticed it was said the BMW driver thretened the bus driver at the top of the road,so consequently traffic calming would have slowed him down because he was speeding to get away from the incident which happened halfway down Barry rd. This a serious thread about speed road safety issues which need to addressed.
Crossing Barry Road is difficult... visibility is terrible, so you sometimes have no choice but to edge out into the road. Obviously you have to do this very slowly, so you don't suddenly pop out in front of someone. But it would help a lot if people didn't drive so fast along Barry Road.

Apart from the speeding, the problem for drivers trying to cross that Barry Road junction, is the lack of visibility to the right. Sometimes just edging out to get a view feels like you are taking your life and maybe someone else's in your hands.

To avoid it I sometimes divert to Silvester Road, turn left onto Barry Road and then take a right to Underhill. This feels slightly safer than the other option.

Nicholas Wrote:


> If you would have noticed it was said the BMW

> driver thretened the bus driver at the top of the

> road,so consequently traffic calming would have

> slowed him down because he was speeding to get

> away from the incident which happened halfway down

> Barry rd. This a serious thread about speed road

> safety issues which need to addressed.

I was being serious. In that car, you could get up to nearly 50mph between speed humps and I've seen plenty of drivers jumping their vans and cars over humps and cushions - especially company vehicles. If the driver has the red mist, they're a menace, whatever obstacles you put in the way.

It's a serious issue that residents block sight lines to the right on Barry Road and LL. That needs to be addressed too.

I agree that sight lines from the junction would be a good start but agree with Nicholas that some sort of traffic calmimg needs to happen too. Barry Rd is just too long and straight with no obstacles (other than cars trying to cross) so is too irresistible to some drivers who have no qualms about racing their cars down the road. The 4 accidents I know about were all caused by excessive speed along the piece of road coming up to the junction with Underhill Rd.

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