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Pooping dog on camera - do you know it or owner?

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This is a serious issue that should not be treated lightly. A friend has a son (now adult) who is blind in one eye as a result of catching toxocara canis from dog faeces when he was a child. Children stepping on dog faeces in the street are therefore at risk.

I can confirm TheCat's observation that Beauval, Dovercourt and parts of Woodward road are particularly badly affected by this anti-social problem.

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Dog duck Wrote:


> But we all see Louisa constantly relieving herself

> all over this forum?

Yawn. You seem a little obsessed, maybe you should find something else to talk about? Perhaps keep the thread on topic for a start?


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woodstock Wrote:


> On Friday morning I discovered a large dog poop on

> the pavement directly outside my house on

> Dovercourt Road. Fortunately I recently installed

> a CCTV system and have photos of the dog "in

> action" and its owner - conveniently staring at

> his mobile.


> Do you know them?


> People like this should be named and shamed - and

> fined by the council.

You need to get a life mate!

Its a 7 second job with a bucket of water! If selfish people like you stopped paving over their gardens so they can park their precious cars then dogs might not need to take a dump on the pavement.

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uncleglen Wrote:


> TheCat must be very young to not realise how

> selfish and and inconsiderate some dog owners, and

> most cat owners are. To wilfully own a pet that

> devastates wildlife on a grand scale and wrecks

> other peoples' enjoyment of their own garden is

> the height of laziness and inconsideration- I

> personally don't know how they sleep at night

> while Tiddles is out on the prowl.....

Brexshitting again !

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Toosmart1973 Wrote:



> You need to get a life mate!


> Its a 7 second job with a bucket of water! If

> selfish people like you stopped paving over their

> gardens so they can park their precious cars then

> dogs might not need to take a dump on the

> pavement.

as opposed to the 7 second job of the dog owner to pick up his own dog's shite?

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Toosmart1973 Wrote:


> woodstock Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > On Friday morning I discovered a large dog poop

> on

> > the pavement directly outside my house on

> > Dovercourt Road. Fortunately I recently

> installed

> > a CCTV system and have photos of the dog "in

> > action" and its owner - conveniently staring at

> > his mobile.

> >

> > Do you know them?

> >

> > People like this should be named and shamed -

> and

> > fined by the council.


> You need to get a life mate!


> Its a 7 second job with a bucket of water! If

> selfish people like you stopped paving over their

> gardens so they can park their precious cars then

> dogs might not need to take a dump on the

> pavement.

What so they can "go" in people's front gardens instead!!??

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rendelharris Wrote:


> You a vegan, uncleglen? If not then how do you

> sleep at night thinking about your own slaughter

> of animals? Do you own a car? Then how do you

> sleep at night thinking about the contribution you

> make to pollution which kills tens of thousands of

> humans every year?"

I'm vegan and don't own a car. What do I win?

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On the contrary. The aim of CCTV cameras is deterrence of crime not to catch anyone committing one.

geobz Wrote:


> OP couldn't you found a better use for your

> installed cam?


> Now you just gave away on a public forum the

> location of that camera for some dog pooping

> reason giving compromising the purpose you have it

> for...

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I think that this is the most stupid comment that I have seen on this thread.

Firstly the front garden was paved over years before we bought the property and secondly are you really suggesting that it is fine for people to let their dogs go out excrete in other peoples' front gardens?? That way they would also be committing trespass as?well as fouling.

I think that you need to get a brain as well as a life.

Toosmart1973 Wrote:


> woodstock Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > On Friday morning I discovered a large dog poop

> on

> > the pavement directly outside my house on

> > Dovercourt Road. Fortunately I recently

> installed

> > a CCTV system and have photos of the dog "in

> > action" and its owner - conveniently staring at

> > his mobile.

> >

> > Do you know them?

> >

> > People like this should be named and shamed -

> and

> > fined by the council.


> You need to get a life mate!


> Its a 7 second job with a bucket of water! If

> selfish people like you stopped paving over their

> gardens so they can park their precious cars then

> dogs might not need to take a dump on the

> pavement.

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This thread is hilarious. Surely everyone can agree dog poo is highly unpleasant and it's irresponsible not to clean up after your own dog.

We went through a spate of someone using outside our flats as a toilet, biggest shits I'd ever seen! Thankfully now we just get fox shit, hmmm thinking about it fox poo is probably worse than dog poo.

List of poos in order of grossest

1-human poo

2-fox poo

3-dog poo

4-cat poo

5-bird poo

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Thumbs up to Woodstock and thumbs down to all his/her decriers. Letting your dog cack and leaving it for others to walk in is loathsome.

People who say "sad" to such interventions say much more about themselves than the people they criticise and mock. Maybe if they slipped and fell on a big pile of oggy-doggy, perhaps even getting some on their wrist and hand as they tried to deflect the worst of the tumble, they'd think differently.

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woodstock Wrote:



> Firstly the front garden was paved over years

> before we bought the property and secondly are you

> really suggesting that it is fine for people to

> let their dogs go out excrete in other peoples'

> front gardens?? That way they would also be

> committing trespass as?well as fouling.


Can dogs commit trespass?

Why don't you grow a pair Woodstock and stop twitching your curtains spying on potentially innocent passers by and speak to the dog owner next time he/she walks past?......as i'm sure you know most dog walkers frequent the same routes at around the same time. I'd bet the owner simply missed his/her beloved Shep curling one out whilst he/she was busy on the phone! I'm sure they'd apologise if they knew.

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Happy Cyclist Wrote:


> A new entry straight in at number one!


> 1-dragon poo

> 2-human poo

> 3-fox poo

> 4-dog poo

> 5-cat poo

> 6-bird poo

Only contender numbers 1 and 6 can land unexpectedly on your head. I don't think this has been taken account of in the seemingly least innocuous position of bird poo.

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I would have thought that it was totally uncontroversial to express the view that it was thoroughly antisocial for people to allow their dogs to crap all over the pavement and then to fail to pick the faeces up. But one can never underestimate the ability of certain EDF posters to be snarky about people expressing such mainstream views while they attempt to demonstrate how clever they think they are or how toosmart they are.

As I mentioned earlier in this thread, dog poo can cause blindness in children. It's not a subject for comedy.

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I'm torn now, I'm a dog owner who always picks up my mutts mess, but I'm tempted to train them to poop right at the end of the OPs drive.

Professional dog photos cost a fortune and this way I can get some done for free, and even posted straight to the EDF for my downloading convenience..

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