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Hey Guys, (Sorry this is a long prob boring post!)

Well, so far so good feeding wise with lil Ellie (although is pretty much a 2 person full time job at the mo!).

Due to her being so tiny latching on has been tricky (well, impossible) but seems with perserverance and nipple shields we're getting there.

Milk's come in :)) and have used the pump to get milk ready to give as latch is still bit inconsistant/needing to offer top ups.

But, the breast shield funnel that came with the pump (medela swing) only comfortably fits on one side - the other side is too big (getting <10mls from R side compared to nearly 100ml from L). We tried to get the bigger one but isn't available in mothercare and so is now on order to be delivered Fri.

So, what do I do in the meantime?? Am thinking pump from L and offer R for feeds as via the nipple shield her latch seems to be improving, but, if I'm taking such good quantities from the L and less is going from the R am I setting myself up for mastitis/huge amounts of pain in the R breast - have called the nct br/feeding helpline but unsure if they'll get back to me tonight.

Anyone have any advice/even a big funnel to lend for a few days? Haven't got engorged but think this may be that I was hand expressing for every feed to get the colostrum so was immediately aware when milk came in.

Thanks so much for reading if you get this far!! x

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Hi buggie, congratulations on the birth of your baby. I am a trained breastfeeding counselor and have had experience of poor/inconsistent latch with my own daughter.

I advise you to continue to try feeding as much as possible from the right side and hand express if you feel your getting full. Have you tried C-hold to make the latch a little easier for baby? To do so try holding your thumb just above your areola with your index and all other fingers placed underneath the breast further back from the areola. By doing this you then allow your nipple to raise (toward the ceiling if you like) a little more and try to bring the baby as close as possible (tummy to tummy with back as straight as possible and head slightly back). If you rub babies nose with your nipple this will hopefully make your baby open her mouth wider for a more effective latch. You can also place your thumb on the babies chin and try and show her how to open her mouth a little wider. Sorry if you've been through all this already just trying as best as I can to help with your situation. I can sympathize totally, but you sound like your doing a great job already!

If you feel you can get out, Peckham breastfeeding cafe is running tomorrow 10-12 and they will be more than happy to help. They are brilliant with latching techniques. Happy to help in any way that I can.

Thanks Gina - the latching was really difficult as I'm rather big (currently J/K cup!) and wasn't able to physically reach around the areola enough to do that, plus bubs is so tiny that I can't actually see around the boob enough to check attachment. The nipple shield has revolutionised this, and last 2 feeds I've had good latches from her - but she's not taking as much as the pump could!!

Hubbie is at the moment in sainsburys getting savoy cabbage, have showered and attempted to hand express (only got small amount - is so difficult given the size of the boob compared to size of my hands). Have also taken an anti-inflammatory as guessing that could at least stop the engorgement being so painful if not preventing.

BTW, does breast milk make babies a bit hyperactive - Ellie hasn't fallen asleep yet after last feed (which started just after 9pm) and is due next one at around midnight (due to being so tiny gotta stick to 3hrly feeds)... she isn't unhappy, but really alert - bit annoying as I was hoping to get a sleep in myself!

Have you tried to roll up a blanket and place it under your breast for support? This will allow you to see the latch and positioning better too. Also have you been shown the football/rugby hold? You may find this easier as a lot big breasted women do. Tried feeding laying down? Another tip for feeding with large breasts! Trying to feed unsupported you will probably find pressure being put on the babies chin resulting in a less effective latch.

Don't worry about hyperactivity, not heard of breastmilk causing that effect. She will soon fall asleep, lots to take in within these first few days. Its probably more to do with her adjusting to life outside the womb. Personally I had a baby that slept 22 hours a day and had to be woken for every single feed. Nightmare! She was a lazy one..

Are you taking time to nap during the day yourself? I hope so. Don't feel like you cant, housework is less important than your energy right now & breastfeeding in these early weeks can be hard to get your head around at first.

Hope this can be a little more help.

had been using a flannel rolled up - helped a little but still couldn't see past it to assess her latch - have no way of seeing her lower lip and even someone looking on can't properly see!

Have so many different pillows! Have got positioning sussed for when sat of sofa but was tricky trying to feed in bed o/n (but think that will be helped by swapping pillows.

Cabbage leaves seem to have helped hugely on the R side, but still lumpy and got to wait till tomorrow to be able to use the pump on it (as got the bigger thingie coming!).

MW's are visiting this am so going to talk stuff over with them as well and check there isn't anything else I'm missing!

Buggie I would definitely try something bigger to support under your breasts. Maybe try a rolled up hand towel instead?

Do you wear properly fitted nursing bras too. You can get specific ones for larger breasts that provide ultimate support, expensive but worth every penny I hear. Ask midwives to show you rugby hold if you haven't been shown before, this could be the solution to your problem!

Hope it goes well, feel free to PM me if you need to know anything else or want anymore advice. I check here a good few times a day.

Are you awaiting the personal fit kit for your Medela? Hope that makes pumping easier for you too.


rugby hold - check!

bravissimo girlie - for the last 10yrs - check! (got them at 37wks).

Will try bigger towel - didn't even think going bigger than a flannel might be needed!

Got the larger breast shield funnel on next day delivery (but didn't order till yesterday pm) arriving tomorrow - was really annoyed they weren't in stock at mothercare - is sort of thing that when you realise you need it you need it right then!

About to leap in good warm bath to hopefully express, then back to cabbage!

Thanks for support/advice Gina - is much appreciated! x

Do you use the rugby hold? Are you comfortable with it, if so?

Mothercare are rubbish sometimes, but where they fail Boots succeed I believe.

Perfect to try expressing in the bath, good plan. Have a nice relaxing time. BTW - You can also keep cabbage leaves in the freezer, or put them in there 5 minutes before you need to use one.

Advice is always on tap if needed, I must say I love my job. Appreciated that its appreciated! Haha.

Would letting baby lie on back in bed, then you lean over her and drop nipple into her mouth help? I did this with mine when I had a lump in a specific area/query blocked duct so I could get the chin pointing towards the lump (as that is where most milk will be drawn from).

Not sure if it would be better or worse actually as maybe you wouldn't be able to hold breast away enough to let baby feed, but anything worth a try.

Really hope you get through today OK and find life easier after the new funnel thing comes tomorrow.


I got brillant very comfy nursing bras for my big boobs from the bra shop in Forest Hill. They are not very attractive but are stretchy and supportive and made a big difference to my comfort. If you need some new ones it may be an easier trek than Bravissimo. I found that the ones I had bought before giving birth were not quite right a few weeks in and it was better to get measured again. They also have good nursing vests there that you can actually wear without a bra. Pricey but worth it.

Bath and shower for hand expressing worked for me.

I never got the hang of feeding in bed until my daughter was able to hold her head but found the right combo of pillows. It all changes though- now she gets them out of my top and helps herself!!

Good luck.

I could only use my brest friend pillow, it is hard , you strap it around your waist, it enables me to use both hands to support my boobs, and make sure the latch was perfect, I was able to see my son latch, and support my heavy breast so he did not get smothered! Worth a go?

I get lumps in my breasts now and again and what I do is whilst I am feeding him, I massage the lump outwards, it does hurt but it always works as within the day the lump is out ( my let down etc is usually really fast when I am trying to massage the lump out).

I second the mybrestfriend pillow - my daughter was hauled out at birth so had some jaw/muscle/ligament damage so wouldn't/couldn't open her mouth wide. Add that to my GG cup (on a 5'2'' frame) and I struggled for a while and tried all sorts of furniture/towel/clothing arrangements. I found the rugby hold good when without the mybrestfriend pillow (particularly at night in bed), and the mybrestfriend fantastic for positioning her just right when at home on the sofa etc.

I'd lend you mine, but I'm also due soon!

Oh, and massage massage massage those lumps (towards the nipple) - I did it whilst daughter was latched on. You may find you swear a bit as it's not a pleasant sensation, but it meant I avoided mastitis, which from my friend's description, was something to be avoided at all costs if you can.

Good luck - no one tells you how hard it is - but it does get better as you and your baby work it all out between you.

Thanks for thinking of us Gina - currently awaiting delivery of new funnel (should be here by 3pm - never knew a funnel would cause so much excitement!). But in the meantime, her latch continues to strengthen, she's downing the EBM I've been able to express off, but looking forward to doubling the quantity once R side is in full action!

Small formula top ups are helping to settle her and ensure she makes the right start in heading up towards 5lbs - she'll be weighed tomorrow for the first time since birth so will have better idea if we've been doing well or not (realised hadn't mentioned in original post - feeding been such big issue as she was only 4lb 10oz!).

By doing all feeds from the R side, have managed to stave off serious engorgement - lil bit lumpy but give them a good massage before feeding/in the shower, plus the wonderful savoy cabbage leaves (worth it alone for the look on my brother's face when I explained the cabbage smell - that it turned out only I could smell!), and no flu'y feeling - infact was full of beans this am and took Ellie out on our first girlie trip (attempting to find something girlie in "tiny" size!).

Thanks for all the advice/support on this thread, has been fab to be able to pick all your brains! x

Aw, thats brilliant news. I'm very pleased its working better for you.

Continue as you are, your doing just fine by the sounds of it. If any more issues arise feel free to PM me, I will be more than happy to help all that I can. Infact this has put a smile on my face for the first time today - I'm all full of flu and feeling soOoOo crap to say the least!!

I'm laughing about the cabbage, you set yourself up there if you were the only one to smell it!! For the next months you can still blame everything on pregnancy though so its fine.

All the best. x

BTW - Did your funnel arrive?

Funnel arrived and now successfully bilateral feeding/pumping... There really isn't anything better than seeing Ellie in a milk stupor and thinking I did that!!

Next challenge will be to look at feeding while out and about... Giving myself a week or so to achieve that... Am finding myself on a real baby high which has taken me by surprise!

So pleased Buggie. One of my favourite things was seeing my baby sleeping with a trickle of milk at the corner of her mouth as if full to the brim & very contented.

I was on a baby high both times, best feeling in the world.

Well done for getting through some tricky days so well, you'll have a ten pound baby before you know it!

Aw well done you. It makes you feel really proud doesn't it? sustaining your babies life outside the womb is astonishing.

Agree with Molly, thats also one of my favourite things. Even more so now at 20 months. Or when she laughs and we get a milk fountain - hilarious!

First time I fed in public I did it in the middle of Dulwich Park under a tree where people could see but not loads of people. I built up my confidence from there. All the way up to packed out number 12 buses and 185's. Do it, do it, do it! Muslins are great for draping over your shoulder to begin with, then by the time you get to where we are now she just pulls it out anywhere - embarrassing sometimes but hey what the hell, she loves it!

My motto for public feeding - If at first you don't succeed try, try, try again!

buggie Wrote:


> Funnel arrived and now successfully bilateral

> feeding/pumping... There really isn't anything

> better than seeing Ellie in a milk stupor and

> thinking I did that!!

That's such great news, hurray and really, really well done you!


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