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Crazy man running up Lordship lane grabbing ladies ankles


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Has anyone else experienced the crazy wild-eyed black guy running up Lordship Lane? He grabbed my leg the other day and then yesterday I turned round to see who was running towards me and it was him again - only this time right on my doorstep! I shouted at him to stop and he ran off. He wears knee length shorts and rambling boots and wears a hat and a rucksack. I don't think he's dangerous but I could be wrong. Should I report him for grabbing me? Any thoughts welcome...
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Yes. Not so sure that he is harmless. Last week I was sitting outside Liquorish, he sauntered past and helped himeslf to one of my cigarettes by simply leaning over the wall and taking the packet off the table. The bouncers intervened before anything kicked off. When he walked by ten minutes later I thought I'd run up behind him and nick his hat, which seemed like a fair swap to me. He went mental, needless to say, threatning to "fucking kill you" etc. I've now seen him shouting at a mother with a young child near Texaco petrol station. I couldn't be bothered to report him at the time - too many loonies in London - but if he's going to become a regular local feature perhaps something should be done. Easy enough to spot at least!
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There was a 78 bus bottom pincher last year he would come on the 78 when it was packed in the evening and pinch your bottom it happen a few times but because the bus was packed you was not too sure who was doing it until one day it happen to me I saw him do it and I slapped across the face the buss driver herd the commotion and ran him off the bus he said there has been several complaints but they did not no who was doing it (6)
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As with all these examples the local police are incredibly keen to have all crime reported - I met them last Thursday they said the one message they want to get across is please report crime to them.

They are exasperated by people not reporting such criminal antics.

The no.78. All buses have CCTV. If it had been reported the CCTV would have been scanned and a face to go with numerous sexual assaults would have been known.

Hardened criminals start on lower level crimes and progress. Please report all crime to our local Police.

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  • 1 year later...
Does someone only become dangerous when they really hurt someone? This guy is grabbing strangers in the street. It sounds to me that he's pretty unstable and uninhibited. Report it to police. If they catch the bloke and believe that they need to involve mental health services then I am sure they're capable of making that call.
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Several years ago, I ducked a punch to the face from a random stranger in Brixton. I was just walking home minding my own business. Totally bizarre experience. Only thought to report it the next day as the expression on his face kept flashing back. The Brixton police seemed rather bemused, even to the point of wondering out loud what crime it would come under. I said how about 'attempted assault'. I only reported it to try save anyone else from coming to grief. It was only once I got home that I realised they hadn't recorded the incident as I hadn't been given a crime number. By comparison, the ED police seem much more on the ball.
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rahrahrah Wrote:


> Does someone only become dangerous when they

> really hurt someone? This guy is grabbing

> strangers in the street. It sounds to me that he's

> pretty unstable and uninhibited. Report it to

> police. If they catch the bloke and believe that

> they need to involve mental health services then I

> am sure they're capable of making that call.

I absolutely agree.

I'd personally feel quite frightened if something like this happened to me. It's quite disconcerting.

Please do report incidents such as these to the police, because like James has already said, hardened criminals start on lower level crimes & progress. Who knows what this man is capable of... or if he hasn't already committed much more serious offences (& gotten away with them)?

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wingless bird, the police have enough to deal with. If he is a patient the mental health institutions will know about him. If they don't perhaps they would assess his mental health. Any time in a police station/cell could have a terrible effect on him and make the situation into a more serious one. It seems to me you are assuming he is bad rather than mad... surely its better to go directly to the hospital, and cut out the middle man (ie the police) who really have no role in the well being of the mentally ill. here 's a link from mind to support my point:


Please do the right thing and contact a mental health institution if anyone sees this man.

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I can't believe these things arn't reported,grabbing ankles is unacceptable. Mental health issues or not! How dangerous this could be, someone could easily fall over and then anything could happen. Nobody has a right to help themselves to any part of your body without your say so. Also why is he targeting only women.
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Bodsier and Thomas, whilst I take your point, is there some sort of crack squad of mental health experts poised to come out and take such an individual into custody if a member of the public calls them? A mental health rapid response unit? If someone were to grab me on the street and I felt threatened, I think I'd let the police deal with it, and let them take the individual to the local mental health facility.

And Thomas - why did you revive this thread that is nearly 18 months old and about a totally different subject with your post about trying to flog you something on LL? It seems pretty unrelated and I don't quite get it...

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Ok I can't resist but respond to this thread. Twirling I agree with your sentiments above about a seemingly pointless thread revival. However, if this individual is approaching anyone, and touching them without their consent, and is clearly expressing an off form of behaviour, it is of course best to contact the local police on a non-emergency number so that said person can be cautioned and/or handed over to the appropriate authorities to deal with any mental health issues that may be the cause of this behaviour. Either way, it's best inform the police just incase a further escalation of the inappropriate behaviour occurs.


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