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Quids, you're starting to sound like an apologist for Farage. What happened in Berlin isn't relevant to whether or not his his comments about Jo Coxs widow are unpleasant. The fact that others have also in the past made odious comments doesn't change how we should see these recent remarks either. It's not left versus right. If Corbin insulted a grieving man would you think it reasonable for someone to say 'well Farage said something similar'?

rahrahrah Wrote:


> Quids, you're starting to sound like an apologist

> for Farage. What happened in Berlin isn't relevant

> to whether or not his his comments about Jo Coxs

> widow are unpleasant. The fact that others have

> also in the past made odious comments doesn't

> change how we should see these recent remarks

> either. It's not left versus right. If Corbin

> insulted a grieving man would you think it

> reasonable for someone to say 'well Farage said

> something similar'?

It was the blatant lie about hope not hate who now seem

to be looking for donations to sue Farage.

Post truth era though.

rahrahrah Wrote:


> Quids, you're starting to sound like an apologist

> for Farage. What happened in Berlin isn't relevant

> to whether or not his his comments about Jo Coxs

> widow are unpleasant. The fact that others have

> also in the past made odious comments doesn't

> change how we should see these recent remarks

> either. It's not left versus right. If Corbin

> insulted a grieving man would you think it

> reasonable for someone to say 'well Farage said

> something similar'?

Smearing from lefties shocker...I was just pointing out it's not 'new' in response to Jenny, the left has been doing it for years. Leave out the apologist crap, it's (smearing) what so called liberals always revert to when the inconsistencies in their sanctimonious tone is pointed out. I'll reiterate, i think Farage is an nasty divisive idiot - i think the same thing of McDonnell despite his 'reinvention'. Give up with your righteousness please left wing people - it's not justified by the facts in most cases.

I don't think this has anything to do with 'left' and 'right' though ????. I think it's about the crossing of the public/private boundary.

I don't agree with the politics represented by McDonnell or Paisley - and to comment in such a way about Margaret Thatcher or the Pope was clearly mad and very wrong. But Thatcher and Pope John Paul The Second were about the most public figures you could imagine - and both in their own ways highly controversial. So critical comments (even crazy ones from political extremists) were to be expected. But Farage was talking about a private individual and an associated charity. I don't think his outbursts fall into the McDonnell/Paisley category.

We can agree on the nasty, divisive idiot definition though.

Quids, I'm afraid you're so locked into a 'right versus left' mindset that you cannot see the inconsistencies in your own argument here. What Farage has said is totally wrong. Just because some idiot might have also said something very personal and nasty about Margaret Thatcher doesn't excuse it, it's not even remotely relevant... not unless you see everything in terms of some sort of us versus them, tit for tat relativism. That's exactly what you have (rightly) called people on 'the left' out for previously.
If Corbyn (for example) attacked a grieving widow I think you'd call him a tw*t quids and I'd agree with you. In such circumstances, I reckon anyone saying 'yeah, but Katy Hopkins has said worse stuff and I don't see the Right criticising her in the same way', you'd call them an apologist for Corbyn. You'd be correct too.

I think the phrase Tory Scum needs to be unpicked. Does it means that all Torres are scum, or does it refer to the scum of the Tory party? People who deliberately talk out private members bills say to protect women from domestic abuse because it is a hobby to them?

For me it is undoubtably the latter. I know some incredibly compassionate (and in my opinion misguided) Tories, who could never be referred to as scum. I also hear of others that are bordering on fascist muslim hating, profit before everything, Scum!

I personally think John McDonnel is close to the same thing for the left. Comes across as a righteous bully boy.

Anyway, off to get a tyre changed then last day off work before Chrimbo! Merry Xmas EDFers!

Quids, how about giving social media the bum swerve in the new year, it's hardly the place for political insightfulness. I liked this summing up of Twitter I read recently...

A place full of angry people waiting to get angry about something.

Says it all really...

Only just seen this.

???? Wrote:


> Did you take the same stance on say all the

> comments when Thatcher died out of interest?

What I said (go back and check)

"Quids said

"Respects to those that I may disagree with but were bright enough to see that fighting yesterdays battles, largely on false premises, is a pointless, slightly self indulgent and somewhat juvenile exccrcise when there's stuff happening RIGHT now."

Totally agree with this!"

And then

"I don't want anyone to respect her if they don't want to, and I certainly wont expect them to stand with heads bowed. Celebrating though? No class."

> Much of left wing social media is a putrid place too

Couldn't agree more, but my mum has always told me that two wrongs don't make a right.

Otta Wrote:


> ratty Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > I personally think John McDonnel is close to

> the

> > same thing for the left. Comes across as a

> > righteous bully boy.



> Agreed

But so was Ed Balls once and look at him now.

red devil Wrote:


> Quids, how about giving social media the bum

> swerve in the new year, it's hardly the place for

> political insightfulness. I liked this summing up

> of Twitter I read recently...


> A place full of angry people waiting to get angry

> about something.


> Says it all really...

I think this is probably very good advice RD

Otta Wrote:


> Only just seen this.


> ???? Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > Did you take the same stance on say all the

> > comments when Thatcher died out of interest?



> What I said (go back and check)


> "Quids said


> "Respects to those that I may disagree with but

> were bright enough to see that fighting yesterdays

> battles, largely on false premises, is a

> pointless, slightly self indulgent and somewhat

> juvenile exccrcise when there's stuff happening

> RIGHT now."


> Totally agree with this!"


> And then



> "I don't want anyone to respect her if they don't

> want to, and I certainly wont expect them to stand

> with heads bowed. Celebrating though? No class."




> > Much of left wing social media is a putrid place

> too



> Couldn't agree more, but my mum has always told me

> that two wrongs don't make a right.

Fair enough Otta, you did

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