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As far as insulting people goes. there as been a fair bit of that directed at me. There is a certain clique on this forum, who gang up like little meercats when they feel threatened. (gang acyivity). The tracksuit fashion is dead. Baseball hats are outdated american. Trainers are crap. ( saying it is a poor option,is ridiculous).Mugs pay too much money for stupid ugly footwear. Almost a weeks rent for some people.

Moos Wrote:


> Given that you snapped so eagerly at that very

> obvious bait Louisiana I'd say Tarot has your

> measure pretty well.

Yes, it did take me a day... Not up to my usual alacrity

See the Grumpy Old Women thread for my views on shotguns and screeching women (aka girls) :) They would be first against the wall

Tarot Wrote:


> As far as insulting people goes. there as been a

> fair bit of that directed at me. There is a

> certain clique on this forum, who gang up like

> little meercats when they feel threatened. (gang

> acyivity). The tracksuit fashion is dead. Baseball

> hats are outdated american. Trainers are crap. (

> saying it is a poor option,is ridiculous).Mugs pay

> too much money for stupid ugly footwear. Almost a

> weeks rent for some people.

So what? Who are you, the fashion Taleban?

This is such a classic troll tactic: say something moronic and insulting. wait for someone to respond saying dont be so moronic and insulting and then say: ha, you are so defensive - you must be one of these people to whom my moronic and insulting invective is directed.

very yawnsome.

Tarot Wrote:


> In America they have quite alot of people dressed

> this way. and they call them "trailer trash" One

> of my mates is an american and thats what he said.

This is my favourite Tarot quote so far. A sort of grown ups equivalent of "it wasn't me - some big boys said it and ran away".


Tarot/Waynetta Wrote:


> I dont think you.ll ever make it to the bar, legal

> eagle. Felt tip you have run out of ink . If I was

> a taliban member all the women would be wearing

> burkhas. Theres no need to be trollphobia either.


Is it Wine o'clock already ?


* pops cork *


Tarot Wrote:


> I dont think you.ll ever make it to the bar, legal

> eagle.

That's quite right Tarot cos I'm a solicitor not a barrister. But I do own a bar. Maybe that's what confused you? I OWN a bar, but I haven't been CALLED to the bar. (See what I did there?)

legalbeagle Wrote:


> Oh shame! Go on, get me to defend you. I'd do a

> real good job! (I wouldn't deliberately foul it up

> so you got in trouble or anything. Honest I

> wouldn't.)

LB having followed this thread and seen some of the other posts made by tracksuit hating, lady baiting, trolly dolly Tarot I am left with the impression that it is not counselling of the legal kind that is required. Maybe it's time Tarot "faces those sartorial fears" gets in touch with his inner chav and lets it all hang out in matching track suit, baseball cap & trailer.

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