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William Booth College

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As previously discussed elsewhere there is budget accommodation available at the Salvation Army place near Denmark Hill Train Station.

Here is a link:


Has anyone stayed there or had friends/relatives stay there? If so a review would be appreciated.

Open house weekend (http://www.openhouse.org.uk/london/home.html) is coming up and I believe it is usually possible to climb to the top of the tower- best views in London apparently.

Sat 15th September 2pm-4.30pm.

Entry to Tower 2pm-4.30pm. Talk on building in Assembly Hall 2pm, 3pm, 4pm.

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Sean there's no mention of that on their website, and I'm not sure they could actually do that..

As for going up the tower, that would be quite a view! That tower scares me though, there's something very Omen about it! (6)

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Quite agree. They should put a glass fronted revolving restaurant up there. I'm sure the profits would keep the brass band in new uniforms for a very long time...

Or perhaps they could use the funds to spread the word of God to vulnerable poor people..

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SimonM Wrote:


> It always reminds me of the tower at the

> University Library, Cambridge where, according to

> legend, Hitler had been living since 1945....

He's moved out now. To Plaistow, so I 'eard.

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The college was built by the same guy who designed the phone box. He is also responsible for Battersea and Bankside power stations.

You can certainly see the similarity in the buildings. Although I reckon he should have painted them all bright red like the phone box.

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okay so this has nothing to do with the college...but seeing as you've been lounged already... another interesting (to me) building on the Old Kent Road is the huge Driscoll House. Why is it borded up? Please don't tell me they're knocking it down. A philanthropist built it to offer ex service men a home when they came back from the trenches and a place to rehabilitate (that's what I can muster from googling it!)

Anyone know anything different.....

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Yes but if developers are possibly happy to torch a Greek forest killing 60 odd people to get their way, I can't see them stopping because a building looks nice.

That said, they haven't got the concrete house yet, and as much as I love it, it seems to be getting more and more dangerous, and a risk to health. Starting to turn against it!

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>>They were both designed by Giles Gilbert Scott :D<

Do you supposed GGS had the brass neck to charge a full fee for designing both though, when one design is so obviously a rip-off of the other? And.....which is Blackpool Tower, which Eiffel??

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As this has been delounged I think it might me worth reiterating that WBC is open to the public on Saturday 14th September as part of Open House Weekend and that it is usually possible to climb to the top of the tower and witness unparalleled views of London.
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GGS is underappreciated as an architect, and his influence in using brick in the period after victorian gothic was very influential. He did a lot of bread-and-butter work too, Giles Church in Camberwell I'm told, but I'm sceptical.

His Grandfather designed the Great eastern Hotel, popularly known as the St Pancras Hotel, currently being restored.


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can't believe I'm going to miss the open house w/e again - requested it off work especially this year and then a family thing came up so I'll be heading off to Portsmouth - drat!! Luckily I can get a good view sneaking onto the roof at work(just down the road from WB college)!
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