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legalbeagle Wrote:


> I don't think I have ever been a beard, though of

> course that might be the whole point. If you're

> never going to come out that is. Kind of like

> George Clooney I suppose.


So let me just get this straight

George Clooney (who has a beard) is using his "beards" (girlfriends) to hide that he's gay

Blimey, so deceptive but so brilliant

OK now, I have a ( real ) beard & a girlfriend ( she has no beard ) where do I stand ?

Am I "in"


DJKillaQueen Wrote:


> Ok having seen a need for a thread where all

> things lesbian can be discussed I'm starting

> one.....


> As this is my thread (and I'm fairly easy going

> for those that have had the misfortune of meeting

> me) there are no rules beyond the rules of the

> forum (and fair play and so on)........

eh? sorry, non comprende...have I misunderstood something about the forum then? are you saying that whoever starts a thread on a particular topic is allowed to set the 'rules' for that thread?? (within the forum rules etc)


> So those questions about barbers and crew cuts

> (Mac Woof and Artful) are welcome here.

so are those included in discussion of 'all things lesbian' then? (see above)

or have I serially missed the point here (apologies if so)

Katie, dearest Katie

I think DJKQ had started a thread where no one should complain that it is off topic (there really isn't one) and if people don't want to read it they just switch to another topic

It was in response to the Admin cleaning up the other topic and the barbers and crew cuts seem to be one of the things that vanished over night

as for setting the rules... I thought the lounge bent them (cricky could be in serious trouble if it doesn't)

(and no - still no idea on the crew cut bit either !!)

Yep what Artful said.....it follows from another thread (lesbians in East Dulwich) where posts asking about barbers and crew cuts and their replies, were removed for being off topic (and other posts that I didn't see before they were deleted). So this is a light hearted thread where such things and anything else that may occur to any poster, are definitely on topic........as the OP I've pointed that out from the off, in case anyone should misunderstand what the thread is about.

TheArtfulDogger Wrote:


>...and the barbers and crew cuts seem to

> be one of the things that vanished over night

and the dogs Artful...don't forget the dogs...flirting with the Queen...remember? The Queen always seems to go with dogs...

and the dogs Artful...don't forget the dogs...flirting with the Queen...remember? The Queen always seems to go with dogs...

Well I had wanted to post bitches (that would have been a clever play on words and relevant) but felt almost certain that would be deleted...so stayed with the dogs.....

I didn't see what came after the dogs and I'm guessing that was the custard pie moment followed by the great disappearing act! Did I go to the circus last night by chance?

Artful is claiming responsibility but secretly I blame you LM lol........

  • Administrator

ok, I have asked politely and I am now telling you.

These recent posts are offensive to some people. Please do not tell me that they are not, I get the complaints:

"its ok to now start a gay slating thread?"

"I find it not only offensive but also pathetic behaviour for regular participants of the forum."

"I personally find the whole thread offensive"


I have removed one thread because it's unnecessary. Continued posting of messages that are offensive to others will mean I have to take further action.

Please just move on and keep the Lounge a happy place.

Ok I started the thread and I AM gay......and find nothing offensive in anything posted (and trust me I'd be the first to complain if I did). The thread is not a gay slating thread. I know many of the people posting and can tell you they would never dream of offending anyone. I do hope you'll consider my gay opinion as valid as anyone that has complained.

I see also two other threads have been removed. Is any kind of light hearted discussion that refers to anything gay really the last taboo now? I really thought, having grown up through a time of great prejudice and having myself campaigned for some of the many rights that I and other gay people now have, that we'd got past that. Forgive me for not realising that I am not allowed have a light hearted attitude to my own sexuality.

And to those that complained why don't you have a discussion with me about it. You can pm me if you like because I'd be really interested to know.

You are being a little bit 'the only lesbian in the village' about this. Despite there being plenty of other lesbians and (clearly) none of them being over the moon about it.

Give it a rest. Being in the minority of a minority doesn't give you special powers or anything.

Nobody needs a thread devoted to 'learning about lesbianism' (??!!) Girls who like girls.. big deal! Next!

But you miss the point bob....I started the thread after a discussion with someone (who helps out with the forum) yesterday...because of the anger from those who'd had posts deleted (from another thread) and I was trying to be helpful. The idea was that it would take the heat and focus of the other thread, and as long as it was clear that the thread was intended to be light hearted....which I think the OP does, then no problem.

The only people making an issue out of this are people who haven't posted and are complaining. To descibe the thread as a gay slating thread is the over reaction imo (and accuses me of something I and yourself and those others that have posted would never do) - I would be the first to ask it be shut down if it was.....and I think it's right to respond to that.

I do think there has been an over reaction to the other threads (now deleted)......and I do think had they been a wink at any other issue other than pink ones we wouldn't be having this discussion. I may wrong on that but it's what I think. I can think of many threads that parody other threads that have never been deleted or censored for example.

Obviously there's a difficult balance to be struck in a forum where you have a lot of people that know each other and have met, and new posters who don't always get the humour or tone of some posts. But the forum is a real 'community', not a cyber one so yes, sometimes conversation will resemble pub conversation more than anonymous cyber stuff. Mountains out of molehills comes to mind and I do think everyone just needs to lighten up a little and calm down. Again that's just my opinion.

You make several points which aren't correct Dj

Among them is the fact, which I told you yesterday, that people who complained have also posted

To also state that new people don't "get" the forum is ironic. In the old days people took notice of what admin said and didn't get quite so het up

I didn't complain but I could see this and those other threads had turned into the same puerile crap by the usual suspects. It's the same boring, sniggering infantile Carry-On style "comedy" without any shred of intelligence that puts me and I'm sure a lot of other people off these days. You know who you are.

DJKillaQueen Wrote:


> The only people making an issue out of this are

> people who haven't posted and are complaining. To

> descibe the thread as a gay slating thread is the

> over reaction imo (and accuses me of something I

> and yourself and those others that have posted

> would never do) - I would be the first to ask it

> be shut down if it was.....and I think it's right

> to respond to that.


> Obviously there's a difficult balance to be struck

> in a forum where you have a lot of people that

> know each other and have met, and new posters who

> don't always get the humour or tone of some posts.

> But the forum is a real 'community', not a cyber

> one so yes, sometimes conversation will resemble

> pub conversation more than anonymous cyber stuff.

> Mountains out of molehills comes to mind and I do

> think everyone just needs to lighten up a little

> and calm down. Again that's just my opinion.

I didn't complain because I wasn't sufficiently offended but you are very wrong when you say this is a "real community" rather than a "cyber community". You may be chums with some people and know them, in person, which is fine but many posters here see it for exactly what it is - an internet forum where there is a certain amount of etiquette to be followed.

I'm gay and I find it very amusing when some of my closer friends take the p*** and are un-PC about my sexuality. Specifically I have several very close lesbian friends and we often rib each other in a way which would be offensive to strangers (and indeed other friends with whom I don't have that kind of relationship.) This only comes about through knowing people well and negotiating unspoken boundaries. This isn't something you can do on an internet forum and you can't expect people who don't know you to develop a thicker skin just because you're not offended.

Having said that, I'm sure there's a certain amount of overreaction going on but to dismiss those who are offended is a little patronising don't you think?

You know what, I give up - no-ones entitled to have a view on anything anymore (just really can't be arsed and have far more enjoyable things to do) .....well done.....another poster get's driven off the forum.

Just for the record...it's Funny how someone accuses me of homophobia privately (because 'gay-slating' is an accusation of just that) but doesn't have the balls to do it publically.....Worse still, Admin then go and publish that in a effort to reprimand the thread and I am forced to publically firmly out myself to defend myself from that. I'm not particularly happy about that. Admin could have pm'd me and had a discussion privately (as is usually the case) but on this occasion chose to do things this way.

So whoever made that comment/ complaint - I hope you are pleased with yourself. (And I'm sorry Sean the people who sometimes complain don't post on the threads they complain about).

I'll just stick to my foootball thread in future.....where I don't have to deal with such bs.

But Ed it has to be taken into account that there are groups of people that ARE friends. And if we worried about everything we ever write or say because someone somewhere might be offended we'd never speak.....

You've said it.....there was nothing overtly offensive and the over reaction is I'm afraid to say is something I really am not going to bother with anymore....so to quote the dragon's Den...'I'm out' (that's not a pun either but it will be my last word in the lounge or anywhere bar my football group).

DJKillaQueen Wrote:


> But Ed it has to be taken into account that there

> are groups of people that ARE friends. And if we

> worried about everything we ever write or say

> because someone somewhere might be offended we'd

> never speak.....


> You've said it.....there was nothing overtly

> offensive and the over reaction is I'm afraid to

> say is something I really am not going to bother

> with anymore....so to quote the dragon's

> Den...'I'm out' (that's not a pun either but it

> will be my last word in the lounge or anywhere bar

> my football group).

I know what you're saying and I do sympathise but the basic fact is that it's a forum accessed by many - some of whom don't know anyone, don't post regularly, perhaps don't have the confidence that others have to post and a little sensitivity needs to be shown. Far be it from me to be the Defender of the Lesbians (although it's quite a nice title!), they can be a bit of an easy target in my experience and jokes about barbers and crewcuts may offend some (whether that's oversensitivity or not.)

Nothing wrong with a good debate here though, especially in the lounge. I've engaged in them in the past but you can't forget that a stream of jokes at the expense of one group of people may for some be a joke amongst friends and for others be a bit unpleasant. Similar references around race wouldn't be tolerated would they?

Anyway - bought any nice dungarees lately? :))

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