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She is a permanent fixture I believe- my daughter goes to the nursery there- which is brilliant.

I really hope people living locally look at GG this year as it is a rapidly changing school.I know people in the main school as well and they all speak highly of the school.

GG has had a poor name in the past I know but if you actually go and look around and see it now I think most people would be really surprised and impressed!

Hi there,

As I've mentioned before on the forum, my son goes to Goose Green and we have been very happy with the school and his progress. He was in reception last year and is now in Year One. I feel the school gets the right balance between meeting the children's wider emotional needs (as evidenced by the school being the only school in Southwark to be awarded an 'Every Child Matters award - the woman who devised the Every Child Matters Framework came to the school to assess it for the award and she was extremely positive about the whole school) and his academic needs. His reading and handwriting are coming along very nicely indeed - and he is reading at Level 3 (Oxford Reading Scheme) The Headmistress, Mrs. Marland is indeed there on a permanent basis - she can been seen in school playgrounds most mornings and after school talking to parents and students. The school has turned around a great deal - and I think another piece of evidence is the recent school Sats of the year 6 pupils where I've heard through the grapevine the school came in at 12th place in Southwark, the highest of all the local schools I've heard (but when the figures are published we can confirm this). I've also heard that the attendence rates for the school are now amongst the highest in Southwark.

Another great thing is the after-school activities - these are subsidised by the school so that pupils from year 1 upwards can take part in sport, art, drama and ICT - all for ?16.50 a term (except guitar classes and the soon to be offered keyboard lessons which are slightly higher - particularly guitar as the students take home an instrument). Unlike another nearby school which has sub-contracted the after-school activities out so they now cost parents in the region of ?80 a term! There is an Eco-Warriors club for budding environmentals and academic/gifted students do receive particular attention (i.e. brightest maths students have maths lessons with the Head and a parent with an older child told me a few of the scientifically gifted children went on a special trip to the science museum in a small group with a teacher)

Anyway, I better stop now - I have work to get on with but I highly encourage parents to look around, ask questions and see for yourself what you think about the school.

Thank you all so much. I really find all your comments extremely useful and I appreciate the time you have taken to respond to me. I will of course update you all after my visit :-) Already I am feeling positive towards the school (which is a start) and speaking to a few of you who are giving me first hand insight into the school has been productive and will help me make my decision.

I will be joining GG PTA if we decide on sending our kids there.........

I have a daughter at GG nursery; she is very happy indeed and I think that the staff and facilities are wonderful. I also have a son in Y1. We did not apply for the school 2 years ago as it was in SM but were given the allocation in the shakedown and I can honestly say that I wouldn't move him (indeed we had the option last year when offered our 4th choice and didn't take it) in my opinion the school has very high expectations of the children in terms of academic achievement and behaviour. The sats results and every child matters award evidence their success in achieving those expectations.

In my experience the children are taught to the level of the highest achievers and are also streamed to a greater or lesser extent.

I believe that parents need to get behind the school; it is the partnership of school and parents that make somewhere good or outstanding. I believe that Mrs Marland and her staff will achieve that but if parents wait until then they may find it rather more difficult to get in!

Hope you enjoy your visit, please feel free to PM me with any queries.

Hello and congratulations on being offered a place at Goose Green Primary - which is now an oversubscribed school. The school turned a significant corner just before the Summer and is now on a par with the local 'popular' schools - always with an aspiration to acheive greater things. The school reflects the local community and engages with it. The parents, staff and pupils are enormously proud of our school. But don't take my word for it (or anyone else's for that matter) - come and see the school in action and make your own mind up.

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