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Hi all - I think we need to register our three year old for school now. She was three last July - so does this sound right? Seems really young (but I'm sure I would say that).

Anyhow - I got v worried about all the posts on here last year, esp. those in my street(!) saying that people had had trouble getting their children into their nearest schools.

So - anyone from Ryedale or the surrounds - where did you apply and how did you eventually do? We haven't a 'faith' as such or any sibling, special needs etc.

It'd just be good to get some idea about what worked/didn't for you before we embark on the horrors of it all.

Gulp! xx

PS - I really hope it all worked out for you all in the end!

There is no point in registering early as this does not give you an advantage when it comes to schools (at least for Reception). It could be that this year was a blip, who knows. Other than move next door to your preferred school, it is kind of out of your hands. Just put the school you most favour on your application, in descending order and separate applications for surrounding boroughs if you live near a border.

Equally, streets that may have struggled in 2010 to get into their preferred school may not struggle in 2011 or 2012.

Successive governments have lead us to believe that there is an element of choice but this is just not the case in areas like ED.

I hope it all turns out the way you would wish!

I don't live in Ryedale I'm afraid - we are fortunate enough to be very near our chosen school; Goose Green. However I do have a 3 year old and am aware that although you can start applying now you have until the end of January next year so plenty of time to look around schools, get some information from other parents and perhaps have a good idea where any bulge classes are likely to be (not Heber or Goodrich as they have taken ones in the last 2 years) From what I hear and see the problems with the '10 intake was nowhere near as a bad as 09 when there was a ED wide dearth of places.

I think that there will be a large over subscription at Goodrich next year as they took a bulge in 09 and so there will be additional siblings for the 2011 intake.

Have a look at all your local schools - you might be suprised as to which ones you like.

FYI - if you havent been before, Goose Green has an open day on the first monday of every month which includes a tour of the whole school by the head teacher and an invite to the PTA coffee morning afterwards which gives visitors the chance to speak to parents with children already at the school. Other schools will do similar.

Good luck

Hi Ryedalema

It is I of which you speak!

If your daughter was born in July 2007, then yes, you do need to apply for a primary school by Jan 2011.

You may recall that I live on Ryedale, but at the Forest Hill Road end. I applied to both Southwark and Lewisham schools as we are on the border of both boroughs, 4 schools in Southwark and 3 in Lewisham and I got offered my 4th choice for Southwark, which I had only put down in a panic as I was confused and stressed by the whole game. There was no way I could get my son there, my little one to nursery and myself to work all at the same time!

In the end we got a place at Goodrich 8 weeks after the initial allocation came out, which I have to say were the worst 2 months ever. We are also as it happens first on the waiting list for Horniman school, so after all that, may even end up with the embarrassment of choice.

If I recall you are closer to Goodrich than I, and a friend in Cornflower Terrace got in straight away, so I don't imagine you will have a problem.

Basically you must apply to your closest school. There is no way you would get into Heber for example, as people for whom it is their closest school come higher up the list. Also Heber have offered a bulge class this year which means that next year there may be a higher percentage of siblings (for example normally at Goodrich there are 30 ish siblings out of 90 places. After the bulge last year there were 52 sibling places taken for this academic year)

I think Ivydale may do a bulge class next year so it may even be worth putting them second after Goodrich - but that's just me being tactical!!

If I were you I would also apply to Horniman and Fairlawn in Lewisham. Both are wonderful schools and you really will have a shot at getting in - probably not initially, but after the shake downs (which is when the schools work out who has accepted and rejected what). No point putting any more in Lewisham as we are just too far away.

Do feel free to PM me as I like to think I know my onions when it comes to this stuff and nonsense!


Oh wow - thanks PrD and all,

Great advice. I was wondering about Horniman and will do just that. So it's:

Goodrich and Ivydale for Southwark; Horniman ans Fairlawn for Lewisham.

Is there any point at all in putting schools like Goose green or Dog Kennel Hill? They'd make the commute a whole lot easier but are yonks away from us.

I know, I know - kids are the priority not work convenience - but the two go hand in glove most times :(


My understanding is that you should always put down a preferred option in every box - i.e. on the Southwark Form don't only put 2 schools down, otherwise if you don't get a place at either of those they can in theory give you any school they like.

Chances are you will get Goodrich given where you live, but after that I'd put others in your order of preference, so if Goose Green and DKH are better for you put them 2nd and 3rd, then Ivydale 4th. I think someone said you now get 6 rather than 4 options on the Southwark Form, if this is true then you have 2 more schools to put even after that, and even if Heber etc. seem pointless please do make sure you put something down for every option.

Lewisham is a different thing as really no point putting down more than the 2 PRD mentioned (though Edmund Waller is also lovely) as you are too far away from them, but between those 2 plus all the Southwark ones you will be OK.

Hope this helps, and good luck. It seems like 5 minutes since I was doing this myself, and now I realise in only 5 years time I've got to go through it all again for secondary school, which feels even scarier.

I agree with Molly, def put GG and DKH down if you like them and they work for you. GG has come out of special measures and will get really popular. I would prob put these 4 down, but 2 from Lewisham.

Go and see them all though.

Sure you will get into Goodrich however x

Ah Fuschia that's true, yes. It's also the start of a September only start (much to my annoyance as my son is more than ready now but we have to wait until January)

You can now apply to 6 schools across any boroughs.

However, the same rules apply in that you haven't a hope of getting in somewhere where you are not on the doorstep unless you chose one of the less popular schools like DKH, Bessemer Grange etc.

All of the documentation makes you think that you have a choice but you don't really

It's anyone's guess re black holes though. I know that the year before it was families around The Gardens who struggled but that was addressed by the Heber bulge this year. Ryedale was fine last year as there was a bulge at Goodrich. It will be interesting to see what happens when neither Heber nor Goodrich can bulge.

Gosh the school chatter has started early but not complaining as this year is my year for stress and I live just behind the Gardens so fall into that black hole....

So can anyone help me with my understanding of it all....

Our closest school is St John's which i know is a faith school and we are not 'faith' so would be an open place then Goose Green and I am interested in both... But on the application form, if I put St John's 1st as it is nearest do I scupper my chance of Goose Green by relegating it to 2nd choice despite the fact that the 1st is a foundation school and the 2nd community????? Does that make sense????

Any input greatfully received....

reren Wrote:


> Can someone remind me how you work out most

> accurately the distance from your house to your

> nearest school?

It's as the crow flies. There are websites that do it, Lewisham school admissions page has a tool, I think.

Has anyone else noticed that upmystreet seems to have Goose Green Primary School in the wrong place? I may just be being v thick - but it seems to think its just off/ on Underhill Road? I don't think that can be right?


Sorry - don't mean to take this thread off topic!

Just to reply to the OP - we live on Ryedale on the Forest Hill end near to prdarling and we got none of our choices in the initial offers (we put down Goodrich and Heber for Southwark, Fairlawn and Horniman for Lewisham)

However after a few weeks we were offered Horniman and then a few weeks after that we got Goodrich. We chose Horniman over Goodrich but mainly based on the fact that it's a much smaller school so it therefore felt more personal. We obviously would have been happy with either.

  • 1 month later...
Can anyone help me? Does anyone have children that attend Goose Green Primary school? The Ofsted inspection which took place in June 10 was not very inspiring and even though they have just come out of Special Measures, is this school a few years away from becoming something spectacular? I would like to send my child there but feel it has a few years to go before it can be a'good' school if not 'outstanding' as opposed to 'satisfactory' which it is now. I really need to make a decision over the next few days as my child has been offered an in year application space (we recently moved into the area) and the school would like to know our decision! Please HELP?!

Hi Pazzabitz

My son has been at GG since last year - he was initially at a school in Nunhead/Peckham which was a pretty awful experience for various reasons, and all I can say about GG is I love it - the teachers are great - fantastic even - and the school is friendly, properly multicultural and mixed and a great, safe environment for children to grow and learn in.

Hope that helps.


Ps I'd be hesitant to use the Ofsted reports as gospel too.

Hi Jess,

Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply to me. Do you mind if I ask what year your son is in? My daughter will move into Year 1 and I would like to make sure she is being taught on the same level, if not higher, to what she has been taught so far. I know all schools have to teach the National curriculum but I would like to think that the teachers are able to recognise each individual child's ability and nurture them to achieve even higher. Many schools are too busy making sure all children reach the 'pass' mark required for a good SAT result and not at recognising the gifted and talented or even on the flipside, those children that really need extra encouragement. I will be visiting the school soon so will hope this helps me to make my decision.

Do you mind If I ask, if you could have chosen 'any' school, where would you choose to send your child? (I know its an open question).

Thanks Jess.


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