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Ok, so I have mentioned it ad nauseum at every available opportunity but now I know there is another fan on the forum, I'm starting a thread on this one

First up - the why? [existing fans can skip towards end of this post to the section starting with *********** ]

Now I KNOW it's just a TV show and I would normally not bother starting a thread on it

But then again it isn't just a TV show. It isn't even what it looks like it is ("what... some kind of US cop show with lot's of drug dealers and I can't understand what anyone is saying") - yes it looks like that but if you still think that after series 1 then you have been watching something else

I like my entertainment. Heroes, for example, is keping me royally amused at the moment.

But The Wire is simply Not. Like. Any. Thing. Else

Someone once said that having seen it, watching The Sopranos was like watching The Waltons

The other downside is that some people think "Oh if you like The Wire you will like..... [insert some other show here - The Shield is a common one]" - which is nice of them but never right

It's not episodic. Each series is like one big show. Comparing the show to a novel has been overdone but no less accurate for that.

Many people will not make it past episode 2 at best. Having heard so much about it, it won't have sunk in yet and it will be dismissed as "meh"

You will see characters you ignored, or despised, or loved all become so darn personal to you, you will wonder why other shows can't do this

You will get to THAT scene in episode 4, series 1 and a) laugh b) realise why this is different

It isn't about good guys or bad guys it's about all of us and the systems we have to operate in, be it in our personal lives or our work lives. And how no matter how bad things get, changing them is nigh on impossible (bleak message - funny show. A bit like life I guess)


So if you HAVE seen it, who is a favourite character and why?

Mine are currently Omar and StringBell.

Omar because he is just the coolest person I've seen and Stringer because..... I have started to think "What would Stringer do?" in certain situations where I am stuck in life

( I know, sad)

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Not seen it, Sean. Like Jah, don't get to watch much TV but am always looking for some worthy drama as a digression. Last one that hooked me was "Bodies" (first series.) I am getting the strong impression, with the Baltimore comments, that this is another American show. That causes me a problem. Need serious persuasion - or let me know when it is on and I'll give it a go.


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Series 3 was meant to be the final one (althought the creator had sketched out 5 series, HBO were worried about ratings and the show's potential to illustrate some home truths - so there is a sense of closure around some issues. But the successful lobbying meant the final 2 series got made so hoorah! Now release them on DVD gits)
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The Wire is the most amazing TV series ever. I have series 1 2 on DVD and I downloaded three and four. Five is being shot now apparently.

I think the unpopularity on the screen is down to the fact that an individual epsiode doesn't make much sense. You need to sit down with a boxset and watch the entire thing over a weekend.

Amazing. Better than the Sopranos.

I read his book btw. Homicide - A Year on the Killing Streets. The reason the Wire is so real is because David Simon spent a year with the Baltimore police murder squad and documented the daily grind of police work. It is a fascinating book. Gives you a real insight into the workings of murder police.


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Noooo - don't tempt me to watch dodgy copies - I can't WAIT to see series 4 but am holding out for the release

But out of interest, how good is the quality compared to your official DVDs? If I watch them on a big screen (say 50") will they be pixellated to hell?

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Have lurked on the forum for a while but I have finally been compelled to post by the chance to talk about the best thing on TV with people who have actually seen it (and love it).

Have also seen (gorged on) all 4 series - 2 on DVD and 2 downloaded and almost couldn't bring myself to watch the last few episodes of series 4 as I knew that would be my lot for a year. Started to watch the repeats of the first series on FX and it stands up brilliantly to a second viewing, although it also made me realise how bad the quality was by comparison when watching it downloaded on a 18" computer monitor. (Another problem with watching downloaded copy was that I could't switch subtitles on when I needed to which was quite often until I got the hang of it).

Bodie and Carver are probably my all time favourites, for the way we get to see them grow up. Omar and String for being so much more than one dimensional bad guys (and both incredibly cool in very different ways). Sergeant Jay Landsman for the comedy (especially when on screen with Bunk). And Snoop, particularly the first scene of episode 1 of series 4 but I won't expand on that as most people probably haven't seen it...

Actually, there isn't really a bad character and that's why it is so great.

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hey cEDric - glad to have you aboard, and whatever reason it takes, you're here now - hopefully you'll keep posting and join the EDF party on the 21st Sep

Anyway - The Wire. Because we have lent out series 1 of the wire to another forumite I just had a peek at some of the episodes on FX and was sucked back in all over again. So many many connections which I never made the first time all clicked in my mind. I even tolerated the ad breaks

You are right - the pic quality of the tv broadcast is poor compared to DVD's - I understand FX have been granted a license to broadcast in HD from early next year

I'm conscious of us "fans" now making it sound like just a very, very good TV show. But it's not just me is it? It is better than that?

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The best thing ever (not) on TV. By a country mile. But also one of the most inaccessible TV series if you are a casual viewer joining mid-way through the series.

Series three: ()*&%&(^%(&*%^ (* (*&% (&* (^ )*& ^*)^ )*&^ *)& )*^& )$*&^ )$&*^ $*)& )&* *)$ )*&$ ^)*$ ^)*$% )*$

Series four: )*&$^_?_&*(?_(?^&??^*(_^*(_?^*_? _?^& _(?^ ?_*(& ^?_*^ ?_

Damn it! I have just gone to Amazon and ordered series 1,2,3 to replace my knock off copies.


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I have a bootleg set of DVDs of series 1 of the Wire, and a bootleg set of series 2 of the Wire. They are now spare as I have just been to Amazon to buy originals.

Does anybody want them? I want shoeboxes. I am currently organising my shoes. If you would like a DVD set, please offer me some shoeboxes or something else of nominal value. Why is it so bloody hard to find shoeboxes?


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