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I lurk but don't post much on EDF because I spend way too much time on another internet forum - and I liked to pretend I have a real life as well.

Anyways, on the other forum (I mainly live on) we get loads of trolls AND journalists. Because its fairly highbrow people are usually quick to sniff out a fake. Then they fall in to, broadly, one of two camps: (i) don't give a s*&t about trolls and (ii) oh b@~ls, I've been had by a troll, that's really annoying.


I find the whole thing highly amusing, but then I'm a bit simple.

The reactions to the reveal have had me chortling too.

It seems some people feel like they have been cheated on, because EDF isn't the only one he looked at and he went to other fora! OMG!!!

Karrie, has the "intrusion" really bothered you that much? Crikey.

This made me think of something Impetuous said on another thread about people being bothered about real stuff, like the floods in Pakistan. Not directing that at you Karrie, but just finding it hard to care about trolling or otherwise in the broader (or indeed any) scheme of things.

Karrie Wrote:


> Dear J. Russel

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIZ-SGljHik&feature

> =related


> I hope you?ve had a nice weekend off from

> trolling.


> While I am waiting for your paper?s code of

> ethics, so I can decide how I feel about your

> intrusion, I thought I?d view all your posts. I

> have done a summary of the profile that you

> portray to me. I have done it in a PDF format as a

> keep-sake for you, because you must be very proud

> of your achievements, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol,

> lol.

Dear Karrie,

Thank you very much for the lovely CV.

As far as ethical issues are concerned - I'm not sure what you think I've done wrong. Obviously if I were to be publishing private messages that would not be on, but the only bulletin board content that will be included in my feature will be what has been posted up for all to see on what is after all a public forum. It's all there for anyone with an internet connecttion to view already. Therefore I do not see how I am broaching anyone's privacy. Furthermore, in none of my postings on here have I discussed other posters' personal issues of private lives (and if I had, I would not include it in my piece).

Do let me know if there is something I've overlooked.

Hello people of the East Dulwich Forum.

I have got to know some of you a little bit over the past while.

Now, some of you have spotted that some of my contributions and opinions have been a little, well, drunk and pissed-up.

Well, I am going to come clean now, and confess that I have been what many online call a "klutz". My name is not, as you have come to believe, HonaloochieB.

I haven't been doing this simply for my own amusement, or indeed anyone else?s. I am a puerile clod and have been working on a long-term project which I call ?Arsing-About On The EDF? which will culminate in me ?bumping? the I?m In Love With HonaloochieB thread back to the top of The Lounge one night after the Peronis have kicked in.

I haven?t bothered posting in any other fora, because I quite simply couldn?t be biffed.

The ?bumping? of the I?m In Love With HonaloochieB thread may well cause the direst embarrassment to specific posters, as their guilty crushes and pashes are revealed to a new audience. I will be making direct quotations from posts that people have made in response to my ?Arsing-About On The EDF? project.

If any of you are uncomfortable with this, please register your feelings on this thread. I can not guarantee that requests will be met but I will do my best to accommodate them so long as they are accompanied by sizeable amounts of moolah.

Naturally, the response to my unveiling of my disguise will also be covered in apathy so I will be reading this thread with intense and enthusiastic lethargy. Please do not be disappointed if my replies are a little slurred and excitable: I will however respond to all questions eventually.

Thank you all for your time and I hope you will be pleased to learn that you have been involved in what I hope will be a landmark in the annals of ?arsing-about?



I think jrussel that if you are publishing people's comments in a national paper (or whatever) they have a right to know beforehand. That's just courtesy. But also people have a right to know what context their comments will be published in. I would not be happy to see my words published ad hoc outside of the forum without being happy with how they are being edited and used and you know what, the law agrees.

So I would ask that if you are using any qoutes from posters in this forum that you pm them and ask permission first. It's called 'clearance' and something that many areas of the media do as a matter of course to avoid being sued later on.

And btw the law doesn't care if you publish comments anonymously or identify the writer...the words still belong to the person who wrote them, not you.

Get permission first.

I think that it is for the poster to realise that whatever they post on a public internet forum is fair game for anyone who wants to use it. If you feel uncomfortable about your writings being used in this way then maybe you should think twice before posting.

HonaloochieB Wrote:


> Hello people of the East Dulwich Forum.


> I have got to know some of you a little bit over

> the past while.


> Now, some of you have spotted that some of my

> contributions and opinions have been a little,

> well, drunk and pissed-up.


> Well, I am going to come clean now, and confess

> that I have been what many online call a "klutz".

> My name is not, as you have come to believe,

> HonaloochieB.


> I haven't been doing this simply for my own

> amusement, or indeed anyone else?s. I am a puerile

> clod and have been working on a long-term project

> which I call ?Arsing-About On The EDF? which

> will culminate in me ?bumping? the I?m In Love

> With HonaloochieB thread back to the top of The

> Lounge one night after the Peronis have kicked in.



> I haven?t bothered posting in any other fora,

> because I quite simply couldn?t be biffed.


> The ?bumping? of the I?m In Love With

> HonaloochieB thread may well cause the direst

> embarrassment to specific posters, as their guilty

> crushes and pashes are revealed to a new audience.

> I will be making direct quotations from posts

> that people have made in response to my

> ?Arsing-About On The EDF? project.


> If any of you are uncomfortable with this, please

> register your feelings on this thread. I can not

> guarantee that requests will be met but I will do

> my best to accommodate them so long as they are

> accompanied by sizeable amounts of moolah.


> Naturally, the response to my unveiling of my

> disguise will also be covered in apathy so I will

> be reading this thread with intense and

> enthusiastic lethargy. Please do not be

> disappointed if my replies are a little slurred

> and excitable: I will however respond to all

> questions eventually.


> Thank you all for your time and I hope you will be

> pleased to learn that you have been involved in

> what I hope will be a landmark in the annals of

> ?arsing-about?


> Yours,


> "HonaloochieB"

dear "honaloochieB" actually please could you bump that thread as I would love to see it!

I kid you not I tried the search function to find it after I first heard that such a thread existed (from a forumite at the barry road race) and too many HB things came up.

with huge thanks :)


ImpetuousVrouw Wrote:


> I think that it is for the poster to realise that

> whatever they post on a public internet forum is

> fair game for anyone who wants to use it. If you

> feel uncomfortable about your writings being used

> in this way then maybe you should think twice

> before posting.

No-one has the right to publish anything written that doesn't belong to them. It comes under intellectual property rights. So technically I can object to jrussel publishing anything I have written without my consent, just as a publisher would sue you for using anything they publish in another format. So I would argue that he does have a responsibility to get permission for using 'quotes' beforehand.

Whilst I remain of the view this is just one more wind up, Karrie's point about codes of ethics is an interesting one. The SPJ Code for example includes:

Test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent error

Diligently seek out subjects of news stories to give them the opportunity to respond to allegations of wrongdoing

Identify sources whenever feasible. The public is entitled to as much information as possible on sources? reliability

Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information except when traditional open methods will not yield information vital to the public.

The problem with relying on postings on an internet message board is that it's difficult to do the first three of these, and I'm not sure that putting up fake postings to monitor reaction meets the fourth requirement either.

DJKQ: I am almost certain that what you say about ownership of what as person writes on an internet forum "coming under intellectual property rights" is not true. But I'd be happy to be proved wrong, if you could point me in the right direction ...

I have good reasons for my questioning of this point. I think it is a common misconception. Am not being arsey, honest.

sofaRunner Wrote:


> owwww! I want to be Spartacus.... being a sofa is

> good but I want to be Spartacus - can I?


> Spartacus Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I too have a confession

> >


sofarunner and Spartacus - go back to the first page and you will see that I AM SPARTACUS.

I thank you.

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