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I bought some reusable nappies while I was pregnant - a couple of different kinds to try out with a view to stocking up once I'd sussed out what was best. I was always adamant that we would use them - although I knew I probably wouldn't start straight away. Our baby is now 7 weeks old and I cannot really get my head around it and haven't even tried out my purchases. Frankly, he is breast fed and he poos SO much I just think it's totally impractical. As soon as we take off a nappy he usually starts pooing more - nothing like a bit of fresh air to bring on the urge it seems. So sometimes a new nappy is dirty before he's even had it on properly! Is this normal at 7/8 weeks? Will he start to poo less soon?

We are using biodegradable disposables but it's still scary watching the bin fill up with them. Interested to hear other people's experiences in the hope that the desire to use the cloth ones will return!

I started using from birth with no. 1 (crazy) and then at about 4 weeks with no. 2 and I think 2 weeks with no. 3. I found that the pooing slows down at about 6-8 weeks and settles to about 1-2 times a day.

I used pre-folds for the first 2 babies but on recommendation by a friend I tried tots bots shaped nappies and was amazed and wished I had used them with the other 2. My youngest was still exclusively breastfed when I switched from prefolds to tots bots, so was doing regular runny poos, but whereas the pre-folds always leaked onto the wrap, the tots bots never did.

I used my real nappy voucher to buy about 8 tots bots - 4 are bamboozle and 4 are something like that but dry quicker, it was the best investment ever because she is still in them and is now 18 months old. I also picked up some baby beehinds which are also shaped nappys made out of organic hemp(I think?). I was surprised too how slimline they are for washable nappies and I can easily get trousers on my daughter. I think you can use pretty much any wrap to cover the nappy, I have some pro-rap and also some thirsties (come in great colours and are super hard wearing).

I would just start trying them, once you get going you get into a routine and it's very satisfying taking a whole load out of the machine and hanging them out - in the winter I dry them on the radiator or on a clothes horse.

I love saving the money from using washables and I really resent having to buy disposables when we go away etc. even the green ones...!

I used them from day 1 - started with muslin cloths that I folded and then went with Bamboozles - http://www.totsbots.com/nappies/range/bamboozles/ Though don't like their wraps so use Motherease instead.

In hindsight I wouldn't use muslins again and can totally understand people having enough to think about without using washables from day one. Guess I'm just a sucker for punishment..! :-))

Have you contacted The Nappy Lady - http://www.thenappylady.co.uk/ - think they have testers for loan or if your bubs is a long slim baby then I'd be happy to lend you some of mine to try - I have the size ones which he's outgrown plus the newer birth to potty ones. My little one is 7.5 months old and also breast fed, it's taken me a while to get my head round night times and had originally used disposables once we went past the feeding every 2 hours stage but now he's in washables 24/7. P.M me if you'd like to chat more or meet up.

Thank you all for the tips and feedback. Bamboozles get a couple of votes there - I think I have a couple of Bambinex already to try, not sure if they are similar. Also bought some bimbles (?) but these are already too small I think, as he's a big (long) baby.

I did use the Nappy Lady - went to a helpful session with Molly, then bought a few online using my voucher.

Interested to know if for the ones you are recommending, you use liners that are flushable so most of the poo gets flushed away?! Perhaps they don't all work like that.

I await the slow down in poo frequency. Thanks for the offer bumpy, I think I'll hold fire for a little longer and then I'll start trying things out...

Hello - think we started at about 8-10 weeks, after messing about with bimbles that were almost immediately too small etc. Finally settled on bambinex and flexitots with tots wrap - I never bothered with a liner for the milk only poo - just washed as they were! The sun does remarkable things to yellow poo stains - my set still look great. Have completely changed tack now I have a robust wriggly 16 month old - all in ones (no time to faff with wraps!) and paper liners much more successful with solid poo. Disposables at night though - too many leaks at the end of last year and decided wasn't worth the hassle. 'Sposies for holidays etc too....

With my first baby I didn't start until he was 7 months old and weaned onto solids, at which point I used Bamboozles and Mother Ease nappies with wraps, which were great.

Second time round my older child was still in nappies and I was used to washing them, so my daughter went into them pretty much from birth. I had a couple of fitted nappies but mainly used prefolds until she was nearly 6 months old. From 6 months onwards I have used a mixture of Itti Bitti and Blueberries which are not only great at containing everything but look pretty too :) However as of last Thursday she's given up the nappies, so it looks like my days of washing nappies are coming to an end after 3 years of continuous use.

Good luck.

P x

I used Bamboozles from day-1 with my daughter (too tired to know any different!). I did do a fair bit of washing every other day - Bamboozles dry quicker than most so there wasn't so much need to factor in loads of drying time. We used 2 liners, the washables and the flushables together and to be honest it wasn't necessary to change after every poo - sometimes it was contained within the liners so they could be replaced withough changing the nappy (I had twice as many washable liners as nappies).


I used reusables after about 2 months... have to say all my worries were unfounded, you just stick them in a bucket ready to wash once used (they don't stink quite like the disposables either) and save a lot of money and less hassle as you don't have to change the bin so often! I started just using them in the house, that's the way to build confidence in using them. Only downside is they're more padded than disposables so it can limit what the baby is dressed in. All in all I would recommend reusables as I think the thought of using them is worse than the reality. Give it a whirl :)

From 8-10 weeks with baby 1, from birth second time around.

Cleaning baby's bum tends to stimulate a poo (its why many animals lick their young to clean them & stimulate toileting). This pooing straight after a nappy change will decrease soon tho, used to drive me crazy too!

Take the leap of faith and give them a try, less leaks, less waste & less money - you can't loose. If any of this not the case get back in touch as you may just need a little more help to get things right.



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