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I'm due my first baby in November and have a 2 year old cat (and a dog). I was in John Lewis last week looking at cots and accessories and came accross a cat net for the cot. I have never considered, until now that Foxy would want to climb into the cot, but the thought of it scares the hell out of me. Have other parents with cats bought these nets for their cots or is this a 'scare product'?


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There was a thread on this not so long ago http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?29,467059,471239#msg-471239 Personally I think if you just keep a close eye out in the first couple of weeks you'll know how the cat feels about it all. My little one is now 8 months and he and 'Lady Snuff Licorice Blue' are honestly best friends!
Cats like to curl up somewhere warm, usually on the bed near their owners if they can hence the worry about cats getting in cots/prams etc to curl up next to baby's warmth, the danger is suffocation in case it smothers baby. My cat and my sister's cat like to sleep next to someone, usually by their heads so as a result the cat and kids are never left alone.
I have a cat net for a moses basket and another for a larger cot/crib. You can have them both for free. They didn't stop our Siamese cat. We just kept an eye on her, and mostly kept the bedroom door shut. In time she learned what was/wasn't allowed. Our other cat didn't want to be anywhere near the baby. So, every cat is different. PM me if you want the cat nets. Won't hurt to try. Cheers!
I tried a cat net also, but in the end just abandoned Moses basket (this was far too tempting for our cat and the baby hated it so seemed best solution for us). She never gets into the cot but I vaguely recall shouting if she ever looked inclined that way. I do think keeping the door shut when they are sleeping (at least until they are old enough to push the cat away, and by that time the cat most likely will be giving a wide berth...)is the easiest option.
I have 2 cats and had the same worries as you. I brought a canopy mosquito net from ikea ( about ?15 ), to put over my baby cot. It is very practical as it covers the cot right down to the floor, it is white and made from very light netting. My daughter is now 18 months and it is still up! It looks very pretty and does the job of detering the cats on the odd occasion they might have thought about bedding down. We do not allow the the cats in to the bed room, but have it more for piece of mind, aswell as pretty decoration!! It looks much better than the small nets that are ment to be 'cat nets'!!
Thanks for all your thoughts and suggestions. Saffron - what a lovely offer. I already have the net for the pram/moses basket so I might see how we go with those for the moment and hope that the baby's cries keep princess Foxy away - i have a feeling they will. xx

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