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indiepanda Wrote:


> Squirrel was deinitely on the menu last night...

> not that I was willing to try it. Am sure it would

> taste fine, but somehow it just doesn't appeal.

> Had some rather nice chicken instead.

Do they actually mentioned Squirrel on the menu and how's cooked?

Personally I don't think think I could eat it.

Why not drink the alcohol at Franklins? - It seems perfectly reasonably priced to me - in the same way as any restaurant is "reasonably" priced. I used to love Franklins when it did its "special" lunch menus. So cheap and part of the charm was the lack of choice. I loved trying new things and I would NEVER have eaten lamb's tongue by choice which is the most choice and tender morsel I've ever devoured (my daughter enjoyed it too for her 2nd birthday treat).

I ate at Franklins about a month ago and there definately WAS squirrel on the menu. Thought it was quite amusing but was not tempted.

I secretly hoped it was the squirrel who digs little holes in my lawn. I might be tempted to eat him soon.

When are they (Frankilin's) going to get pidgeon back on menu? O and while they're at it why not mouse mousse, Wild Dog Wellington , gipsy toast, tramp truffle and thief tartin? Am loving the idea that the eateries of ED have the potential to rid the environs of vermin in such a pleasant and permanent way. I wonder could this be the first step on the road to Transition ED.

O dear DJ KillaQueen call me a natzi if you like but don't be cruel about an entire nation!

I don't believe you really think I was advocating canibalism as a sustainable way of sorting social dilemas. Sadly I do not

have any positive gipsy experiences to share with this forum, maybe you have if so do tell and re tramps I was referring to the aggressive street drinking variety that again I have no pleasant anicdotes with which to opine.

Anyhow you have now evoked Godwin's law which I guess means the thread's at loose end:

Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's law of Nazi Analogies)[1][2] is a humorous observation made by Mike Godwin in 1989 which has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[3][2] In other words, Godwin put forth the sarcastic observation that, given enough time, all discussions?regardless of topic or scope?inevitably wind up being about Hitler and the Nazis.

PS any one know the German for funsucker?

eh? lol......

I don't have any postive experiences of the upper classes either but wouldn't ever suggest they should be turned into pies because of it...........

Prejudice is prejudice wherever it exists and yes tarring a whole group of people with the same brush is I'm afraid prejudice. What if you'd written homosexuals instead of gypsies, or Africans instead of tramps......? Would you expect to be criticised? But gypsies are somehow ok are they, because YOU have nothing positve to say about them? There's nothing funny about your comment if you happen to be a gypsy I'm afraid.

And we should be reminded of the Nazi's...because what they ended up doing started with...well prejudice. The leap from dislike of a group to wanting them all dead isn't as great a leap as we think given what has happened in recent history, Yugoslavia, Rhwanda, Somalia.......

Sometimes we have to take responsibility for the things we write. You compared gyspies to vermin. That is wrong.

louisiana Wrote:


> b-fly, there are no 'squirrel farms'. There are an

> estimated five million squirrels running around

> the country. The squirrels are shot. For a

> squirrel in motion, a shotgun is the best tool.

Some prefer a .22 hunting rifle. The squirrel is very small game and a shotgun ( as the name implies) will leave shot in the squirrel which could be unpleasant.

DJQK, what a little ray of sunshine you are! I take it you're not a Cher fan so didn't get the gipsies, tramps and thieves ref and you clearly don't do irony either and for the record I only enquired after pigeon pie it was you who suggested making them from "homosexuals and Africans" and that is just down right sick, you should pratice what you preach.

You must not have heard of gipsy toast either but here's a recipe for some, be warned it's not for the faint hearted (ie stacked with cholestrol) http://netcooks.com/recipes/Breakfast/Gypsy.Toast.html

And here's a couple more links to stick in your tool bar:

cherry almond mouse pie: http://recipeland.com/recipe/v/Cherry-Almond-Mouse-Pie-49216

dog tofu and liver loaf: http://www.e-healthypetfood.com/html/dog_tofu_and_liver_loaf.html

And one last point on Godwin's Law: /prov./ [usenet]

"As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." There is a tradition in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress."

See you in Franklin's for some pigeon pie my funloving friend.

it was you who suggested making them from "homosexuals and Africans" and that is just down right sick, you should pratice what you preach.

I did NOT suggest that all...I made an analogy to illustrate a point. So don't put words into a context I didn't write them in.

Yes I did not get the Cher song reference but I'm sure I'm not the only one.

mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress

But I didn't mention them...YOU DID....lol....I was inferring more recent genocide actually...not the Nazis at all.

Posted by DJKillaQueen Today, 11:15AM

I did NOT suggest that all...I made an analogy to illustrate a point. So don't put words into a context I didn't write them in.

I agree completely DJKQ.

Posted by DJKillaQueen August 28, 02:37PM

"So gypsies are vermin? And by tramp I guess you mean homeless person of poor attire?

Hmmm don't have to go too far back in history to see a country compare certain groups of people to vermin......"

You (note how I avoid using caps lock) complain about taking things out of context and claim that wasn't a referrence to Natzi Germany but genocide in general, silly me, that's alright then. Hmmm....

Hope you enjoyed the recipies though and have given Cher's Gipsies Tramps and Thieves a listen. Now would you prefer pigeon or squirrel pie for the peace summit a la Franklin's, I promise not to order gipsy toast:)-D

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