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.. and saved that history especially for this wind up? JR can spell "publicly" and has a totally different writing style and choice of language.

Lig got backed into a corner and I think the best way out she saw was to whine and play victim, when that failed to work I think she found it more convenient to paint herself in an even more judgemental light, so rising her above the common masses.

" From: Ligaturiosity



Date: 22/07/2010 14:54

Why do you feel the need to be so offensive? You don't know the ins and outs of what went on in the encounter I had. You may disagree with what I said - fine, but there is no need to be so offensive towards me. You say everyone supporting me has some kind of twisted logic. That is your opinion. There is no need to be so nasty. This is supposed to be about debate not name calling - as the admin has pointed at. I assume his post was aimed at you."

This PM was just not from a troll, not the slightest hint of personal injury, real or otherwise. The admin line would have a good chance of working, and cooling down my postings in the thread or eliciting a private apology. This is surely the opposite actions of someone on a wind up.

.. and saved that history especially for this wind up? JR can spell "publicly" and has a totally different writing style and choice of language.

Lig got backed into a corner and I think the best way out she saw was to whine and play victim, when that failed to work I think she found it more convenient to paint herself in an even more judgemental light, so rising her above the common masses, Daily Mail stylee.

The PM a few of us got from Lig was just not from a troll, it did not contain the slightest hint of personal injury or hurt, real or otherwise. I think Lig was attemping to tell me off then report me to teacher. The admin bluff(sent to Sean too) would have a good chance of working, and cooling down my postings in the thread or eliciting a private apology. This is surely the opposite actions of someone on a wind up.

Edited after advice that quoting PM's is poor form (why?) Edited again for attempted clarity.

Lawrence, thank you for correcting my spelling...although both publicly and publically (my spelling) are both perfectly acceptable in the English language.

Jeremy I do not know of the username jrussel.

Skye, thank you for your concern, but I don't need 'help'. Yes, Peckhamgatecrasher, that chav rant was - as Heidi identified - a wind up to all intents and purposes.

Jeremy and Lawrence, thank you for identifying that I am not a 'troll' and for trying to help me in my endeavours to be a better person. Next time I see anyone pregnant and snorting cocaine or smoking a cigarette...I will definitely say something.

Once again, I respect your choice to remain taciturn in certain circumstances. However, I continue to feel that however inappropriate you consider my initial actions, I consider smoking when pregnant to be wrong. I expected to be judged when I posted on here and that is fine, but verbal abuse is not. No I am not being ironic, I was NOT verbally absuive in the first instance.

Oh come on, you did verbally abuse the poor woman, and yes you do need help.

I think it's fair to say, that pretty much everyone agrees that smoking while pregnant is wrong, what most don?t agree with is the way you acted. Get it?

Like missus rightly said, ?don't ever assume that your parameter for moral acceptability is the same as everyone elses and, moreover, never assume that your morals are so finely-tuned that you have the right to tell others how to live their lives.?

However I get the distinct impression that this will fall on deaf ears, people like you never change. It?s very sad.

Ligaturiosity Wrote:


> Lawrence, thank you for correcting my

> spelling...although both publicly and publically

> (my spelling) are both perfectly acceptable in the

> English language.

No, 'publically' is not an acceptable alternative to 'publicly' in UK English, unless the Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries have both made serious omissions.

(cut and poaste job)

publicly, publically (advs.)

Publicly is the usual spelling; publically does occur, but rarely in Edited English.

By 'Edited English' they mean what, in their opinion, is appropriate for formal and semi-formal written use. No other source accessible online offers a usage opinion.

If it's consensus that we should correct rare spellings considered deprecated by some style guides, then go ahead; I am however unsure we have such a consensus, and would like to hear some opinions on the matter. ?Morven 23:44, 9 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Granted that 'publicly' is used more commonly There was a bit of a discussion about it on User:Archivist's talk page in the aftermath of WikiTypo Day. Hideous as it appears to some of us, apparently it is recorded in some dictionaries. Usage guides tend to frown on it, however. ?Hajor 21:19, 9 Feb 2004 (UTC)

I had been making "publically=>publicly" changes all over the place but I stopped when Morven, correctly, pointed out that some dictionaries consider "publically" to be valid. I am now very much undecided on whether the remaining examples should be "corrected". Stewart Adcock 00:29, 10 Feb 2004 (UTC)

I had a look at the BBC News website and both spellings have wide use there, even in recent articles. This is the spelling we were taught at school too (I went to school in Britain), and I'm in my late 20s so the same teachers are likely to be still teaching it. I don't think this should be counted as wrong if it's so widely used by respectable sources, even if those sources are in a minority. There are much more clear cut spelling blunders to worry about that absolutely no one thinks correct, such as "book's for sale".

I saw someone throwing litter on the street today and I told them off. I've no idea if it was their first offence or if they do it all the time.

I didn't actually. I just wondered what the reaction of forumites would be if I had done so. You probably wouldn't have told me I should mind my own business and some of you might have congratulated me.

I haven't read all of this thread but it occured to me that there isn't a great deal of difference in this scenario and the one the thread is about. So what have I missed because surely I can't be right about this?

Skye, interesting that you refer to the 'poor woman' smoking whilst walking down L/ship Lane whilst obviously pregnant. Personally I feel for the 'poor unborn child' having to inhale all those noxious chemicals and smoke, not to mention the list of ailments which it is more likely to get as a result of its 'poor mum' selfishly smoking during pregnancy.

Narnia, I think your scenario is a valid one, although I would argue that what this woman was doing was much worse than throwing litter. But then I would think that wouldn't I?

^Haha, you couldn't make it up!

Personally I would not look to the US for correct English spelling.

"Next time I see anyone pregnant and snorting cocaine or smoking a cigarette...I will definitely say something"

We know.

Have you considered ticking off every "chav" as they all smoke and will be pregnant within days?

I hope next time you avoid "letting loose" and can be a little more constructive. Lets face it, what you did was have a bit of fun, as we did here. Keep us updated on your baby saving. Bravo

"I saw someone throwing litter on the street today and I told them off. I've no idea if it was their first offence or if they do it all the time."

I see you have a concept of of personal history, good, that makes you seem reasonable. Litter dropping is illegal, as well as a publik nuisance(as oppose to a private health issue). It is not addictive either. How did you handle it?

Lig- Do you still not get that you cannot help unborn children, only expecting mothers?

Narnia Wrote:


> I saw someone throwing litter on the street today

> and I told them off. I've no idea if it was their

> first offence or if they do it all the time.


> I didn't actually. I just wondered what the

> reaction of forumites would be if I had done so.

> You probably wouldn't have told me I should mind

> my own business and some of you might have

> congratulated me.


> I haven't read all of this thread but it occured

> to me that there isn't a great deal of difference

> in this scenario and the one the thread is about.

> So what have I missed because surely I can't be

> right about this?

smoking is not illegal

Lig ? how very manipulative in your reply. However just so you are clear, the reason I say ?poor woman? is because she had a crazy woman (yes you) come up to her in the street telling her she was disgusting. How dare you?! You know NOTHING about this woman, she could have just been told her mother died for all you know. Yet you go in, guns blazing, giving dirty looks and encroaching your morals on someone you know, nothing, yes nothing about! So please don?t play the ?poor unborn child? card with me.

Narnia ? ?I saw someone throwing litter on the street today and I told them off. I've no idea if it was their first offence or if they do it all the time? is totally different to ?I could not help but give her a filthy look, which she reciprocated...and then I let loose and told her how selfish she was and how disgusting is was to be smoking whilst pregnant, and so publically. I told her she should be ashamed of herself as well.? So I fail to see your point.

Out of interest would you step in if you saw a parent feeding a clearly obese child a kingsize Mars Bar and a litre of coke? I think the long and short term health risks caused by childhood obesity and poor diet are even greater than smoking during pregnancy.

Why stop at the unborn? Why not protect the born too? And if you wouldn't express your opinions on this health issue (why not and how does this differ to the pregnant lady smoking)? Just interested in how you justify your behaviour here compared to other similar scenarios.

Skye, did you smoke when you were pregnant? Is this why you are referring to my valid concerns as 'crazy'? I personally think that you are the crazy one, for defending the inefensible.

Narnia makes a very good point. How dare YOU (your words) ridicule another poster's points like that.

Fairylamb, thank you for asking a valid question, which I hope is directed at others and not just me. I am not sure that the risks of a poor diet are 'even greater than smoking during pregnancy'. I'd say that health risks associated with smoking are worse when you factor in all the other potential side effects. Miscarriage, placental abruption, premature rupture of the membranes, premature birth, and low birth weight have all been shown to be more prevalent in the pregnancies of smokers.

I saw someone throwing litter on the street today, I gave them a filty look and I told them off which they reciprocated....and then I let loose and told them how selfish they were and how disgusting it was to be throwing litter so publically. I told them they should be ashamed of themselves as well. He then got out of his stationary car and hit me one on the nose.

That's did me no good did it Skye?

Er hang on Lig, tell me where I said your valid concerns were crazy? I said you were crazy, which I stand by, especially given your neurotic reply. I don?t smoke, but after reading some of the tripe you have placed on here, I am seriously considering it. Does your husband smoke?

As for ?ridiculing? the point Narnia makes?oh pluuuuuuuuuuuurlease. I was simply pointing out the difference in delivery.

SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> World of difference naz


> Dropping litter not only pollutes public space in

> a socially unacceptable way, but you can be fined

> for it. Dropping litter is not minding your own

> business

Narnia - enough said.

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