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There have been many smokers on here who have been duly offended by your remarks yet still remained reasonable. Reasonable does not mean engaging in a polemic which, may I remind you, you started, in an 'on the fence' manner. Also would like to point out that it was only when you got hounded by the majority did you start all the "well that's your opinion and i totally respect it" BS.

If your so darned reasonable and un-bigoted, as you have miserably (and somewhat posthumously) attempted to display, then why didn't you treat the smoking woman in the same way?! Lig, you are precisely the definition of dogmatic and it's actually hilarious that you are suggesting those who have a strongly differing opinion to your own are the obstinate ones!Just go away now. Seriously. In the name of the forum, the admin and the wholly fed-up, just sellotape your fingers together. Please.

Recent classics;

-"IMO, yours is the FIRST post from a smoker's perspective"

eh? That is the single daftest thing said in 13 pages. Waterbottle's post was spot on but raised not a single new point.

-"As you have written in such a reasonable way I am prepared to take on board your points and empathise to a point"

Sickbag please, you could at least acknowledge the validity of the points, instead of just backtracking because someone has addressed you in a way you find pleasing.

-"It is hard for me to understand addiction as I have never been addicted to anything"

We are acutely aware. So why on earth do you do you still support giving out your own brand of boot camp quit smoking therapy to total strangers?

I am not sure what sheltered little world you live in Original Poster. Personally I post here under my real name, and would offer far stronger opinions on this subject if a friend voiced this opinion in the pub. Luckily I don't have any friends that narrow minded.

I cannot express how much I would like to be within earshot the next time you render someone speechless with your dire lack of empathy and manners, I have no doubt that in the public debate to follow, you would look just as stupid as you have done here.

-"Hell it is illegal to smoke in public places now thankfully"

Wrong, as usual. I assume you refer to the workplace or spaces defined as enclosed.

And just to finish on a good note;

-"sellotape your fingers together. Please."

You say you have teenagers, so when you were pregnant smoking was not as socially unacceptable as it is now.

This is what I don't really get about your arguments Lig. You're right, smoking was probably a lot more popular in the 90s than it is now, but why does this make a difference to you?

Are you annoyed that a woman smoked whilst pregnant? In which case her "moral crime" would have been just as great in the 90s as it is now. Public opinion on smoking should have absolutely nothing to do with it.

I'm not being unfriendly or nasty here Lig, I am just trying to make sense of things.

Keef I am sure you are not trying to be 'unfriendly or nasty', nor am I. I did judge...because becoming a parent is about doing the best by your child, providing s/he the best you can and giving them a good life to the best of your ability, pregnant woman who smoke use any excuse going. I used to drink quite a bit of wine before I got pregnant, but as soon as I found out I stopped...my pregnancy was extremely stressful but I never turned to anything just inner strength and exercise...but hey some people are weak and some are strong.

I can't believe I am adding to this but I just can't help myself.

"Keef I am sure you are not trying to be 'unfriendly or nasty', nor am I. I did judge...because becoming a parent is about doing the best by your child, providing s/he the best you can and giving them a good life to the best of your ability, pregnant woman who smoke use any excuse going."

...ergo, how someone other than you brings up their child or behaves when they are pregnant, is surely none of your business? Judge all you like, as it is very often the case that someone else's behaviour falls short of how you yourself would have behaved in the same circumstances, but that doesn't give you the right to pull them up on it.

I was going to let this thread slip down the list, but being as someone else has posted today, I'll reply to Lig.

Lig, I think the problem with the way you've posted on this thread has been that it is unclear what your beef is.

If it was that someone was smoking, and potentially putting their "precious cargo" *gags* at risk, that is one thing.

But, several of your posts suggest that what bothers you more, is simply that this lady was smoking in public, and that smoking is not as socially acceptable as it once was.

That is what I have found difficult to understand, as they are surely two very seperarte issues.

I can't believe I am adding to this but I just can't help myself.

It's irresistible though isn't it :))

My favourite bit of the lot is Lig's disgust that this all happened in public. I mean we all know this stuff goes on, but in public? How terrible! It seems non-public misdemeanours don't matter quite as much in Lig's world. I shudder to think what goes on at casa Lig. Though I have had some PMs from people (who wish to remain anonymous) telling me that it would make Byron's eyes water ;-)

Edit: oops - I see Keef beat me to it!

Am reminded of a good friend who, when out in busy cafes, became enraged when people sat down at tables to nab seats before queing for their food and beverages. He considered this to be terrible, anti-social behaviour. It got beyond complaining to bemused friends / family: he would actually confront strangers in cafes. At the time, he was not in a good place in terms of his mental health and now looks back with embarrassment/amusement.
i am very much with other people here ligaturosity. you really have no idea of what's gone on in people's lives etc. my older sister gave up smoking with her first pregnancy, and her second. sadly the second ended in a miscarriage. when she got pregnant a third time she was so wound up and scared that having 2 cigarettes a day actually helped her to calm down. like i say, you have no idea of people's reasons for doing things so it's best not to comment.

"Am reminded of a good friend who, when out in busy cafes, became enraged when people sat down at tables to nab seats before queing for their food and beverages. He considered this to be terrible, anti-social behaviour. It got beyond complaining to bemused friends / family: he would actually confront strangers in cafes. At the time, he was not in a good place in terms of his mental health and now looks back with embarrassment/amusement."

Smiler, Im with him on this one! As you/he say/says it is frightfully anti social and wastes a table.

Or indeed Consulate cigarettes.

Am I right or wrong in thinking that there may be a health benefit?

I'm convinced they scour the lungs of this and that and are in fact highly refreshing.

And my mate down the pub whose wife is a hospital porter reckons there's a nice menthol smell off them.

The new-born babies that is.

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