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DJKillaQueen Wrote:


> I find most right wing views are easily shot down

> anyway. It's very hard to win an argument for self

> interest. But I understand Brendan's frustration

> at the lack conscience by the 'I'm alright jack'

> brigade without a care for the consequences.

> Thankfully there are enough people not like that

> otherwise what kind of a cruel society would we be

> living in.

I find most extreme right-wing and left-wing views easy to counter, usually as they are generally based on ideology that doesn't hold up in the real world. Right and left wing views close around the centre ground are usually the best for a good debate, as there is generally merit in both.

Providing Brendan doesn't punch all and sundry in the face. That would dampen debate somewhat.

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Yep I agree Loz but what I would say is that politics without some ideological debate also means that nothing ever really changes....which is fine if everything is fine and dandy, but no help if something radical needs to happen.

Hmm elasticated jugular LM....the facelift looks amazing too........what did you say the name of your plastic surgeon was again?

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I like to discuss important issues as much as the next person but am constantly put off by the lack of thought displayed by some contributors on here, e.g:


I've decided not to get into online conversations with right-wing arseholes who are unable or unwilling to see past their own self-serving prejudices....seeking consensus that their own antisocial points of view...... From now on I?ll leave it for face-to-face discussions where at least I can just punch people....

Also, check out the left-wing fanaticism demonstrated by DJKQ. This is a person who ranted about how the ConDems were about to reduce housing benefit to ?400, complained that no-one could live on that and had to be told that it was actually ?400 a week. Sometimes it's good to read more than the Daily Mirror's headline.

This forum would be a far more interesting place if people left their prejudices out of it, thought about what they were posting and got rid of the huge chips on their shoulders.

Cue boring, predictable barrage of bile from DJKQ and Brendan "you're a fascist etc etc"

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I do agree about a tendancy to bile though if you stroll slighlty off the 'rightouess path'.

I'm not that interested in politics to be honest as I have a pretty low opinion of politicians, I'm far more interested in economics (although economist are a bunch of tossers too) and my interest in economics has to a degree taken me increasingly from the 'left' to 'right' as the traditionalists 'stuck in their boxes' ideologist would probably label it. Ultimately, if we can get our global economy balanced and prosperous then the whole world will be better off. The ohh so terrible forces of global capitalism has pulled millions and million of people in the 2nd and third world out of poverty far more than protectionsim and patronsing handouts by guilty liberals in the west ever did...us in the west will probably be worst off as a result and yes that means the end of retiring at 65, free bus passes, outrageous generous redundancy and pension arrangements for our public sector workers, huge non-means tested benefit bills, etc

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???? Wrote:


> Don't worry about Brendan, he's just grumpy.....

> 'cos he's moved to Surrey...right among 'em.

... and he's doing a law degree. I'm betting he'll be a card carrying Tory by the time the London Olympics hits town.

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frierntastic Wrote:


> Also, check out the left-wing fanaticism

> demonstrated by DJKQ. This is a person who ranted

> about how the ConDems were about to reduce housing

> benefit to ?400, complained that no-one could live

> on that and had to be told that it was actually

> ?400 a week.

Actually I am neither a fanatic or left wing....and I did conceed the error. However anyone who thinks we should be topping up working people's rent with tax payers money while rents and house prices romp out of control needs their heads testing (but that's just my view). Fotunately the FSA are about to start to do something about it, and not before time.

> Cue boring, predictable barrage of bile from DJKQ

> and Brendan "you're a fascist etc etc"

I never insult anyone and I'm sorry if you have nothing better to say about my views than to personally insult me....more a reflection on you than me.

Anyone reading what I do write would see that I am more interested in arguing for a fair society, than getting riled by the stupid and derogatory comments of posts like your last one, with nothing more useful to say than to label those they disagree with as left wing and full of bile.

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I agree with you quids...creating wealth and prosperity is essential to a forward moving society. And we are not doing that as well as we could. What matters is then how the wealth is distributed or what it's used for and it's there that the clash comes because the idea that a free market economy could then have a regulated system of distribution seems to be anathema to some people.

We need more jobs and better jobs....there's no question about that, and we need to invest in industry and the private sector to help create them. At the same time we need to make sure people are better rewarded in a more even fashion for the effort they put in. It's no good demonising the unemployed and then doing nothing to create jobs for them.

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frierntastic Wrote:


> Cue boring, predictable barrage of bile from DJKQ

> and Brendan "you're a fascist etc etc"

Do you not consider that the above comment might just be comprised of the very bile you claim puts you off so much? Do you not also consider it a tad antagonistic?

I certainly do. Come on, there's enough room for all of us.

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