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We have just started reception, all seems well but I get told nothing!

How was school today? "Good"

What did you play today? "Lots"

Did you enjoy your food? "Yup"

Who did you play with? "Boys"

I just really want to be let into this new world of his but I get zero information to work with. Anyone else?

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we share your experience; last year I remember seeing a link to something similar to this which has always stuck in my mind of things I should go back to and remember when the boys started school


Yes, have been through this with my two older kids, and now again with #3 who started reception on Friday.

My experience is that the more you ask them, the less they tell. Be sneaky. If you notice a little spot of pen/paint/play dough/dirt use it as a conversation opener. The soles of their shoes can be a source of information too... "Oh look, there's green stuff on your shoes, what is this?" can lead to stories of play dough/slime/sand creations.

My little one came home with her shoes on the wrong feet, so I knew they'd been off, which led to her telling me all about the sandpit she played in.

Our school periodically send home their learning journals, which are a fantastic pictorial record of what they do at school in the early years. Serves as reassurance that they don't just do the one activity they tell you about every day ;)

Yes, it is the norm in my house too. My son's first week was probably more of an excitement to me than it was to him. I'd pick him up and ask him all manner of questions only to be met with a monosyllabic yes or no or okay. I was desperate to find out how his day had been but would get nothing back. Through the school grapevine I'd find out he'd got a certificate or a golden ticket weeks after and when I'd ask him about it he'd matter of factly fill me in with the scantest of details.

Now, on the walk home I ask him to tell me three things that happened during his day. His responses are usually - I ate some bread with butter, I went to the toilet twice, I did some writing or I played in the playground!

We have a lets tell each other about the best part of our day and the worst. It works quite well with my 3 and 5 year old, although worryingly the best part of the 3 year olds day is always lunch.

They are always interested to know what was the worst part of my day.

we also talk about the best and worst thing about today, like MrsBoris (worryingly I often get playtime was the best thing and learning was the worst). I also ask what made you laugh today? What silly thing happened today? and if he seems in bad form "Did anything happen to make you sad today?"

I once got a classic piece of feedback volunteered unusually by my oldest (work shy) son.

'Mummy it's Wednesday and we have chapel today. I like chapel'...

Me - 'Really????' (Not usually a spiritual child)

'Yes. It means we don't have to do maths'.

So little gems do sometimes come out when you are least expecting them!!

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