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cervical sweep

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Fortunately sex doesn't do the same thing, otherwise it would be a most unpleasurable experience. with a sweep the aim is to separate the membranes around the baby from your cervix. i had a sweep with my first when my induction was failing to progress, it definitely did the trick, although it does make your eyes water a bit. worth it though, especially if you're keen to get the baby out.
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I had it, didn't work for me.

But it's a proven technique, and worth a go.

Your daughter should be prepared for it to be painful, or at best very uncomfortable. Best of luck to her for a fast onset of labour and a safe delivery!

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This is all so interesting! She is very uncomfortable and as the pregnancy affected her joints believes that the lack of sleep she has experienced over the last months cannot be any worse with baby! Lets hope it works well, think I will not warn her it may hurt.
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I had 5 between my due date and baby being born 17 days late, The last one may have worked as she came along that night but who knows?!

Wouldn't hesitate to have another (or another 5!) this time round in preference to induction though.

Good luck to your daughter x

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I think that they can hasten the start of labour if everything is ready, but if the baby's is not ready to come then a sweep won't shift it. I had three, none of which worked. Fortunately I didn't find them painful. Uncomfortable, yes, but it didn't actually hurt.
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In all honesty I never found any of mine painful at all, the last was at worst slightly uncomfortable but no more than a smear. (infact I'd rather have a sweep!) They can cause a bit of cramping but that will either subside or turn into labour!
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My friend had gas and air with her sweeps, but I don't think it is needed, personally.

If you can't get through a sweep without pain relief, you haven't got a hope of even getting through early labour without drugs. Obviously, if you are a drugs all the way type of person, then by all means get the gas and air for the sweep!!

new mother Wrote:


> Is there any pain relief given/ recommended? If

> not, why not?

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I had a sweep and it was unbelievably painful. I also had 2 births without pain relief so my pain threshold is quite high! It wasn't helped by the nurse giving me the internal exam not telling me she was going to do a sweep. Unforgiveable.
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Hmmmm.... sorry trinity, wasn't meaning to sound insensitive. The midwife did say that if your cervix is in a certain position it can be quite uncomfortable (mine obv wasn't!)

Kalamiphile - you may be interested to know that the midwives sometimes offer to do sweeps during established labour to keep things moving forward.

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littleEDfamily Wrote:


> Hmmmm.... sorry trinity, wasn't meaning to sound

> insensitive. The midwife did say that if your

> cervix is in a certain position it can be quite

> uncomfortable (mine obv wasn't!)


no problem. Clearly there are a wide range of experiences here. As a comparison I felt nothing with a smear and was in agony with the sweep. Perhaps it was also because I had it 10 days before my due date or perhaps just a very rough nurse.

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I had 5, would say about same discomfort level as a smear, which I count as not nice but not really painful either. did not work. had pessary thing to start induction that did not work either. Had waters broken in the end - ahh the rfelief of getting going finally!

Good luck to your daughter.

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