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Autumn babies club - due dates

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Aug 29th Peppa - born 29th Aug - pink

Sept 2nd Claire29 - born 7th Sept - blue

Sept 11th jollybaby - pink

Sept 14th Sanity Girl - born 16th Sept - blue

Sept 15th Smiler - born 27th Aug - pink

Sept 17th Buggie

Sept 17th Millsa - pink

Sept 19th radnrach - blue

Sept 21st Au'lait

Sept 23rd ladywotlunches - ?pink!

Sept 26th Mummynegin - pink

Sept 28th Psych

Oct 6th Penpot

Oct 8th Katycameron

Oct 10th hannah06 - yellow

Oct 16th Reren - blue

Oct 17th EDZ - pink

Oct 24th PrincessPeckingham - pink

Oct 29th Supergolden88 - blue

Nov 1st kerry.finlay

Nov 2nd Foxyarchie

Nov 7th LeilahB

Nov 8th angelchildsmum - pink

Nov 20th MrsLL2b

Nov 12th Trish

Nov 22nd Felt-tip

Nov 25th HollieES

Nov 28th Fuschia - blue

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Well done Sanity Girl, great to hear he is sleeping well so far, fingers crossed he continues! Good luck to anyone else who is due around now or very soon, even though it's only been 10 days since I had Sam every time I see a pregnant lady with a big bump I think, poor thing, I feel about 20 stone lighter since having him and what a joy it is to be able to walk.... and not waddle!
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What a beautiful picture sanity girl! I'm sure it's my hormones but it brought a tear to my eye. I can't wait for pregnancy to be over and have my baby with me now too. Just getting ready to go to a wedding where i'm sure everyone will look gorgeous and I'm enormous - everything I can fit into looks like a moo moo! I feel like a freak of nature at the moment -a small child actually asked his mummy why 'that lady's' tummy was so big 10 mins ago!
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Aug 29th Peppa - born 29th Aug - pink

Sept 2nd Claire29 - born 7th Sept - blue

Sept 11th jollybaby - pink

Sept 14th Sanity Girl - born 16th Sept - blue

Sept 15th Smiler - born 27th Aug - pink

Sept 17th Buggie

Sept 17th Millsa - pink

Sept 19th radnrach - born 4th Sept - blue

Sept 21st Au'lait

Sept 23rd ladywotlunches - ?pink!

Sept 26th Mummynegin - pink

Sept 28th Psych

Oct 6th Penpot

Oct 8th Katycameron

Oct 10th hannah06 - yellow

Oct 16th Reren - blue

Oct 17th EDZ - pink

Oct 24th PrincessPeckingham - pink

Oct 29th Supergolden88 - blue

Nov 1st kerry.finlay

Nov 2nd Foxyarchie

Nov 7th LeilahB

Nov 8th angelchildsmum - pink

Nov 20th MrsLL2b

Nov 12th Trish

Nov 22nd Felt-tip

Nov 25th HollieES

Nov 28th Fuschia - blue

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Congrats Radnrach, sorry to hear not much is happening jollybaby, I'm inbetween due dates now, as yesterday was due date going by dates, but Tues is due date according to scan (and thus we're going with that for induction). Twiddling thumbs this w/e hoping things kick off!
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Hi All

Baby Alice Lucy was born at 17.28 on 16th September, 7lb 14oz. Sorry to keep you all in suspense! It was a long week last week as waters kind of broke last monday, then properly on Wednesday, but contractions slow so instead of my lovely homebirth I was marched by hubby into KCH for an induction. That bit was quick at least - 90 mins from them putting the drip in, and just 40 mins from when the contractions really kicked in! If anyone has to go for the induction route, my one piece of advice is don't let them turn it up to '4.5' unless you are 100% sure its not working at '3'!!! :)

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Many congratulations and welcome to the world Alice.

Baby JB is clearly not in a hurry and am booked for induction on thurs. I'm determined to prove the not very reassuring midwife I saw today wrong though. Many thanks to the lady in the street who told me I was looking lovely. You made my day!

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Just quickly came on to say that my baby girl Ellie Rose arrived 1/2hr after arriving at hospital on Sunday morning!

She's a diddy 4lb 10oz (esp as 39wk scan predicted she was weighing 6lb 3oz)so life is dominated by her feeding :-S so far so good, but doesn't leave any time for any other activity!

If anyone else wants to take over updating the list I won't be offended!

Best wishes to ladywotlunches and best of luck to jollybaby - had resigned myself to induction so spontaneous labour starting Saturday was a big surprise!

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Big congrats Buggie - and all you other Autumn mummies - best time of year to have a baby in my opinion - spend winter tucked up breastfeeding & cuddling with good films & books and by spring & summer you'll be hanging out in the park with wonderful, chubby sitting and crawling babies.

Enjoy your babymoons, mmmm that lovely baby smell :))



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Congratulations Buggie, that's fantastic news. Might we be lucky enough to get a picture?? I know one other has also had her baby, but I'll leave her to announce it. Here's the updated list in the meantime.

ps thanks for all your lovely comments about Eduardo - he's feeding and sleeping very well, and we are all besotted with him

Aug 29th Peppa - born 29th Aug - pink

Sept 2nd Claire29 - born 7th Sept - blue

Sept 11th jollybaby - pink

Sept 14th Sanity Girl - born 16th Sept - blue

Sept 15th Smiler - born 27th Aug - pink

Sept 17th Buggie - born 19th Sept - pink

Sept 17th Millsa - pink

Sept 19th radnrach - born 4th Sept - blue

Sept 21st Au'lait

Sept 23rd ladywotlunches - ?pink!

Sept 26th Mummynegin - pink

Sept 28th Psych

Oct 6th Penpot

Oct 8th Katycameron

Oct 10th hannah06 - yellow

Oct 16th Reren - blue

Oct 17th EDZ - pink

Oct 24th PrincessPeckingham - pink

Oct 29th Supergolden88 - blue

Nov 1st kerry.finlay

Nov 2nd Foxyarchie

Nov 7th LeilahB

Nov 8th angelchildsmum - pink

Nov 20th MrsLL2b

Nov 12th Trish

Nov 22nd Felt-tip

Nov 25th HollieES

Nov 28th Fuschia - blue

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my baby girl Liliana arrived this morning at 2.44am after a speedy 90-min-long labour on gas and air. 7lb 7oz. I escaped with no stitches and no pain afterwards (so far). And I still find it pretty overwhelming that I am not pregnant anymore :)

good luck to all new babies coming soon!

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Aug 29th Peppa - born 29th Aug - pink

Sept 2nd Claire29 - born 7th Sept - blue

Sept 11th jollybaby - pink

Sept 14th Sanity Girl - born 16th Sept - blue

Sept 15th Smiler - born 27th Aug - pink

Sept 17th Buggie - born 19th Sept - pink

Sept 17th Millsa - born 21st Sept - pink

Sept 19th radnrach - born 4th Sept - blue

Sept 21st Au'lait

Sept 23rd ladywotlunches - born 16th Sept - pink

Sept 26th Mummynegin - pink

Sept 28th Psych

Oct 6th Penpot

Oct 8th Katycameron

Oct 10th hannah06 - yellow

Oct 16th Reren - blue

Oct 17th EDZ - pink

Oct 24th PrincessPeckingham - pink

Oct 29th Supergolden88 - blue

Nov 1st kerry.finlay

Nov 2nd Foxyarchie

Nov 7th LeilahB

Nov 8th angelchildsmum - pink

Nov 20th MrsLL2b

Nov 12th Trish

Nov 22nd Felt-tip

Nov 25th HollieES

Nov 28th Fuschia - blue

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