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Goose Green Roundabout


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I recently read that a decision has been made by the Council about a new feature for the roundabout at Goose Green/Lordship Lane. Some time ago I saw a form that was being circulated by Council asking peopel what they'd prefer. I hope it will be a tree or improved planting. I fear it will be a scuplutre designed to match the terrible green fence in Goose Green! Does anyone know what's planned or who at the Council might know?
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I filled out the form and asked for a tree. Hopefully it will not be anything man made and ?artistic?. Town planners and architects used to be able to design grand and tasteful decorative structures (like Peckham Rye Station) but one can only assuming that everyone who had this knowledge was killed in WW2 and the libraries bombed because since then bugger all worth looking at has been built.
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  • 1 month later...

I completely agree with the notion of obscuring a drivers vision will be a danger at this junction, but if there are plans under way to install something to the roundabout then I'd rather a single tree planted in the center than another piece of modern art which would no doubt be an eyesore and totally out of place.

Mrs Y.

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It's not that long ago that TfL were trying to have this roundabout removed as part of the red route scheme through ED. It's strange that the council now appears to be trying to make it more of a visual obstruction. I wonder if TfL have been consulted about this proposal?
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The layout of the junction allows good views of all adjoining roads therefore keeping it safe. If, depending on the plans, the island was planted out or a piece of art, or for that matter any type of structure (not to upset you arty types) installed it could well obscure drivers vision especially as drivers increasingly ignore vehicles on the roundabout and cut in. A centered single tree, in my opinion would appease both arguments.


I've no objection to art being introduced but, in a structured way and of a suitable nature to the envirnment it's in.

Has any thought been given to why the area is called Goose Green, mmmm there's an idea.

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_A centered single tree, in my opinion would appease both arguments._

You can't possibly know that a single centred tree wouldn't cause a problem for drivers and pedestrians, and it seems better to err on the side of caution when proposing to make changes of this kind at such a tight junction and traffic pinch-point. Plus, a single palm tree is not quite the same as a single native tree (or, come to that, a tall thin piece of urban art) because don't necessarily grow upwards to begin with, they tend to remain low and to become quite wide and bushy as they mature.

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"Shall we cut all the trees at the side of the road down as well, just in case they are distraction too?"

Not necessary in this case, but sadly TfL do seem to be doing quite a lot of that. Plus you are conflating arguments about preserving existing trees and planting new ones in inappropriate places.

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