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I'm a bit of a ditz about drs and hospitals, hate them

saw midwives at DMC at about 5w pg, they took info and sent me for scan and said they would book me in abt about 12w. heard nothing, then got letter at about 13w saying they hadn't managed to contact me so unless they heard from me they would assume they didn't need care. Rang them right away, left several message on their machine and also had a gripe at the GP's receptionist. but they still haven't got back to me.

I'm now 15w pg and last night a car drove into the back of me... had very sore back and tummy last night.. then this morning some bleeding. Rang midwives again, left very upset message on answerphone but no callback. rang receptionist, she grabbed a midwife who was on her way out who said to go to a and e.

Now waiting for a GP to call.

What do you think I should do? I'm so upset and I'm on my own with the twins and I just can't think straight.

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Can you go to the MAU (Maternity Assessment Unit) at Kings? If you are having bleeding they should allow you to have a scan. In my past experience it was better than A and E. The only trouble is there is always a wait there. I am really sorry and wish I could offer more help.

poor you, that's awful. I had some bleeding with no. 3, I went straight up to early pregnancy unit at Kings, not the greatest place to hang around but once I was seen they scanned me and were very reassuring. Could you get someone to take the twins so you can go up there and wait - you can self refer, you don't need a letter from a doc or midwife.

Best of luck and hope all is OK,


Fuschia, so sorry this has happened.

The early pregnancy unit at Kings, 3rd floor of Jubilee Wing, is open from 8.30am til noon every day, they are really nice and am sure would scan you. No need for a GP referral. The phone number is 0203 2993186.

They deal with up to 16 weeks, after that it is the maternal assessment unit, same wing, who are also helpful. Or, as you said, A&E.

They are OK about kids being there, I have been there on my own with my toddler before, but it is a "drop in" service and can be a long wait (up to 2 hours), so take food, drinks, toys, nappies etc. Would be easier if you had someone with you or to look after the twins.

Hope you get seen quickly and that the baby is OK.

Thanks for advice and all offers of help

Gp also said to go to EPU

A friend of mine suggested contacting my nanny who doesn't work for me today but is free and is going to drive us all up to Kings and push the babies about in their buggy while I go to the EPU

Just got to get everyone dressed now. At least i have stopped sobbing temporarily. I am so good in any emergency unless it requires me to go to hospital, in whch case I become a total wreck

fuschia so sorry to hear this. I have experience of MAU at both kings and tommies and found tommies to be more efficient with a bigger waiting area and their own radiologist right there. just a thought if you can get there as may be easier with the twins. i didnt need a referral there (also had bleeding at 8 and 13 weeks)

good luck

am at epu but apparently the clinic is closed

i am going to see a nurse

even more upset now

the mau here is just from 16w

maybe if they wont scan me they will listen to the baby at least

anyway as maybe i should stop my bloodthinners for a whule, i might go and look for my haematology consultant see what he says

only person i trust at kings

Please let us know how you get on Fuschia.

If you want to have a scan and you are not getting any joy with Kings, then call the Fetal Medicine Centre on Harley St... all doctors have trained in ultrasound scanning and fetal medicine under Professor Kypros Nicolaides.

They will see you next day (same day if you're lucky). Is ?150 for nuchal and bloods, but you get results on the spot and all profits go to Fetal Medicine Foundation so worthwhile.

Tel is 020 7486 0476

Fuschia do you need some help/support while you get seen? I'm on my own without the girls today (had to be a witness in a court case that ended at lunchtime) so if you need some help with the twins or just a shoulder please just say. My blood ran cold when you said you'd been shunted - I so hope you are/or will be ok!
Oh my god!!! Poor you Fuschia..I am not surprised you are upset and shaken, I get a little push on the train and I am all tearful. But think positive, babies are very well protected in there so I am sure baby will be ok...I am shocked that you are not getting a better response from the hospital! I hope things are going better by the time I write this, if not I would go with prdarlings advice and go to the Fetal Medicine Centre...it is awful if you are not getting better care from the NHS but this is one of those situations when your peace of mind and baby's health are worth the money. Best wishes!!!!

hi all

home again feeling very relieved

after the receptionist said i was too late to be scanned i waited an hour for the nutse

then i got cross and thought this is pointless maybe if i go ninto antenatal they could at least listen= in

so i went and told the snotty receptioist

then a nurse came over and said i needed a scan and i was in the scan queue after all (where do they get their rceptionists?!)

i was scanned and everything ok, need to rest and go back if i bleed heavily

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