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Post problems

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Is anybody else having problems with late/non deliverie sof their post?

I am waiting for 4 specific items which I know were posted up to 3 weeks ago and have not arrived. I have spoken to the Royal Mail complaints line who said that they would ask their local manager to monitor things.

Is it just me or is it a trend? I am in Altima Court on East Dulwich Road, opposite Greens Bar and Restaurant.

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I'm not expecting anything specific to be able to monitor the situation - some fairly important documents turned up yesterday, 2 days after posting and various tickets etc have all turned up.

I am at top end of Friern Rd. But as with any flat situation it may not be the post service - or do you have post delivered direct into locked boxes?

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We are also having problems, several items of post we know have been sent and not yet received, I have complained on line and suggest that if everyone having problems complains something might get done. We have seen postmen/persons looking at street names so they can't know the area very well.
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I went into the Silvester Road sorting office recently to collect a parcel and when I was in there this lady came in, placed a large bundle of letters and undelivered mail on the counter, said "I found these in the street" and walked out shaking her head. I did frequently get letters through my door meant for next door but I think they've now employed literate postmen as it seems to have improved, although it could be the case that the letters aren't actually being delivered at all .
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There was a postal strike last week that has caused some backlog with deliveries. Although?

I?ve been having problems with post not arriving for a while. About a month ago I got fed up and made a complaint. I thought this would be confidential. Turned out it wasn?t as the following Saturday the postman knocked on my door to enquire about why I had made a complaint. He was quite aggressive about it too until he realised that I wasn?t going to take it. The cowardly little shite was probably hoping for someone he could bully. I gave him a full list of what had gone missing and expressed my frustration and disdain and sent him back down the garden path with his tail between his legs. This made me feel better for about 5 minutes and then just genuinely concerned about ever receiving any mail again.

Having said that I have received 3 parcels this week without incident (Why do I feel lucky about this when it should just be expected?)

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Brendan, that's awful. I hope you complained again about

a. the lack of confidentiality of your complaint

b. the frankly outrageous behaviour of the postman trying to bully you / scare you because you had complained.

Just think, if you had been an elderly person or in any way less confident or nervous of living alone, that could have been really frightening and whatever the circumstances it is totally out of order! I'm horrified!

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I am going to write a letter but I don?t know if I should mention the altercation with the postman.

There is a part of me that doesn't want to grass someone up to their boss even if they were out of order. But then again what if I wasn?t there and my fianc? had opened the door?

The thing is that when I made my initial complaint I didn?t in anyway suggest that it was the postman. I just said that my mail wasn?t arriving. I actually assumed that the problem would have been at the sorting office or something.

I made my complaint via the customer services line on Royal Mails website and the only response I got was a cocky postman. They haven?t contacted me in any other way.

You know actually now that I?m thinking about it again I am going to take this further.

Not even a cutesy call! Bastards.

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That's even worse then if they hadn't contacted you other than the postman having a go at you!

I would also assume the issue was with the sorting office rather than the postman but sounds as though they've just given the postman a bollocking for crap delivery rather than investigating it properly.

So 3 issues - highly unsatisfactory investigation and resolution of a complaint; lack of confidentiality with the postman finding out who had complained (even though complaint not specifically against him) and postman being aggressive and totally out of order in confronting you about it.

Bastards indeed!

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Our tickets for the Big Chill this weekend have been lost at the Sylvestor Road sorting office. We called the festival organisers (having got nowhere with the Royal Mail customer services), and they said they'd had lots of problems with tickets going to our postcode area. We should be ok to collect replacement tickets at the event, but its typically poor service from RM. So pleased that they have lost their monopoly.
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I got two cards just before Xmas saying parcels were waiting for me at the sorting office, but when I went there they couldn't find them! As I wasn't sure what they might be, I couldn't complain - the person sedning needs to claim.

The guy who comes to the desk was quite upset about it but couldn't work out what had happened.

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I have posted on this thread befor we have lived here for 25 years untill a few years ago we had 2 deliveries a day first befor 9am one after 2pm and the same posti for a long time we have over the last monthes lost mail we sent to ourselfs as tests,, birtday cards lost bills lost, red reminders lost, we have repeatedly complaind in writing E mail and phone with limted succsess the up side is we don't get much junk mail.

Bob S

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Yup. It is worse here than anywhere else I?ve lived. So much so that I get anything of value delivered to work instead. Have complained to postie who protested that he is only a temp and to post office, which received no reply.
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Along this vein but in a slightly different area

A friend of mine has just cancelled her holiday as her new born's passport application is stuck in the glaswegian sorting office who are on an unofficial strike until the 8th

Be warned if you have sent off for a passport over the past 2 week... it may not be back for a while

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I've had countless problems getting mail - this due to a nuisance neighbour who thought it was funny to shred my mail and post through my letter box...

After consulting the police and Sylvester road sorting office, I found Royal Mail to be very helpful and I now make arrangements to collect the mail myself every few days from the sorting office.

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I've said it once, and I'll say it again - tell our Tessa. It takes it up a notch when you involve the local MP. It might take time but she would probably write to a government department that has responsibility for the Royal Mail. Yes, it sounds very creaky and time-consuming, but at least it is official and the very highest-ups are involved. Nero
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We seem to have a problem too, we are in Ivanhoe Road, and under the Camberwell sorting office.

We never get post before 11, more often around 3 and sometimes not until 5!

I had a parcel posted to me last Tuesday 1st class which still hasn't arrived.

We go days on end with no post at all, then get it all at once.

At least 4 times a month our post goes to the same door number but in a different Road (differnt postcode aswell!) We get their's too.

And to top it all off, I got home today to find my post - a parcel and 2 letters, left on my doorstep! In full view of the street!!

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