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The new tenants have been selected, but due to poor planning between the completion of the build and the selection (Well done Parks Dept),it'll be toward the end of september before it opens. The new tenants are a local couple with lots of enthusiasm and a lot of catering industry experience. I'm sure it'll be worth the long wait. :)) I'll try to find out the official opening date.

Thanks Boosboss,

TBH, with the weather as it is, at least they're not missing out on quite as much as they would be if it was baking hot and the park was rammed with people. Still, it must be good for them to get it open during Autumn, they'll lose out on people even knowing they're there if they're not open before November. Good luck and fingers crossed that they hit their target.

BTW, do you know/are you allowed to say if they're connected with any other establishments that we will all know/frequent?


bald marauder Wrote:


> Thanks Boosboss,

> TBH, with the weather as it is, at least they're

> not missing out on quite as much as they would be

> if it was baking hot and the park was rammed with

> people. Still, it must be good for them to get it

> open during Autumn, they'll lose out on people

> even knowing they're there if they're not open

> before November. Good luck and fingers crossed

> that they hit their target.

> BTW, do you know/are you allowed to say if they're

> connected with any other establishments that we

> will all know/frequent?

> BM

As far as I'm aware, they're not connected apart from living locally. I was privvy to their history, but can't remember enough to relate it accurately :)

  • 1 month later...

Hey let's hpoe the council have given the contract to some one whos knows something about food. Infact of course they would not have. Apparently they have ?150000 to spend on the old pool area, I was told they had half a meeting about a year ago then....nothing!

How on earth people think that this cafe was designed in consultation with park users must be off their heads, maybe they should hope that the neede exchange does land in Crysal Palace road so they can start to withdraw in safety.

MMM you may yawn but ...."a lot of catering industry experience." to anyone in a council could mean anything "Hey I ran a gastro pub when I finished my uni degree in French Politics" wow great jobs yours !

As for kickin the council they freeking well deserve it, all of them, they do sweet FA until the area becomes a focal point for the right kind of voter demographic. No wonder democrary is banckrupt.

These people are playing managerial politics with our enviroment, they are like children let loose in a corporate office, it's just an orgy of self preservation and control......were is the dialogue?

Anyway my fingers are firmly crossed that I am wrong.

AllforNun Wrote:


> Hey let's hpoe the council have given the contract

> to some one whos knows something about food.

> How on earth people think that this cafe was

> designed in consultation with park users must be

> off their heads.

Luckily your hopes have been realised, Fiona the lady who has the contract does indeed have catering experience.

Park users were very well consulted with in the planning and design of the cafe. I, as a park user was on the panel of interviewers for the architects and members of The Friends of Peckham Rye Park Committee were on the interview and selection panel for the contract to run cafe. There were also numerous public meetings in the planning stages.

If the council were looking for a consultation process template, this would be one they'd do well to replicate.

The paddling pool area consultation, whilst being rather slow in it's progress is still trundling on and further info and consultation will take place in the near future.

Crystal Tips Wrote:


> I am looking forward to it

> and await booboss' next post with interest

Apologies for the lack of updates. There is some snagging taking place with the flooring being problematic. I will endeavour to speak to Fiona this week to find out if an opening date has yet been decided on. :))

boosboss Wrote:

> The paddling pool area consultation, whilst being

> rather slow in it's progress is still trundling on

> and further info and consultation will take place

> in the near future.

It's just sad that this was being talked of at the start of the year, and the Summer has been and gone. Let's hope it's in place by next year. Same with the cafe... why wasn't it open for the Summer?

"Park users were very well consulted with in the planning and design of the cafe"

This is so ridiculous it is almost offensive - there was almost no serious attempt to engage the local community, most of the residents that I know who live near the park had absolutely no idea. The first thig most people knew were posters for applications to run a cafe began to appear. Having said all that the Cafe looks fantastic !

As for the pool I was told that a laminated flyer was hung from one of the fences. The truth is that the council does not really want well sttended meetings just in case someone stands up and challenges them.

AllforNun Wrote:


> "Park users were very well consulted with in the

> planning and design of the cafe"


> This is so ridiculous it is almost offensive -

> there was almost no serious attempt to engage the

> local community, most of the residents that I know

> who live near the park had absolutely no idea. The

> first thig most people knew were posters for

> applications to run a cafe began to appear. Having

> said all that the Cafe looks fantastic !


> As for the pool I was told that a laminated flyer

> was hung from one of the fences. The truth is that

> the council does not really want well sttended

> meetings just in case someone stands up and

> challenges them.

Well, I don't know about the pool, but as a member of FOPRP, I remember very well putting up posters about the meetings for the new cafe. Its then up to people to read the posters and attend the meetings, of which I remember Knox Bhavan, giving very detailed presentations about the cafe. I remember at least 3 meetings that I attended where they were involved.

I'm a little unsure whether I'm responding to a serious,yet slightly cranky local resident or a forum troll and I'm falling right into your trap! As for your claim that my previous post is almost offensive, you managed to reply with one that omitted the 'almost'.

As for the cafe consultation, besides notices in the local media, hand delivered flyers to many, if not most parkside residences, laminated posters displayed throughout the park, announcements at local community council meetings and much word of mouth advertising of the consultation meetings. Short of having a town crier bell ringing and hollering through the streets of ED, Nunhead and Peckham Rye, I struggle to see what further means of informing the community there are. I still maintain that the consultation process was thorough.

Well funny that - Nobody in Nunhead that I know of seemed to have a clue ? maybe you just thought you would target ED and that Bellenden Road represented Peckham? Did you flyer the Peckham side of the Park? Or any of the estates bordering the park? or any of the locall pubs? As for local community meetings considering that they are so poorly attended and it is always the same faces that is a bit of a joke. You seem to be unable to acknowledge the fact that outside of your circle of people 95% of the other residents did not have a clue? Could you please tell everyone on this forum how you engaged the Nunhead Community ?.......answers please.......?

The only Cranks are Divs like yourself who seem to be think that phoning your mates to let them know about meetings constitutes consultation. Can you recall in roughly how many people attended these well advertised meetings.....let me guess 20odd ?

AllforNun Wrote:


> Well funny that - Nobody in Nunhead that I know of

> seemed to have a clue ? maybe you just thought you

> would target ED and that Bellenden Road

> represented Peckham? Did you flyer the Peckham

> side of the Park? Yes! Or any of the estates bordering

> the park? Yes!or any of the locall pubs? Yes! As for local

> community meetings considering that they are so

> poorly attended and it is always the same faces

> that is a bit of a joke.So the local community doesn't want to get involved. Who's fault is that? You seem to be unable to

> acknowledge the fact that outside of your circle

> of people 95% of the other residents did not have

> a clue? If I'd known you knew 95% of the community personally, I'd have come to you! Could you please tell everyone on this

> forum how you engaged the Nunhead Community

> ?.......answers please.......? As disclosed in previous post! Nunhead, ED and Peckham were all mentioned!

> > The only Cranks are Divs like yourself who seem to

> be think that phoning your mates to let them know

> about meetings constitutes consultation. Can you

> recall in roughly how many people attended these

> well advertised meetings.....let me guess 20odd ? Double your figure and add some and you'll be closer to the mark. Informing people of meetings doesn't make them attend though, does it?

As I've given you the information already and despite that you're still intent on either suggesting I'm a liar or insulting me. This will be my last response to your ramblings.:))

Dear BoozeBoss.

You mentioned Nunhead/Peckham how? Sorry I think I missed your comprehensive strategy on this one? As for ramblings may I suggest that trying to undermine someone's opinion with such crass attempts to give yourself some moral authority is sadly very transparent. may I also suggest that you start a thread asking for some help in raising awareness of your next park project. Maybe someone with some advertising experience could suggest some contemporary strategies from the real world.

Obviuosly that would mean you may have to let go of the talky stick at meetings and work on your issues with control.

Dear poodle boy - the consultaion process was minimal and targeted to a specific demographic. Areas were selected before hand for example the Nunhead Community forum were never ever informed or engaged and the council has actually been paying someone to carry out a study as to how they broaden the dialogue and information sharing process as a result of this and other problems.

why don't they ever announce the dates of the FOPR meetings on this forum? how come the pool area consultation consisted of an 2hr meeting over a year ago attended by 17 people, 14 of which tried to form a circle of their own before being asked several times to break up into smaller groups. A friend of mine told me that she left soon after as it was clear it was a closed shop.

If this is the reaction to basically being told to improve the dialogue shame on you and your dogs.

AllforNun Wrote:


> Dear poodle boy - the consultaion process was

> minimal and targeted to a specific demographic.

> Areas were selected before hand for example the

> Nunhead Community forum were never ever informed

> or engaged and the council has actually been

> paying someone to carry out a study as to how they

> broaden the dialogue and information sharing

> process as a result of this and other problems.

> why don't they ever announce the dates of the FOPR

> meetings on this forum? how come the pool area

> consultation consisted of an 2hr meeting over a

> year ago attended by 17 people, 14 of which tried

> to form a circle of their own before being asked

> several times to break up into smaller groups. A

> friend of mine told me that she left soon after as

> it was clear it was a closed shop.


> If this is the reaction to basically being told to

> improve the dialogue shame on you and your dogs.

Cor blimey! You're a bundle of laughs aren't you :-S Maybe if you contacted FOPRP to let them know that this forum exists, they could inform the forum of future consultations. The same goes for the Nunhead forum.

Why shame on my dogs? Are you pizzed?

How do you know I like Poodles? Are you a psychic?

I presume FOPR et others know all about this forumn. And why the FOPR would not know about Nunnhead considering this park borders the Peckham and Nunhead communities defies logic.

Well I knew you had dogs so watch out. I can talk to animals as well. If they stop responding to you, start staying out late and come home smelling of a different shampoo don't say you were not warned. now if you don't mind I am enjoying a nice pint of balsamic mmm

I spoke to Fiona today and although She is ready to open, She can't until EDF energy move an electrical box from outside the cafe, enabling some further finishing work to take place. It's very frustrating, especially for her (and I suspect her pocket)considering this delay is through no fault of hers. Once EDF confirm a date for the works, Fiona will announce the opening date. :))
Great news boosboss - look forward to the opening announcement - I hope its a great success - however could there be a comprehensive public consultation about the menu first, whose tastes will be catered for - the Latte-swillers of SE22 or the tea in a mug mob from SE15 - we need to get this right - we just don't want to upset any of the surrounding community where it is evident sensetivities are high

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