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Sounds like I'm in the minority on this one, but I think the DR has really taken off, with quite a wide section of posters contributing to it these days after a very slow and worthy start.

The Lounge is a pile of crap, but I don't think it's because of the DR. Why haven't any of us started, joined in on, lost tempers in, made friends on, giggled about, any really good new threads in there? I don't know the answer, but I do think that's the right question.

Funny how the problems are down to other forumites and not those complaining on this thread. We all have a share Of responsibility in this little communal venture of ours.... If you want to change it then do something about it and stop yer whining.

*goes for a lie down after uncharacteristic angry outburst*

By it's nature and separation from 'the rest', the DR attracts a small percentage of people who know a large percentage of facts. Many of the threads progress by fact, by figure, by stat and by fisk.

Unfortunately, a large percentage of people, including myself, hardly know any facts at all. And given the choice, most people just don't want to expose themselves as the ill-read and uninformed retards that they know themselves to be.

brum Wrote:


> Funny how the problems are down to other forumites

> and not those complaining on this thread. We all

> have a share Of responsibility in this little

> communal venture of ours.... If you want to change

> it then do something about it and stop yer

> whining.


> *goes for a lie down after uncharacteristic angry

> outburst*

brum, you're absolutely right but that's kind of what I was trying to say. I'm not sure anyone is blaming other forumites, the Lounge is collectively 'us', generally regular contributors. It's definitely our own fault - but I don't really understand what's changed or how to make it more fun.

Moos I agree with you, I don't think anyone is blaming other individuals, it's just the collective 'them' and 'us' syndrome that's at work here. In reality we are all 'us' and so share the responsibility. How to change things is a tricky one. My personal view is that I've never enjoyed reading posts that criticise how others post, because it leads to division and can affect how people post to conform with others. This form of restraint can mean posts can lack individuality and creativity and so are, effectively, dull.

Perhaps if the self-imposed leash is loosened somewhat, we can see individuality return once more. Woof is the notable exception here as his posts are superlatively individual, even though I often don't understand them!!

Cool - so I think we agree :)-D. I guess it comes down to the hazy ground between thinking 'we' should all be more fun and knowing that it's impossible to be more fun on your own.. somehow the collective spark needs to be generated and we can all respond - but that's ducking out of personal responsibility, isn't it?

As for criticizing others' posts, you and I have disagreed on that point before, and I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, hopefully amicably.. I think if someone is spoiling the whole forum or a whole section for you, then you should be able to say so. 'Just don't read it' doesn't really work - is self-imposed exile really a better option?

perhaps it's just that the human mind is a restless and fickle thing... doing the same thing over and over, how ever much fun it seems at the start, soon becomes somewhat lackluster. We are, as a society, over-stimulated so our boredom thresholds kick in sooner...


charliecharlie Wrote:


> perhaps it's just that the human mind is a

> restless and fickle thing... doing the same thing

> over and over, how ever much fun it seems at the

> start, soon becomes somewhat lackluster. We are,

> as a society, over-stimulated so our boredom

> thresholds kick in sooner...



I "like toootallyTM " disagree

The more I do this, the "funner" it gets

( for me that is anyway )

And as for the "don't have to read it" option...well.....hmmm

Really , no one makes anybody read anything

If say, you walk into the news agents to buy the "Teleguardian Times" ( or whatever news paper you like ) it's no good having a butchers at "The Star" & rolling your eyes & "tutting" at what's contained in it.

Worse still " hoping beyond hope " the news seller won't stock it in the shop , so as not to upset the broadsheet buyers, is a pipe dream...

Though having 100's of copies of said "red top" in the shop could be ever so slightly irritating

But there again so is hayfever...

Lastly can we have an icon which shows disapproval, like a big fat black X

( can I say big, black & fat in the same post ? )

Oh well....


As I see it, three identifiable things happened to change the Forum.

1) Keef, Mockney and Sean stopped posting so much.

2)The Forum expanded from 5? sections to the current 11.

3) Some really lovely people stopped coming to the drinks

Oh, and we are talking about the Forum being The Lounge-Gossip-Drimks arn't we, not all that crazy buying, lending, selling gumtree kinda stuff.

citizenED Wrote:


> As I see it, three identifiable things happened to

> change the Forum.


> 1) Keef, Mockney and Sean stopped posting so much.



> 2)The Forum expanded from 5? sections to the

> current 11.


> 3) Some really lovely people stopped coming to the

> drinks


> Oh, and we are talking about the Forum being The

> Lounge-Gossip-Drimks arn't we, not all that crazy

> buying, lending, selling gumtree kinda stuff.


Keef & Mockers...

Both are in the new Dad mode, so "poos" not "posts" are their bag now..

( check out the "Family room" for Keef's work, he's big on breast feeding. Mockers is in the words of the "Grinch"..."staring into the abyss" )

Where as Sean is "The All Seeing Eye" and hold keys & ropes & the "RULE BOOK"

Mike P la la...

Is making curry..or something like that

Soooooooo rhymes go with reasons



RosieH Wrote:


> Well there's a can of worms and no mistake...


Yeah sure....

And there's more to come...


Oh yes....


Actually the Family Room is where it is at nowadays...lots of support and fun and the occasional MAJOR 'off' like the MIND spraying breastfeeder thread which made it into the national media (er...the Mail) and Radio 5...most regular lounge posters were tottaly oblivious to this I suspect, certainly the ones at the Clockhouse drinks were. The Familyroom has its own drinks (Mockney attends) and Keef is all over the gaff like nappy rash! You kidless are missing out big time.
I?ve been on a break, but if anyone thinks it will perk up the Forum a bit, I'm prepared to resume harassing the moderators, fisking Huguenot and other clique insiders like an obsessive compulsive, stalking RosieH and other Femme Fatales, campaigning for BBW?s return and defending lost causes like LadyMuck and Woof? Anyone?

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