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M & S

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I thought the format of the new M and S will not be the "grab and go" kind but more of a standard supermarket, selling fruit/veg/dairy/meats as well as packaged foods.

I do miss Iceland, which was great for a pretty wide range of staples at great prices and agree that some ED residents will now be inconvenienced, having to travel further afield for the same, keenly-priced products.

Maybe the bosses at M and S could - as a way of accommodating those who have been put out - stock cut-price basics, given that the assumption is they have been reading the EDF for ages?

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Louisa Wrote:


> I'm running out of reasons to visit LL. A real

> shame.

Me too. Quite frankly if it weren't for the butchers, the fishmonger, the various grocers / greengrocers, the barbers, the stationers, the DIY shops, AJ Farmer, the cheese shop, the restaurants, the cafes, the pubs and the cinema ... I'd probably move.

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*Bob* Wrote:


> Louisa Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> lots of elderly people who were reliant on

> > Iceland now having to struggle to Peckham or

> > further to get their weekly shop.


> Surely some of them could release half a million

> pounds or so of equity from the house they bought

> back in the day for ?10 - and get their shopping

> delivered by Ocado?

At least they had to work to pay the deposit and mortgage and not rely on mummy and daddy falling off their perch to aspire to ED.

Release equity get screwed seven ways to Sunday. Cost ?1 or 1 million not worth zilch until you sell.

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I think you took that a bit too seriously Rupert.

That said, there is actually quite a bit of difference between only having ?1 and having a property worth ?1m that you haven't sold. Ask someone who only has a pound what they think if you don't believe me.

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I was born and bred in the area, my grandparents and parents lived in the area and I bought my house in the area long before it hit the most wanted list.

I also held down 2 jobs in 1975 to pay for it.

When we and my generation bought it was it was very different.

You did not take on debt if you did not have a pot to piss in.

How different to today

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rupert james Wrote:


> When we and my generation bought it was it was

> very different.

That's right - when you bought it was actually affordable for most people to own a home.

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Jeremy Wrote:


> Bought in 1975 - salt-of-the-earth types who

> worked their socks off to buy their home

> Bought in 2015 - good-for-nothing slackers who

> lucked out when their parents popped their clogs


> Glad we got that sorted out.

You really are a prize pr..t

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It takes a fairly warped sense of awareness to see a whole group of people who - unlike you - could never afford to buy a house without help, regardless of what job they might be able to get .. and still not realise it's you who's been the lucky one.


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*Bob* Wrote:


> It takes a fairly warped sense of awareness to see

> a whole group of people who - unlike you - could

> never afford to buy a house without help,

> regardless of what job they might be able to get

> .. and still not realise it's you who's been the

> lucky one.


> Crazy.

Even if you got help from parents to buy (I didn't), that doesn't mean you don't work hard (my wife and I both work 10hr days). Lots of other couples in very similar circumstances.

But even then... we're probably lucky compared to today's twenty-somethings, many of whom probably view the prospect of ever owning property in London (or even the SE) as hopelessly unrealistic.

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I was not lucky I worked my arse off to buy my house.

I was lucky most of my friends had to move out to fields far away.

Maybe the snowflake generation might like to consider giving up their I must have at any cost what is advertised or feel left out.

You can continue this discussion on who has what but I and many others had to do it off our own back and this was when interest rates were at 18%.

If people did not chase houses that clearly overpriced the world would be different. Houses are to live in not a financial opportunity.

When I am dead what ever is there is of no concern to me.

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rupert james Wrote:


> I was not lucky I worked my arse off to buy my

> house.

But - you know - you *could*. And now, you know - they *can't*.

So you were lucky. Because at least you could.

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I never knew at the time time if I could, If I could not I lost what I had.

At least we never moaned that the world was unfair.

What most people forget when we bought If the area caught fire no one would piss on it to put it out.

We put our money where our mouth was.

Am I grateful for the financial input...yes

Long may it continue.

Many thanks

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*Bob* I know you've had a rubbish week and you're using this opportunity to stir the pot on an otherwise dull Friday night. But please, take the argument to a new thread I don't mind specially creating for you guys to thrash it out in over in the lounge.

Back to M&S and there goes the neighborhood please.


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