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He means the burden they a placing on their host EU countries. At least the immigrants the UK get come here to work and pay taxes.

DulwichFox Wrote:


> Loz Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > DulwichFox Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > Well poor UK. citizens do not go and live in

> > Europe.. France. Belgium. Italy. Germany..

> >

> > Maybe, but I reckon we export more unproductive

> > people - how many retired people head to Europe?


> > Apparently there are over half a million in

> Spain

> > alone.


> Well .. I would of thought they have done their

> bit for this country in their time..

> Let them enjoy the Sun in their final years..


> Foxy

DulwichFox Wrote:


> Loz Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > DulwichFox Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > Well poor UK. citizens do not go and live in Europe.. France. Belgium. Italy. Germany..

> >

> > Maybe, but I reckon we export more unproductive people - how many retired people head to Europe?


> > Apparently there are over half a million in Spain alone.


> Well .. I would of thought they have done their

> bit for this country in their time..

> Let them enjoy the Sun in their final years..

But surely you are voting tomorrow to stop them doing exactly that?

Loz Wrote:


> DulwichFox Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Loz Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > DulwichFox Wrote:

> > >

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> >

> > > -----

> > > > Well poor UK. citizens do not go and live

> in Europe.. France. Belgium. Italy. Germany..

> > >

> > > Maybe, but I reckon we export more

> unproductive people - how many retired people head

> to Europe?

> >

> > > Apparently there are over half a million in

> Spain alone.

> >

> > Well .. I would of thought they have done their

> > bit for this country in their time..

> > Let them enjoy the Sun in their final years..


> But surely you are voting tomorrow to stop them

> doing exactly that?


Housing is a poor reference to make Fox. Housing shortage is not in the UK as a whole, but predominently in the South East, where the economy is centred. But that could be easily solved if we stopped selling off public housing and had a mass building programme. Governments have have 30 years to keep pace with changing demographics and have done nothing. 2.5 million people have moved south over the last 3 decades. We have had mass home building waves in the past, we can do that again. There just has to be the will from government. Also though, if government did something to help economy generate and grow in other parts of the country, people would move to other parts of the country. Don't confuse failures in national economic strategy with immigration.

*Bob* Wrote:


> DulwichFox Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> citizens do not go and live in

> > Europe.. France. Belgium. Italy. Germany..


> Unless you count the 1.2 million who have done.


> I guess 1.2 million is just too small a number to

> mention.

Don't let the facts get in the way *Bob*

I went to the hugging tree (it's where I always go in times of turmoil) and it told me this

"Whoa the ides and wind blow, the seas are full of turmoils and the shifts are there within the eddy's. Mountain upon your back, be grateful angin and read the heavens and the constellations above. Forfeit and rewards rain down for we see in the darkened runes the way.

I said "Thanks for that" it really made the whole thing much clearer in my mind. I booked a package holiday to Magaluf for mid September

I like big beans

I bet some anonymous campaign worker was so pleased with him/herself, when they came up with the whole 'Brits dont quit' line that Dave Cameron keeps using. But I find it the most cringeworthy, weak and transparent soundbite out there.

Oh no!, its not the British way to quit. What would Winston Churchill or Queen Victoria think of me? therefore I must stay......or maybe i'll use my brain instead to help make my decision....

Seems to me this referendum isn't really about the EU: it's actually more a vote on the current-day UK with old grievances and resentments which have been simmering away for years bubbling up to the surface - in particularly caustic and unpleasant ways.

North v South, white v brown, rich v poor, town v country, province v capital - scores to be settled everywhere, all under the banner of This EU Thing which 95% of the population never gave a monkeys about, understood, or probably thought to cast a vote for.. until now it's all so terribly, terribly important.

Watching people I know (on both sides) slamming up all sorts of inflammatory shit on Facebook is bizarre. The sooner order is restored and we can get back to holiday snaps, turnips shaped like Jesus and cats falling into a bath - the better.

*Bob* Wrote:


> Watching people I know (on both sides) slamming up

> all sorts of inflammatory shit on Facebook is

> bizarre. The sooner order is restored and we can

> get back to holiday snaps, turnips shaped like

> Jesus and cats falling into a bath - the better.

ah but are we allowed old knobbly wonky shaped turnips or do they have to be uniformly 'EU' perfect?

PS not another bloody leave/remain thread, its becoming almost as tedious (but not quite) as the jockanese never-ending referendum.

what Bob said

i scan the tedious disquisitions on the other thread and have a bit of a chuckle - the more elections I live through, the more I'm convinced of how little effect reasoned arguments have on how people end up voting.

Sue, the only thing that might tempt me to vote Leave is if I were promised that we'd drop out of Eurovision as a result! not going to happen, so may as well stay!

civilservant Wrote:


> what Bob said


> i scan the tedious disquisitions on the other

> thread and have a bit of a chuckle - the more

> elections I live through, the more I'm convinced

> of how little effect reasoned arguments have on

> how people end up voting.


> Sue, the only thing that might tempt me to vote

> Leave is if I were promised that we'd drop out of

> Eurovision as a result! not going to happen, so

> may as well stay!


civilservant Wrote:


> the more elections I live through, the more I'm convinced

> of how little effect reasoned arguments have on

> how people end up voting.

Reasoned argument seems to be the last thing on people's minds.

I recently read an article in a "newspaper" (probably metro/standard) claiming that one in six people would be more likely to vote to leave if England beat Slovakia in the football!

rahrahrah Wrote:


> Yeah, I've kind of given up arguing about

> 'Brexit'. It seems to me that a lot of people

> really aren't interested in reasoned arguements. I

> mean the leave camp have actually made a virtue

> out of 'not listening to experts'.

Seems to be Project Fear v Project Hate. How nice.

uncleglen Wrote:


> Me too- on a very serious note the influence of

> the RC church is a massive worry - although the

> influence of the catholic church is mercifully on

> the wane in Poland (for a start).

I think it's time you returned the Dan Brown novels back to the library...

Jeremy Wrote:


> I recently read an article in a "newspaper" (probably metro/standard) claiming that one in six

> people would be more likely to vote to leave if England beat Slovakia in the football!

I would have thought it was the other way around? I did think a few weeks ago that if England didn't get to the final 16 the remain vote would suffer.

Loz Wrote:


> I would have thought it was the other way around?

> I did think a few weeks ago that if England didn't

> get to the final 16 the remain vote would suffer.

That's what the article said (I just found it online to check). Makes absolutely zero sense either way, if you ask me.

The public should have to pass some sort of basic IQ test before being allowed to vote.

Jeremy Wrote:


> The public should have to pass some sort of basic

> IQ test before being allowed to vote.

Nobody ever won an election by assuming the general public is intelligent. That's why the Brexitters' "take back control" mantra (which Boris answered pretty much every question with in last night's debate) has been so effective.

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