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Crystal Palace Tavern

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Having only just moved to the area, I went on a bit of a pub crawl over the weekend. I visited the Gowlett, the EDT, Page2, The Uplands, the CPT and the Bishop.

Without doubt, the CPT was my favourite. Friendly staff, well kept beer (increasingly rare) and a good atmosphere.

Bottom of the list is a toss-up between the Uplands and Page 2 - both serving icy-cold ale with a sneer and high prices. The Uplands probably just scrapes home last due to my girlfriend's laughable excuse for a "cocktail" and the souless atmosphere.

I'll be going back to the CPT.

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Uplands - CPT

Yep, they're about the two ends of my ED pubs spectrum too!!

*edited as memory returns on a monday morning*

*ahem, THAT unmentionable pub may be bottom after all*

Let me see...

[bad]NTV, Uplands, Magdala, Palmerston, Clock House, Bishop, Gowlett, Castle, Hoopers, Inside 72, Black Cherry, EDT, CPT[great]

Can't speak for plough as hadn't been there for years, and now refurbed.

*and yes AD, I realise this is greater East Dulwich*

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Rather than a straight list I've grouped mine into those I genuinely like and will happily visit regardless of occassion, those that are not so good but can be ok if circumstance, mood and timing come together, and those I would rather not go to if I can at all help it

The groups themselves don't necessarily mean any kind of up/downmarket description, nor are they in strict order (although some from the top 2 groups do swap places sometimes)

I'm not saying if you go to any of the ones in the top group YOU will definitely have a good time but they work as general rule of thumb from me

The Good Guys






Green & Blue



Depends - Can be great, but equally...





Clock House





Not today, not tomorrow...

NTV (aka The Vale)


Honourable mentions just outside this catchment go to The Nuns Head, The Rye, Bar Story, The Hob in Forest Hill,

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I was working out my list of acceptable boozers, then read Sean M's post and found it was basically identical, even including Franklins - often overlooked but a nice place for a quiet pint or two. I was once in there with wife and another couple, relaxing drink and a chat, when three young blokes fell in through the door - dodgy haircuts, shiny shirts, obviously on a LL crawl. It took them about 10 seconds to take in the overwhelmingly civilised nature of the place, at which point they fell out again.

I confess though that I used to live v. close to the Vale and occasionally went there for a last pint on the way home - even v. pissed, you know it's all wrong.

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The CPT is my second home, so no surprises I'd put it top :)-D

Down "The Lane", I think Inside 72 would be my top choice, but it's too small, and not nice when it gets chocka.

Black Cherry next.

EDT and The Bishop okay I guess, but too busy.

Mag is a bit souless, but I do like the big round tables, and the pizzas are good.

Not tried the new Plough yet...

Agree with Sean RE Bar Story!

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Spot on as usual Sean. I may be getting on a bit but I never feel THAT old even if I do pop in there on Fri/Sat evening. Young at heart I suppose and hedonistic to the core. But also I love to pop into the Drum as maybe a starting point to an evening out and then maybe onto the Black Cherry for cocktails and I do have a soft spot for the EDT as I've been going in there on and off for the best part of 25 years. One thing about the CPT though is it is almost unique - apart from The Castle - in that it is one of the few remaining PROPER pubs left in East Dulwich and long may it stay that way.
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I will but NTV. Although the Uplands is still one of my least favourite of the local boozers, it's pretty damned soulless inside. The outside seating area has improved a little, which helps if you're like me and enjoy a smoke. Also, they do a fabulous bottled Pear cider in there too but that I'm afraid is about it.
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jah, the drum always reminds me of trees lounge - the steve buscemi film not the forest hill road place. not sure why, it seems to be a few regulars draped over the bar when i go past.

agree sean, i like the music in 72, it's quite unlike anything in ED and should be congratulated for it.

does anyone else think that the bishop and f*****s will sit quite appropriately across from each other? it's a nice place and all but i can just see the flash young employees populating it at lunchtime. best put wd40 on the loo cisterns bishop-folk.

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No good wine in the Seepy Tee though. I like The Plough. I like Inside 72 as well but fear I'm not trendy enough to hang out in there in the nu rave style.

Went to The Gowlett a while back and the aggressive and non plus-ed bar staff in there frightened me off!

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