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TheArtfulDogger Wrote:


> When does the little furry blighter come, and why

> does a Rabbit (that has live young) deliver

> chocolate eggs....


Forget the Easter Bunny and concentrate on the Magic Basket. It's a classic example of the misdirection that drives most sleight-of-hand illusions. This particular trick is notoriously difficult for even experienced conjurors which is, I suppose, why it's left to a fictional animal.

Why the animal is a rabbit is not only open to speculation, but also to doubt. The celebrated Count de Gubernatis, in his book Mythological Zoology, makes clear the connection between the lunar fecundatrix and the hare (both sleep with their eyes open), and it is most likely that modern narrators, lazily reliant on second-hand accounts, are persuaded that the Easter Bunny is a rabbit only by the forces of plagiarism. Once the hare is accepted, however, then its identification with the fructiferous Moon and its relation to the paschal ovum becomes readily apparent.

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TheArtfulDogger Wrote:


> are you on Meow Meow Burbage ?

Not yet. Just happy to help, as always.

The real question you need ask your parents isn't why it's the Easter Bunny that delivers the Easter Eggs, but why it's hatched a paganistic pact with the likes of Tesco. The murky phantasms of European folklore sit uneasily, to my mind, in the ubiquitous grasp of the loyalty card.

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When Christianity reached Europe they plonked Easter at the same time of year as the Northern European Spring Equinox festival-hence eggs, rabbits and hares all to do with pagan fertility rituals got a bit mixed up with crucifixes, crowns of thorns and Middle Eatern jewish guys rising from the dead-so just to clarify Christian children really shouldn't eat chocolate eggs, but on the plus side they will have eternal life in reward for a life well lived-so swings and round abouts really.....
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