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Apenn -so interesting that you say that about america - I am half american and grew up in the states where my (english) mum still lives. Think this is part of the problem - she had me and my brother here in the UK because at the time trusted the NHS over american doctors - but has now (after lots of brilliant American medical care due to very good health insurance) gone over to the other side :)) I'm thinking of making her watch the Ricki lake film which I haven't seen but is apparently very critical of the american system of highly medicalised births!

Yes the Ricki Lake documentary is not bad, I can't stand her shows but the is worth watching. I think you can download it and watch it online (I did, don't remember if I paid for it). Try googling it, it's called The Business of Being Born.

Most of the issues she highlights don't fully apply in the UK as the NHS is obviously not as commercialised as medical care in America is, making birth less of a "business" here (although it's apparently still true that once you're in hospital and have one intervention like the induction drug syntocinon (pitocin in the US) or an epidural you're more likely to need more intervention throughout the birthing process). The film is pretty negative about hospital birth, I prefer more balanced documentaries, but again it's worth watching.

Speaking of the US vs UK thing - a few of my best girlfriends are from the US, and they have been the most shocked my my decision to have a home birth. I think there is a real acceptance and confidence in the medical model in the US - when we were all at uni together, I remember my US friends being really frustrated that UK GPs wouldn't prescribe something when they went to see them about colds etc. Back home in the US, because of the structure of the pharmacutical industry, people are so used to being prescribed something for any complaint, even when it is unnecessary. Quite interesting!

Well home births are 'illegal' in the majority of US states I believe - there was an article in the paper about it a year or so ago. I think it was also discussed in a documentary that included some women in the UK giving birth at home without a midwife present because home births were not supported in their area (which I found mega scary I have to say).

Just cannot imagine it being illegal to have your baby in your own home, but I guess the whole medical industry works differently over there.


I think it does depend a lot on what you are used to. I can't comment on the American model because it's so confusing, but in Canada midwives are independent and very expensive, and there are not many birthing options. Some people do have home births but they are quite rare, and there are a few birthing centres (again quite expensive) so most people have hospital births. You are completely under the care of your GP until mid way through your pregnancy and then signed on with an OB/GYN who will also deliver your baby (or someone in their rotation of about 5 or 6 will). The home birth seems so scary because we are not used to viewing midwives as trained professionals as compared to an OB/GYN (I don't agree, that's just the common view). I think the story might be sort of the same in the US (although Canada's socialized health care system does change the comparison).

Anyway when I moved here I was a bit shocked that pregnant women see midwives and not doctors, and home birth seems as typical as hospital births. But I do see that it was just a lack of perspective and see a lot of benefit to this system.

I think it's fantastic that women have so many options!

Second everyone that says do what you want to do. Most important thing is you're relaxed. Some people relax in hospital knowing help is nearby if needed, some relax at home in familiar surroundings.

I would however really recommend the book Birth; a history by Tina Cassidy. Puts the whole thing in context. It doesn't propogate the daft notion that 'African ladies just go under a tree and give birth' but does explain that births have been happening for a while now, the vast majority safely and happily without medical intervention.

anna75 Wrote:


> mm, tricky. I can see why you want a hb and,

> equally, I can see why relatives and friends are

> getting nervous about it.


> Are any statistics available about safety/lack of

> incidents/lack of MRSA etc?

There was research in a BMJ article 4 or 5 years ago which showed that Homebirths are just as safe as hospital births in uncomplicated pregnancies. I'll try and find a link. Not sure about the MRSA thing.

I wanted a HB and my mum had the same reaction. She was not very secretly quite pleased when I had to go in to be induced. The important thing is choice and to be in the place where you will be most relaxed. Personally I think that births and deaths should be done in the home where possible. I am a GP, but I know that most of my friends who work in hospitals think quite differently.

I'm still hoping to have any future babies in the comfort of my own home.

Going back to a post from yesterday, I would second what Fushia said about things going wrong at home. Ask any midwife and they will tell you that a problem does not just crop up from nowhere and they can usually anticipate what is happening or going to happen... They will also have a very low threshold for 'sitting on things' whereas in the hospital they are more prepared to do that and will transfer in sooner rather than later....

I had a hospital birth by choice, not because I felt it was safer but because I knew I was having a big baby and I knew I would be a bit of a poof and want pain relief!!! Now with number 2 I am toying with the idea of a homebirth although still not too keen on the idea of the pain but hoping for a swift exit from the baby...

It is an individual decision where and how you have your baby just as the way you bring them up is and the name you give them...


I totally sympathise. I decided late on in my first pregnancy (36 weeks) to try for a homebirth, basically after going on the ward tour and being filled with dread (I think it might have been a bad day). But because it was such a short time to go, and I anticipated negative reactions from relatives, we told no-one apart from our NCT group - our teacher Tess was incredibly supportive and the rest of the group, although deciding that HB wasn't for them, were also of the 'each to their own' attitude, so I got up to b-day with a good attitiude.

As it was, my waters broke 3 days early when my mum was up visiting, so she got to find out very last minute about our plans. If she was shocked/worried, she didn't show it. Everything went well with the birth. I had to go in for some stitches so on the way my other half called his mum as he'd said he would when we were 'on our way to the hospital'. Only difference was, we already had our son by then! We did get comments that we'd been 'deceitful' from that side, which wasn't nice to take, but then I was glad that we'd kept scthum in the beginning.

I'm pregnant with no 2 now and have planned a brierley birth, with everyone knowing. Because it all went well last time, everyone is happy. Whilst HB isn't for everyone, you're so right that people form opinions on hearsay and accepted truths. I think the best thing to do would be to show your mum this thread - as it might help her to understand how much more of the 'norm' homebirth is becoming nowadays.

Good luck with whatever you decide.


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