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Slummy Mummy confessions......

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Well there seem to be plenty of perfect mums out there but I am not one of them, because.........

As I sit here surfing the internet and reading "the Forum" my son is being neglected. But it gets worse. I am making him watch a television show that we find appalling....... the awful Lazytown, and I think you know why. That's right, Sportacus, mummy porn (the shame!) and I don't believe for one minute I'm the only one who has noticed that if you turn the volume off he's easy on the eyes (sans ugly eurotrash sporty costume....... oh yes I did just say that!)

I have no defense. I'm not proud. But admitting you have a problem is the first step, they say.

Please tell me somebody else has a slummy mummy (or daddy) habit? I can't be shocked, really!

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omg that story is brilliant! but seriously i HATE mr tumble, gigglebiz really really annoys me. Also as mentioned on another thread Kerry is quite annoying with her 'hello moon' song.

on swearing though - that is one way i'm def a slummy mummy as I haven't managed to edit my language at all even though my 13 month old is saying some words now. It's a miracle his first word wasn't a swear word...it's surely only a matter of time. I know I should stop but sometimes only a swear word will do.

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Oh.... yeah... the swearing thing. :-$

I'm really ashamed of it, but have overheard my small son sitting on the loo practising saying to himself "fxcking sake", "fxcking sake".

The worst of it is that there is part of me that really, really wanted to laugh, but it was awful hearing his little squeaky voice innocently repeating mangled swearwords.

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littleEDfamily Wrote:


> Still feeling slightly nauseous about you Mr

> Tumble pervs out there! Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Noo! It wasn't me that mentioned sexual fantasies! I just said he makes me giggle! How can you corrupt my innocent feelings?!!

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Tee hee... this thread has made me think that cbeebies could do with some genuine eye-candy for mums!

When I first met my husband my group of friends used to call him the CTVP (Children's TV presenter), as he was so smiley (yet handsome!), but now I see how horribly insulting that really was. Surely they can find a few men nice men to present who are non-threatening and talented but also HOT (to the over 30s)!!!

Right, off to bed for me as I am now sounding like a wrong 'un!

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No no no! Not sexual fantasies good god. No! He just seems, I don't know, like he could happily entertain my kid for a while as I soak in the tub and think about Sportacus (::o just kidding).

The swearing thing though, um, yeah. Every time I pick my son up from pre-school I'm just waiting for them to pull me aside and say "we need to talk about ****'s language". The scary thing is that it's very rare, but contextually accurate.

When I was teaching I had a 12 yr old girl in my class who said the f&*k word constantly. When I called her father to discuss the situation, he said (and I quote): "Well what the f&*k do you want me to do about it". Shocking, but I have to laugh every time I think about it.

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