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Mugging in Goodrich road

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BelowtheBelt Wrote:


> The problem is, our system does not work. Until

> we get 'more brutal' - yep, I darn well said it -

> with many of these young thugs, then little will

> change ! Sorry, but all the 'lilly-livered

> liberal-lets-try-and-understand-them' approach has

> failed and will continue to do so. The problem

> for many of these youth is that they have already

> degraded themselves to a violent state of mind and

> trying to re-programme them is nigh on impossible

> when you are doing it with little more than empty

> threats and harsh words ( although I don't even

> think many of them get this ?!! ). Much of the

> behaviour has little to do with 'utter need' and

> is bourne out of downright dissrespect and evil

> motives, nothing more or less.

The crime figures for Southwark have gone down in the last five years.

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Humour aside for minute, Enfield borough police have had huge success with intervention programmes. The 'liberal' approach might seem laughable, but a considerable number of ex-offenders are now involved in youth work on the borough, the idea being that they understand the situations the new generation of young-uns are in.

Sorry for anybody that's been a victim here, the jokes are a little insensitive but it's important not to get too scared of your neighbourhood.

Mick Mac, are you a Cl**ham exile?

Anyway, I touted the vigilante idea on here last year and it never really took off.

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' The crime figures for Southwark have gone down in the last five years. '

... and violent crime and offences against the person ? Listen, you can get stats to say whatever you want .. and reading through many of these threads and you often pick up on the fact that many do not want to report their experiences - apply this to those not even frequenting these forums and how many do you think then go unreported around here in Dulwich ? Truly ??

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BelowtheBelt Wrote:


> ... and violent crime and offences against the

> person ? Listen, you can get stats to say

> whatever you want .. and reading through many of

> these threads and you often pick up on the fact

> that many do not want to report their experiences

> - apply this to those not even frequenting these

> forums and how many do you think then go

> unreported around here in Dulwich ? Truly ??

I've no idea, which is why I'm not going to go making the figures up.

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Yes, Horsebox, intervention programmes do have their place ... and they will help those that are willing and have the mindset to change their outlook and ways. However, for every one that is turned, there are many others whom shun any notion of fair-play and decency ... so, fo thesem what do we do ? Tell me ?? Do we continue with the apporach we currently have that is failing miserably on a national level ??? Please do enlighten me here ????
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Horsebox Wrote:


> Humour aside for minute, Enfield borough police

> have had huge success with intervention

> programmes. The 'liberal' approach might seem

> laughable, but a considerable number of

> ex-offenders are now involved in youth work on the

> borough, the idea being that they understand the

> situations the new generation of young-uns are

> in.



> Mick Mac, are you a Cl**ham exile?


There is an "ap" for that....:)

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im sorry but how would going down the vigilante route work? surely the muggers are preying on individuals on their own who look vunerable, they are not going to mug a 50 strong group of hot heads out to get revenge. What would you do? accost any teenager who fits the bill on the off chance that they are actually the mugger?

I dont understand how the police would have problems catching them, the muggings were taking place late at night in the Barry road area at weekends. Surely they would just need to have a policeman walking around in the area and when they get approached arrest the git who has been this, but then there has been no more reports of muggings for a few weeks now so maybe they have caught them?

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  • 1 month later...


I too am a police officer and would advice EVERYONE to report any incidents. If officers know that this sort of thing is going on and they are having a quiet eve/night they can sit up and watch things discretely you know. How else will these people be caught. Once someone is arrested for this type of thing the Crime Reports are checked for similar MOs and these cases can be put to these peopel too.

It really is worth it.

NEVER argue the case either - a phone is a phone, just hand it over, I've dealt with too many stabbings recently, it's just not worth it.

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Stalkey Wrote:


> Brilliant!


> I too am a police officer and would advice

> EVERYONE to report any incidents. If officers

> know that this sort of thing is going on and they

> are having a quiet eve/night they can sit up and

> watch things discretely you know. How else will

> these people be caught. Once someone is arrested

> for this type of thing the Crime Reports are

> checked for similar MOs and these cases can be put

> to these peopel too.


> It really is worth it.


> NEVER argue the case either - a phone is a phone,

> just hand it over, I've dealt with too many

> stabbings recently, it's just not worth it.

Stalkey old chap, are you sure you're in the job ? Hope your IRBs are better than this. PCSO perchance ?

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missmay Wrote:


> Oh no i'm really scared reading these stories.


> I lived with my sister in the flats on Lordship

> Lane and that was fine.

> I love East Dulwich so much because I thought it

> was pretty safe.


> Myself and boyfriend are moving into a flat on

> Henslowe Road and now i'm nervous about the best

> way to walk home and what bus to catch.


> I know this can happen to anyone at anytime but I

> generally want to know the best way to get home as

> there is no bus stop near my flat. Maybe Barry

> Road or walk up North Cross road then upland etc.


> I was excited about moving but now I feel nervous

> :-(((

I live on Henslowe and always get the 12 dont worry to much as either stop is close to us

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I was out at the Gowlett last night and walked home alone all the way from there to near the Plough. Not mugged, not threatened and not approached or followed - in fact a lovely walk, if a little wobbly.

Naturally my sympathies go out to the victims of the crimes outlined on this thread. However, it's a shame that the effect of this thread leaves some people to sense this area is dangerous. Perhaps everyone should post the details of their walk home after an evening out.

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iaineasy Wrote:


> Dean I am gonna go against the flow here and say

> firstly glad you dont feel it too serious, and

> secondly if you report it to the police there is a

> fair chance nothing will ever come of it as your

> phone is not in use, and no doubt you have a

> sketchy description as these things happen so

> fast. If you're over it then perhaps its best left

> to fade out of your life like a distant

> unimportant memory, These crack heads just want a

> phone to call there dealer and to be honest

> there's a good chance that had you given it to him

> he would have chucked it after one call or traded

> it for one rock. Thanks for the heads up and

> letting us all know about it, but you don't have a

> responsibility to report it for the sake of anyone

> else who may get mugged, the fact is that these

> people do it all the time and there may be a dozen

> reports on the same guy in the system collecting

> dust. Your responsibility is to your self and the

> people you love not the people who may or may not

> get mugged in the future, you have warned us and

> thanks for that.


> good luck with getting on with life


> hugs as ever


> easy.xx

You should not listen to this person. Report this crime. These robbers are extreemly dangerous. You were hit on the side of the head with a brick. You could have been left with brain damage or even killed. Report it please.

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