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Mugging in Goodrich road

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missmay Wrote:


> Oh no i'm really scared reading these stories.


> I lived with my sister in the flats on Lordship

> Lane and that was fine.

> I love East Dulwich so much because I thought it

> was pretty safe.


> Myself and boyfriend are moving into a flat on

> Henslowe Road and now i'm nervous about the best

> way to walk home and what bus to catch.


> I know this can happen to anyone at anytime but I

> generally want to know the best way to get home as

> there is no bus stop near my flat. Maybe Barry

> Road or walk up North Cross road then upland etc.


> I was excited about moving but now I feel nervous

> :-(((

My parents have lived on henslowe road for a number of years without any problems, its a lovely quiet street depending where your coming home from the number 12 bus stops on barry road at both ends of henslowe road also a small bus either p12 or p13 goes along the top across underhill road you can also get the 197 but walking up from lordship lane is fine i do it often and at different times the roads are quite well lit and there are usually quite a few people around.

Dont let yourself get too worried the area is mostly ok these idiots are in the minority and in no way reflect the character of the area. Try to stay excited about your move and enjoy your new start

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missmay Wrote:


in the winter it's

> dark by 5pm, so most of us have to walk home in

> the dark at some point.


> I am streetwise I just don't want to feel nervous

> about the area that I live in.



There have been loads of threads on the forum about stuff like this.

You can get mugged anywhere. Most people won't be.

As someone said above, we hear about incidents more in ED because of the forum. They're actually no more than anywhere else in London, and probably less (I think).

Please don't let them put you off going whatever you want, in the dark or not - being streetwise as you say, obviously.

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I was mugged a few years ago more or less in my driveway - I heard gravel crunch behind me, turned round and there was someone waiting to grab my bag. I was pretty jumpy for a while after that but strangely, it actually made me feel more confident about where I lived...

Why? Because although at first I just told said mugger to f off, eventually I screamed. And 6 neighbours from the surrounding houses came out (blokes in their pants) to chase after him and check that I was OK. If I'd screamed to start with, he may not have got anything at all - and it made me feel better that I lived somewhere that when someone screams, people don't just ignore it.

Police were great as were victim support - although as a single woman, being told to avoid walking after dark would limit life a tad. But I gave up on the alarm after too many accidents in the bag and because I didn't feel like it would generate the same response - I think people are immune these days to sirens for the most part. Taking it out on the bus along with the keys also made me feel weaker and more helpless. I'm now just pretty vigilant when I walk home and if it's particularly late, I walk home prepared to scream blue murder.

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That's a nice post applespider. When I was burgled and awaiting the police but freaked out by the man still being in my front garden (too drunk to get over the fence he'd broken on the way in) I rang my neighbour upstairs and he came running to the rescue with a baseball bat and it does make you feel that people do look out for eachother round here.
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This is all really upsetting and very concerning! Nice at least to hear that neighbours rushed to help some of the victims in question. Lets hope the police can do something about all this! And for that I think every crime needs to be reported.
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^Hard to stop it though Boss.

Besides, would seem like a good thing to have out in the open on the forum.

May even be able to assist gathering evidence from anybody who may have seen anything suspicious....??!!

Just a thought, sorry if i missed something.

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as with any ongoing police investigation, we do not want to hamper it by comments and theories appearing on the forum

I feel sure that other incidents involving police presence and presumably being investigated by them ,have been discussed on this forum.

Is this a new EDF policy or a response to a specific request by the police ?

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Just to state that the BARA members of the Safer Neighbourhood Police Forum have spoken to Sgt. Duncan re the muggings on Goodrich Road - and that they are now aware of the incidents and will do additional patrols etc in this area.
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Bravo to your dog! Glad the OP reported the attack on him - we do need more police patrols to prevent this sort of thing. Thanks for letting us know about the recent incidents - it's very helpful to those of us who have to use evening buses after working late.
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God this is horrible, i live by there and do feel a bit nervous when getting off the bus at night. yes, agree with the others to please report it. Don't fancy getting a smack with a brick! hope you're recovering okay, it must have been horrible.
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My boyfriend was mugged about 6 months ago in Lordship Lane, they were only about 16-17. Luckily for him he had no money left and the phone was so crappy, they wouldnt have a mojo for it. However he was very shaken up and I was glad he informed the police. I have lived in ED for about 7 years now and have never felt at all threatened, but this incident, reading about the other attacks and hearing about the serious assault on a woman last week has really made me think about how and in what state I get home of an evening.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Really sorry to hear of your dreadful experience, Dean. I am getting rather concerned at the number of certain types of youth that seem to apear on this forum related to some crime or other. I think it might be an idea to get a group together who walk around the streets of Dulwich in the late/early hours of Fri/Sat and Sunday ... not quite vigilantes, but along the lines of a serious community care group who will effect citizens arrest where necessary.

Just a thought ... Any volunteers ?

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'Strength in numbers', Horsebox - I wouldn't head out unless we had a 50 strong crew - more than enough to overwhelm a local thief or six, you know !

I hear you ... and , yes, it is difficult to respond within the remit of the law ( but if the Police are failing to keep us safe, then we soon reach a point o critical mass ( I would argue this was reach long ago ) and that people power can seriously intimidate when it is done in number. However, there is always the fear of reprisal thereafter, sadly ...

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Ah HB - you assume the yoof are from the estates of Peckham.

You may be right.....you may be wrong.

But certaily Clapham has had a mugging problem for many years as there is obvioulsy a lot of wealth there, combined with some estates - So I was always pleased that ED seemed a crimeless place in comparison - but now not so sure...

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The problem is, our system does not work. Until we get 'more brutal' - yep, I darn well said it - with many of these young thugs, then little will change ! Sorry, but all the 'lilly-livered liberal-lets-try-and-understand-them' approach has failed and will continue to do so. The problem for many of these youth is that they have already degraded themselves to a violent state of mind and trying to re-programme them is nigh on impossible when you are doing it with little more than empty threats and harsh words ( although I don't even think many of them get this ?!! ). Much of the behaviour has little to do with 'utter need' and is bourne out of downright dissrespect and evil motives, nothing more or less.
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Amd, yes, I was joking about going out and pounding the streets in number ... It is a nice idea, but unworkable in practise, I feel. You would always get someone that would evetually overstep the mark or reasonable and lawful conduct, especially when it comes to a lawful apprehension ... then the whole thing is buggered from that point on.

But like many of of you on here, I do feel that the way our legal system deals with violent youth crime must drastically change in order to affect their ways and attitudes for the better ....

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